100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "card"
The verb card refers to the act of checking identification (ID) or verifying a person's age, usually in contexts such as bars, clubs, or other age-restricted venues. It can also refer to the process of issuing or distributing cards, such as credit cards or membership cards.
- Verify
- Check
- Authenticate
- Identify
- Validate
- Ignore
- Overlook
- Disregard
- Accept
- Approve
- The bouncer at the entrance carded everyone to ensure they were of legal drinking age.
- Before you enter the casino, make sure to have your ID ready to be carded.
- The cashier carded me when I tried to buy alcohol.
- It's important to card customers to prevent underage drinking.
- During the event, volunteers were assigned to card attendees at the door.
- I was surprised when the store clerk carded me; I thought I looked old enough.
- The restaurant staff always cards patrons who appear younger than 30.
- When we went to the concert, they carded everyone for security purposes.
- The bartender carded me even though I had been there several times before.
- She forgot her ID and couldn't get carded at the entrance.
- The policy requires that all guests be carded upon entry.
- He was proud to be carded because it meant he looked younger.
- The club has a strict rule to card everyone after 10 PM.
- I always carry my ID since I know I might get carded.
- The hotel receptionist carded us to verify our booking.
- It's common for security to card those who look underage.
- They often card people at the door to maintain safety.
- She was carded at the liquor store, which made her laugh.
- The staff were trained to properly card guests for events.
- He got carded and realized he had forgotten his wallet.
- The manager instructed the servers to card anyone who looked suspicious.
- At the festival, they carded attendees to control alcohol distribution.
- He felt flattered to be carded while out with friends.
- The convenience store has a policy to card all customers buying cigarettes.
- She was nervous when she got carded for the first time.
- They decided to card everyone to avoid any legal issues.
- The employee was reminded to card anyone who looked too young.
- He was embarrassed when he was carded for the third time that week.
- The police officers had the right to card anyone during the event.
- The rules state that you must card customers who appear to be under 25.
- The school event required staff to card students for entry.
- When he tried to buy a game rated M, he was carded at the counter.
- She felt relieved when she was not carded at the club.
- The new security guard was told to card everyone diligently.
- They made a policy change to card all guests instead of just some.
- I was carded at the movie theater for buying tickets to a restricted film.
- The supervisor reminded the team to always card appropriately.
- The manager kept a close eye on the door to ensure everyone was carded.
- It's embarrassing when you are carded and you don’t have your ID.
- The venue has a zero-tolerance policy on not carding guests.
- I didn't expect to be carded at my friend's birthday party.
- The new app helps businesses remember to card customers.
- She laughed when her friend was unexpectedly carded.
- The barista had to card the customer for a special beverage.
- They were shocked to learn they had to card their friends at the door.
- The festival's security team was instructed to card everyone without exception.
- He didn't think he'd be carded since he was with an older friend.
- The wine shop requires cashiers to card anyone buying alcohol.
- It's always wise to be prepared to be carded at any event.
- She felt proud to show her ID when she got carded.
- The birthday party had a strict rule to card all guests.
- It’s a good practice to always card for age verification.
- The store policy clearly stated that employees must card every customer.
- When I got carded, I realized my ID was expired.
- The security team was vigilant to card anyone who seemed underage.
- They decided to card everyone after a recent incident.
- I was relieved when I was carded and my ID was accepted.
- The new law requires all bars to card every patron.
- The staff was trained on how to properly card individuals.
- They used a scanner to quickly card guests at the venue.
- The club's policy is to card all patrons before serving drinks.
- The employee was reprimanded for failing to card a customer.
- She was carded at the entrance but felt flattered.
- The rules clearly indicate that we must card every individual.
- On his birthday, he expected to be carded but wasn't.
- The manager emphasized the importance of carding for safety.
- The bartender always made sure to card anyone who looked young.
- They made it a point to card guests to maintain a professional environment.
- The event organizers instructed staff to card all attendees.
- When the youth group attended the concert, they were all carded.
- The host decided to card guests to keep track of attendance.
- The club's reputation depended on their strict policy to card everyone.
- She had to be carded multiple times before she got used to it.
- The festival required all vendors to card guests purchasing alcohol.
- The checkout clerk forgot to card the customer, which led to trouble.
- They received training on how to properly card individuals.
- I was pleasantly surprised when I was carded and they accepted my ID.
- To comply with regulations, they must card all customers.
- He was proud to be carded as it showed he was still youthful.
- The policy was updated to ensure staff would card everyone.
- The event was well-organized, and they made sure to card each guest.
- During the party, they had to card everyone at the entrance.
- The bartender was diligent in making sure to card every patron.
- She was disappointed to be carded when she thought she looked older.
- The event security was tasked with carding all participants.
- The store had a policy that required employees to card every buyer.
- They were told to always card anyone who seemed too young.
- It was a hassle to card everyone, but it was necessary.
- I can't believe I got carded again at my favorite bar!
- The staff had to card everyone during the busy weekend.
- He was carded at the entrance, which made him feel young again.
- The club is known for its strict policy to card everyone.
- They were informed that they needed to card all attendees.
- The security officer was responsible for carding patrons at the door.
- She had her ID ready in case she got carded.
- The restaurant's policy was to card anyone ordering alcohol.
- The festival had a designated area for checking IDs and carding guests.
- The cashier quickly carded me before processing my purchase.
- They decided to card everyone to prevent any issues.
- The new bar manager emphasized the need to always card customers.