100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "caw"


The verb caw refers to the harsh, loud cry characteristic of crows and certain other birds. It is often used to describe the sound made by these birds, typically indicating a call to communicate with others of their kind.


  • Call
  • Cry
  • Squawk
  • Bark
  • Scream


  • Whisper
  • Mute
  • Silence
  • Hush
  • Quiet


  1. The crow cawed loudly as it perched on the fence.
  2. I heard the raven caw in the early morning light.
  3. She tried to mimic the sound of a crow cawing in the distance.
  4. The sudden caw of the bird startled the pedestrians.
  5. As dusk approached, the crows began to caw in unison.
  6. He couldn't help but laugh when he heard the crow caw at the dog.
  7. The eerie caw of the crow filled the empty park.
  8. We watched as the seagull cawed at the fishermen.
  9. The cawing of crows is often associated with ominous events in folklore.
  10. I love to listen to the caw of the birds as I sip my coffee on the porch.
  11. The noise of the crows cawing made it hard to concentrate.
  12. She pointed out the crow cawing from the tree branch.
  13. The caw of the crow echoed through the valley.
  14. Every morning, the same crow would caw at the break of dawn.
  15. The children laughed as they watched the crow caw for food.
  16. The cawing of the crows filled the air with a strange energy.
  17. A lone crow cawed from atop the old barn.
  18. The caw of the crow seemed to warn us of an approaching storm.
  19. He imitated the sound of a crow cawing to amuse his friends.
  20. The caw of the bird was a familiar sound in the quiet countryside.
  21. As I walked by the park, I heard a crow cawing nearby.
  22. The old tree was home to many crows that would caw throughout the day.
  23. The caw of the crow pierced through the morning silence.
  24. She always felt uneasy when she heard a crow cawing overhead.
  25. The children tried to scare the crows away by cawing back at them.
  26. A group of crows began to caw raucously as they spotted something on the ground.
  27. I watched as the mother crow cawed to her chicks in the nest.
  28. The cawing of the crows was a signal that evening was near.
  29. He took a picture of the crow cawing at the sunset.
  30. The crow cawed repeatedly, trying to get our attention.
  31. We stood in awe as the crow cawed from the cliff edge.
  32. The caw of the crow echoed back to us from the mountains.
  33. She could hear the distant cawing of crows as she hiked the trail.
  34. The caw of the bird was a stark contrast to the serene landscape.
  35. The crows began to caw as the sun dipped below the horizon.
  36. He felt a chill run down his spine when he heard the crow caw.
  37. The crow swooped down, cawing as it searched for food.
  38. The caw of the crow is often used in movies to symbolize foreboding.
  39. A crow cawed from the top of the pole, claiming its territory.
  40. The children were fascinated by the way the crow cawed.
  41. The cawing of the birds was a morning ritual I looked forward to.
  42. The crow cawed for its mate, filling the air with its presence.
  43. I took a moment to listen to the crow cawing in the trees.
  44. The caw of the crow signaled the start of the scavenging.
  45. As they walked through the woods, they heard a crow caw behind them.
  46. The crow cawed harshly, disrupting the peaceful scene.
  47. I watched the crow caw at the busy street, searching for scraps.
  48. The ominous caw of the crow foretold of something unusual.
  49. She couldn’t believe how loud the crow cawed compared to the others.
  50. The park was alive with the sounds of nature, including the cawing of crows.
  51. He tried to get the crow's attention by cawing back.
  52. The caw of the crow was a sound that felt like home.
  53. The crows began to caw loudly as the storm approached.
  54. I couldn't help but smile at the crow cawing in the backyard.
  55. The caw of the bird seemed to echo in the stillness of the night.
  56. She recorded the crow's caw to use in her music project.
  57. The crow cawed and circled above, watching for movement below.
  58. The cawing of the crows became a background noise to my thoughts.
  59. I noticed a crow cawing at the other birds to keep them away.
  60. The sudden caw startled me as I walked through the woods.
  61. He could hear the caw of a crow as he approached the clearing.
  62. The children enjoyed watching the crow caw and flap its wings.
  63. A crow cawed from the top of the building, looking for food.
  64. The caw echoed through the trees, making it feel more alive.
  65. The crow cawed in a way that seemed to communicate urgency.
  66. The cawing of the bird was relentless as it sought attention.
  67. I often found myself cawing back at the crows as a joke.
  68. The crow cawed as if it were trying to tell me something.
  69. The caw of the crow marked the end of the quiet afternoon.
  70. I was surprised at how loud the crow cawed when startled.
  71. The cawing of crows is a natural part of rural life.
  72. As I walked further, the crow continued to caw in the distance.
  73. The caw of a crow can sometimes sound like laughter.
  74. The crow cawed angrily at the intruder in its territory.
  75. The cawing of the crows signaled the arrival of dusk.
  76. I often see crows cawing at each other from different rooftops.
  77. The caw of the crow was a reminder of the wildness around us.
  78. She imagined the crow cawing was a call to adventure.
  79. The cawing of the crows was a familiar sound at the old farm.
  80. The sudden caw made him jump, breaking his train of thought.
  81. I watched as the crow cawed and flapped its wings in frustration.
  82. The caw of the crow rang out, echoing through the empty street.
  83. I felt a connection to nature as I listened to the crow caw.
  84. The cawing grew louder as we approached the group of crows.
  85. The crow cawed repeatedly, trying to establish dominance.
  86. The caw of the crow filled the air with an eerie sound.
  87. The children laughed as the crow cawed at the passing car.
  88. I often hear the caw of crows when I walk in the park.
  89. The crow cawed as if it were announcing its presence.
  90. I could see the crow cawing through the window.
  91. The caw of the bird was a familiar background noise in the city.
  92. I marveled at how the crow cawed in different tones.
  93. The crow cawed incessantly, trying to get my attention.
  94. The cawing of the crows was becoming louder as dusk approached.
  95. I tried to ignore the crow cawing outside my window.
  96. The caw of the crow was a signal of the changing seasons.
  97. As he walked by, the crow cawed and flew overhead.
  98. The cawing of the crows was a part of the evening routine.
  99. I smiled as I remembered the crow cawing at my childhood home.
  100. The caw of the crow marked the time to head back indoors.