100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "chasten"


The verb chasten means to discipline, correct, or restrain someone, often with the intent of improving their behavior or character. It can also imply a sense of humility or learning through experience, especially as a result of suffering or hardship.


  • Discipline
  • Correct
  • Reprimand
  • Punish
  • Subdue
  • Restrict
  • Train
  • Educate
  • Reform
  • Humble


  • Encourage
  • Indulge
  • Praise
  • Reward
  • Exalt
  • Liberate
  • Celebrate


  1. The teacher decided to chasten the student for his disruptive behavior in class.
  2. She felt that the harsh lessons of life would chasten her arrogance.
  3. His parents sought to chasten him after he failed to respect their rules.
  4. The experience of losing the game served to chasten the team before the next season.
  5. The judge aimed to chasten the defendant with a stern sentence.
  6. They hoped that the consequences would chasten him into making better choices.
  7. The organization's failure helped to chasten its leaders about their priorities.
  8. She believed that hardships could chasten one's spirit for the better.
  9. The mentor's critical feedback was meant to chasten the young artist's approach.
  10. Even after the loss, he found a way to chasten himself and focus on improvement.
  11. The manager’s reprimand was intended to chasten the employee into better performance.
  12. Her fall from grace served to chasten her previously inflated ego.
  13. He hoped that the challenge would chasten him in his pursuits.
  14. The author used difficult experiences to chasten his characters in the story.
  15. The coach felt it necessary to chasten the players after their lackluster performance.
  16. Learning from failure can often chasten one’s perspective on success.
  17. The harsh winter months seemed to chasten the townsfolk’s spirits.
  18. His mother used to chasten him with stories of her own struggles.
  19. The teacher's firm approach was meant to chasten the unruly class.
  20. Such experiences can chasten a person, providing valuable life lessons.
  21. The government aimed to chasten those who violated the law.
  22. Her struggles in life would ultimately chasten her into a more compassionate person.
  23. The critics sought to chasten the artist for his controversial work.
  24. The failure of the project helped to chasten the team into more careful planning.
  25. He felt that the loss would not only chasten him but also inspire growth.
  26. The philosophy teacher aimed to chasten his students' thoughts on morality.
  27. Her mentor's advice served to chasten her enthusiasm with realism.
  28. The storm seemed to chasten the landscape, making it more serene afterward.
  29. His friends tried to chasten him when he started to act recklessly.
  30. The harsh criticism was meant to chasten the young politician.
  31. The lesson learned was meant to chasten them for future endeavors.
  32. The historian noted how war can chasten a nation’s pride.
  33. The consequences of their actions would surely chasten them in the end.
  34. The coach’s words were meant to chasten the players after their defeat.
  35. The unexpected turn of events helped to chasten her expectations.
  36. He believed that failure would chasten him into a better version of himself.
  37. The company faced scrutiny that would chasten their future business practices.
  38. The wise elder sought to chasten the youth with tales of their ancestors.
  39. The film aimed to chasten society by portraying the consequences of greed.
  40. He hoped that the harsh realities of life would chasten their youthful naivety.
  41. The need for improvement began to chasten the entire team.
  42. Such moments can chasten one’s beliefs and values.
  43. The critic's review was meant to chasten the filmmaker into better quality work.
  44. She felt that the challenges faced would ultimately chasten her character.
  45. The community’s response aimed to chasten those who acted irresponsibly.
  46. The teacher used real-life examples to chasten students about their choices.
  47. He found that criticism could often chasten his creativity.
  48. The harsh reality of the situation would likely chasten them into action.
  49. The campaign was designed to chasten the public about environmental issues.
  50. Her experiences were meant to chasten her understanding of friendship.
  51. The public backlash served to chasten the company’s leaders.
  52. The consequences of his actions would surely chasten him in the future.
  53. The professor sought to chasten his students’ understanding of ethics.
  54. The storm served to chasten the town, reminding them of nature’s power.
  55. The reprimand was intended to chasten the employees about their performance.
  56. She believed that time would chasten her impulsive decisions.
  57. The memoir served to chasten readers about the realities of life.
  58. His attempts to chasten the group fell flat due to their defiance.
  59. The council’s decision aimed to chasten the developers for their negligence.
  60. The difficult journey was meant to chasten them into resilience.
  61. His actions were meant to chasten his peers into recognizing their flaws.
  62. The coach emphasized that losing could often chasten a team's attitude.
  63. The life lesson served to chasten her perspective on relationships.
  64. The documentary aimed to chasten viewers about social injustices.
  65. The sudden change in circumstances helped to chasten their expectations.
  66. Her experience in the competition would eventually chasten her skills.
  67. The harsh truth was meant to chasten him into a more realistic mindset.
  68. The team’s defeat was a necessary experience to chasten their confidence.
  69. The novel's themes aimed to chasten society on issues of morality.
  70. He hoped that the lessons learned would chasten them for future choices.
  71. The speaker intended to chasten the audience through a powerful message.
  72. The loss of a loved one can chasten one’s outlook on life.
  73. The critic's harsh feedback was intended to chasten the author.
  74. The unexpected outcome served to chasten their overconfidence.
  75. Her past mistakes were meant to chasten her decision-making in the future.
  76. The coach used the loss to chasten the players’ attitudes.
  77. The experience in the wilderness would chasten their understanding of survival.
  78. The backlash from the community aimed to chasten the organization.
  79. His mentor believed that challenges would chasten him into a better leader.
  80. The harsh lessons of history should chasten our future decisions.
  81. The tough love approach was meant to chasten the wayward youth.
  82. His journey through adversity would chasten his character.
  83. The teacher's strict methods aimed to chasten the students into discipline.
  84. The disappointing results served to chasten their expectations for success.
  85. The consequences of their actions would inevitably chasten them.
  86. The lessons learned from failure can often chasten one's approach to success.
  87. The coach hoped that the defeat would chasten the team’s hubris.
  88. Her struggles were meant to chasten her view of her own abilities.
  89. The community rallied to chasten those who had acted irresponsibly.
  90. The reality check was meant to chasten their overconfidence.
  91. His past mistakes would ultimately chasten him into a wiser person.
  92. The experience of working together helped to chasten their differences.
  93. The harsh critique was intended to chasten the filmmaker into better work.
  94. The unexpected failure served to chasten their plans for the future.
  95. The committee aimed to chasten those who mismanaged funds.
  96. The struggle for equality would chasten society into collective action.
  97. The mentor's guidance was meant to chasten her approach to leadership.
  98. The harsh environment can often chasten one's spirit but also strengthen it.
  99. The team's defeat served to chasten their egos and focus on teamwork.
  100. The difficult experiences in life can often chasten a person’s character for the better.