100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "castrate"


Castrate (verb): To remove the testicles of an animal or a male; to render incapable of reproduction. This term can also refer to the figurative sense of depriving someone of power or influence.


  • Neuter
  • Sterilize
  • Spay (for females)
  • Emasculate
  • Deprive


  • Fertilize
  • Procreate
  • Breed
  • Impregnate
  • Enrich


  1. The veterinarian will castrate the dog to prevent unwanted litters.
  2. Some farmers choose to castrate male livestock for better meat quality.
  3. The procedure to castrate a horse is typically done under anesthesia.
  4. In some cultures, it was common to castrate young boys to preserve their singing voices.
  5. He felt that they were trying to castrate his authority in the workplace.
  6. The clinic offers services to castrate stray animals to control the population.
  7. They decided to castrate the male pigs to reduce aggression.
  8. The decision to castrate was made after careful consideration of the animal’s health.
  9. Many pet owners are encouraged to castrate their pets to prevent overpopulation.
  10. The surgery to castrate a male cat is relatively simple and quick.
  11. It’s important to castrate male goats at the right age to avoid behavioral issues.
  12. The organization aims to castrate the stray cat population humanely.
  13. He was worried that the new policy would castrate his creative freedom.
  14. After deciding to castrate the ram, they noticed a decrease in fighting among the flock.
  15. The government’s new regulations could castrate local businesses.
  16. Some believe that the decision to castrate was made without proper consultation.
  17. The humane society often holds events to promote the castration of pets.
  18. He felt that the new management would castrate his team's innovative ideas.
  19. The clinic specializes in procedures to castrate and spay animals effectively.
  20. They chose to castrate the stallion to make him more manageable.
  21. The policy changes seemed to castrate the effectiveness of the program.
  22. She argued that the move would castrate the educational system's flexibility.
  23. After they castrate the bull, it becomes easier to handle.
  24. It is recommended to castrate male rabbits to prevent territorial behavior.
  25. The debate centered around whether the new law would castrate personal freedoms.
  26. The farmer plans to castrate his young roosters to reduce fighting.
  27. They will castrate the horse to prevent breeding complications.
  28. The animal shelter provides low-cost options to castrate pets.
  29. The decision to castrate was met with mixed reactions from the community.
  30. He felt that the changes would castrate his ability to make decisions.
  31. It’s important to castrate male ferrets to avoid health issues.
  32. The plan was to castrate the population of wild boars to maintain balance.
  33. They decided to castrate the goats to improve their temperament.
  34. The legislation seemed to castrate the rights of small business owners.
  35. She was concerned that the new policy would castrate her research.
  36. The vet performed the surgery to castrate the aggressive male dog.
  37. It is necessary to castrate certain breeds to maintain a peaceful environment.
  38. They will castrate the male deer as part of their wildlife management plan.
  39. The organization's new rules may castrate its ability to innovate.
  40. The clinic often runs campaigns to encourage owners to castrate their pets.
  41. It is crucial to castrate male cats to prevent them from roaming.
  42. He felt that the new guidelines would castrate his team's productivity.
  43. The humane society advocates for programs that castrate strays.
  44. The decision to castrate the animals was made for ethical reasons.
  45. The community debated whether to castrate the local feral cat population.
  46. The goal was to castrate the issues plaguing their organization.
  47. They will castrate the male rabbits before the breeding season.
  48. The regulations might castrate their ability to compete effectively.
  49. The surgeon explained the steps needed to castrate the animal safely.
  50. It is often beneficial to castrate young males before they reach maturity.
  51. The shelter's initiative aims to castrate as many stray animals as possible.
  52. He argued that the changes would castrate the effectiveness of the team.
  53. The objective was to castrate the rising population of stray dogs.
  54. The decision to castrate the males was well-received by the community.
  55. They chose to castrate the male alpacas for better herd management.
  56. The vet recommended that they castrate the aggressive male dog.
  57. She felt that the new rules would castrate her freedom of expression.
  58. The effort to castrate stray cats is essential for population control.
  59. They decided to castrate the male snakes to prevent breeding.
  60. Some believe that regulations can sometimes castrate economic growth.
  61. The plan is to castrate the wild population to keep numbers manageable.
  62. He was frustrated that new policies could castrate his influence.
  63. The goal was to castrate the aggressive behavior in male animals.
  64. The shelter's initiative to castrate pets has seen great success.
  65. They will castrate the young bulls for better meat quality.
  66. The changes proposed may castrate the effectiveness of the initiative.
  67. The program aims to castrate the number of unadopted pets.
  68. They were careful to castrate the animals in a humane manner.
  69. The community has taken steps to castrate the feral cat population.
  70. It is often necessary to castrate males for better herd management.
  71. The vet assured them that the procedure to castrate would be quick.
  72. The new policy seemed designed to castrate employee innovation.
  73. They were concerned that the changes would castrate their rights.
  74. The farmers have decided to castrate the male goats this year.
  75. It is important to castrate male animals to control breeding.
  76. The organization’s mission is to castrate stray animals effectively.
  77. He felt that the new management would castrate his authority.
  78. The decision to castrate was made to prevent health issues.
  79. The plan is to castrate the males before they reach maturity.
  80. They chose to castrate the male birds to prevent aggressive behavior.
  81. The guidelines could potentially castrate the project’s potential.
  82. The organization looks to castrate the stray animal population.
  83. The vet will castrate the dog to help with its behavioral issues.
  84. The new laws might castrate the rights of small businesses.
  85. The shelter encourages owners to castrate their pets for health reasons.
  86. The initiative to castrate stray animals has gained community support.
  87. The goal is to castrate the high number of homeless pets.
  88. The team was worried that the new policies would castrate their efforts.
  89. The vet explained the importance of castrating male animals.
  90. He felt that the changes could castrate the program’s effectiveness.
  91. The decision was made to castrate the males to improve herd dynamics.
  92. They will castrate the young bulls to prevent aggressive behavior.
  93. The initiative aims to castrate local stray cats effectively.
  94. The organization encourages owners to castrate their pets early.
  95. The plan is to castrate the male dogs to reduce aggression.
  96. Some people believe that policies can sometimes castrate creativity.
  97. They decided to castrate the male goats for better management.
  98. The vet will castrate the male animals to prevent breeding.
  99. The new legislation could castrate the rights of workers.
  100. The clinic offers affordable options to castrate pets and strays.