100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "choke"


The verb choke means to obstruct or block the throat or airway, preventing someone from breathing properly. It can also refer to the act of being unable to speak due to strong emotion or distress, or to fail to perform effectively in a critical situation.


  • Suffocate
  • Strangle
  • Stifle
  • Smother
  • Gag
  • Block
  • Prevent
  • Constrict


  • Breathe
  • Exhale
  • Release
  • Allow
  • Aid
  • Encourage


  1. She began to choke on the piece of food stuck in her throat.
  2. The smoke from the fire made him choke as he tried to escape.
  3. He felt like he was going to choke when he heard the shocking news.
  4. Don't choke under pressure during the final exam!
  5. The dog started to choke on its toy, so we quickly took it away.
  6. I could feel my emotions welling up, almost making me choke back tears.
  7. He tried to speak but could only choke out a few words.
  8. The athlete managed to recover after a moment of choke during the game.
  9. She was so nervous that she felt like she might choke on her words.
  10. The intense heat made it hard to breathe, causing him to choke.
  11. He tried to swallow his pride but ended up feeling like he would choke.
  12. The crowd gasped as the performer seemed to choke on stage.
  13. If you choke on your food, it’s important to stay calm and seek help.
  14. She had to choke back her laughter at the awkward moment.
  15. Don't let the pressure make you choke; just focus on your goal.
  16. The comedian nearly choked while telling a funny story.
  17. I had to choke down my anxiety before the presentation.
  18. The sudden scare made her choke on her drink.
  19. It’s a good idea to chew your food well to avoid choking.
  20. He felt like he could choke on his own words after the argument.
  21. The actor had to choke back his emotions during the dramatic scene.
  22. The child nearly choked on a small toy left on the floor.
  23. I always worry that I might choke when eating too quickly.
  24. The tight collar made him feel like he was going to choke.
  25. She had to choke down her anger when she heard the news.
  26. The athlete almost choked during the last lap of the race.
  27. He felt the lump in his throat as he tried not to choke.
  28. The unexpected question made him choke on his response.
  29. He had to choke back a sob during the emotional scene.
  30. The dust in the air made her choke and cough.
  31. She was so nervous that she felt herself starting to choke.
  32. The teacher reminded the students not to choke on their exams.
  33. After taking a big bite, he started to choke on his food.
  34. The thrill of the moment made her choke with excitement.
  35. I had to choke down my disappointment when I lost the match.
  36. The singer seemed to choke on the high note during the performance.
  37. He felt like he was going to choke when he saw her again.
  38. They made sure to remove any small objects that could cause a choke hazard.
  39. The pressure of the situation caused him to choke.
  40. She had to choke back her laughter to avoid disrupting the meeting.
  41. The sudden news made him choke on his coffee.
  42. The lifeguard knew how to help someone who was choking.
  43. She tried to speak but could only choke out a few syllables.
  44. The intense argument made him feel like he was going to choke.
  45. I always worry that I might choke when I eat alone.
  46. The overwhelming emotion made her choke up during the speech.
  47. The fire caused everyone to choke on the smoke.
  48. The child nearly choked on the candy he was eating.
  49. He tried to hide his feelings, but they made him choke.
  50. The tightness in his throat made him feel like he was going to choke.
  51. The abrupt end to the game made him choke in disbelief.
  52. She had to choke down her feelings to stay professional.
  53. The spicy food caused him to choke and cough.
  54. The sudden surprise made me choke on my laughter.
  55. He felt his throat constrict as he tried not to choke.
  56. The horror movie was so intense that it made her feel like she might choke.
  57. She had to choke back a scream when the roller coaster dropped.
  58. He realized he was about to choke on his pride.
  59. The audience gasped as the actor seemed to choke on stage.
  60. I had to choke down my emotions during the farewell.
  61. The unexpected question made him choke on his response.
  62. The sudden fright made her choke on her soda.
  63. The athlete's nerves made him choke at a critical moment.
  64. The spicy food caused him to choke and reach for water.
  65. I felt like I would choke on my words when I saw him again.
  66. The tight collar made it hard for him to breathe without feeling like he would choke.
  67. The comedian's joke was so funny that she almost choked on her drink.
  68. The intensity of the situation made him feel like he might choke.
  69. The unexpected twist made her choke on her popcorn.
  70. She tried to hold back her emotions but could only choke.
  71. The child was warned not to choke on small objects.
  72. The overwhelming pressure made him choke during the interview.
  73. The excitement of the moment made her heart race and almost choke.
  74. The fire drill made everyone feel like they could choke on the smoke.
  75. He struggled to speak, feeling like he might choke.
  76. The sudden realization made her nearly choke on her words.
  77. The athlete was disappointed after he let himself choke during the final.
  78. She had to choke down her laughter at the serious meeting.
  79. He felt the tightness in his throat and knew he might choke.
  80. The unexpected news caused her to choke on her words.
  81. The long speech made him feel like he might choke on his nerves.
  82. She struggled to breathe when she started to choke.
  83. The pressure of the moment made him choke during the performance.
  84. He felt like he was going to choke on his emotions.
  85. The child was warned not to choke on the small toy.
  86. The tension in the room made her feel like she might choke.
  87. The excitement of the concert made him feel like he would choke.
  88. The athlete's nerves got the better of him, causing him to choke.
  89. She tried to speak clearly but felt she would choke.
  90. The sudden scare made her choke on her breath.
  91. The intense scene made her feel like she might choke up.
  92. The spicy dish caused him to choke on his food.
  93. He had to choke back his anger during the argument.
  94. The overwhelming emotion made her choke back tears.
  95. The unexpected turn of events made him choke with disbelief.
  96. The intense laughter made her feel like she might choke.
  97. The athlete's pressure almost made him choke during the game.
  98. She had to choke down her feelings to stay strong.
  99. The comedy show was so funny that he nearly choked on his drink.
  100. The sudden fright made her choke on her laughter.