100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "clart"
Clart (verb): To smear or spread a sticky or muddy substance on something; to dirty or mess up with a viscous material.
- Smear
- Stain
- Splotch
- Spatter
- Mess up
- Grime
- Slather
- Clean
- Purify
- Polish
- Scrub
- Wipe
- Clear
- After the rain, the kids decided to clart their shoes with mud.
- She was careful not to clart her dress while painting.
- The dog ran through the puddle and clarted the living room floor.
- He watched as the artist began to clart the canvas with bright colors.
- It’s easy to clart your hands when working with clay.
- The children clarted the walls with finger paint during art class.
- I had to clean the kitchen because someone had clarted the countertop with flour.
- They warned us not to clart our gear in the sticky sap from the trees.
- She accidentally clarted her face with chocolate while eating.
- The gardener tried to avoid clarting his clothes with soil.
- He didn't mind getting a little clart on his hands while fixing the car.
- The kids found joy in clarting each other with mud during the summer.
- The artist's studio was a mess from all the paint he had clarted around.
- I stepped in a puddle and clarted my shoes with water.
- They had to scrub the floors after the dog clarted them with mud.
- She was so focused on her work that she didn't notice she had clarted her arms with paint.
- The festival was fun, but it left everyone clarted with confetti.
- As the rain poured, the kids couldn’t resist clarting each other with mud.
- He often clarted his lunchbox with peanut butter and jelly.
- The artist loved to clart his paintings with layers of texture.
- They had to clean up the mess after the kids clarted the picnic table with food.
- The construction site was clarted with concrete and debris.
- She tried to avoid clarting her hands while gardening.
- The children clarted the floor with crumbs after their snack.
- He laughed as he saw how the paint had clarted the walls of the room.
- After the storm, the streets were clarted with leaves and branches.
- The mud was so thick, it would easily clart anything that passed through it.
- He didn't mind getting clarted with paint during the art project.
- She warned him not to clart his new shoes in the muddy field.
- The kids had fun clarting the dog with bubbles during bath time.
- They had to wash the car because it was clarted with bird droppings.
- He accidentally clarted his shirt with grease while cooking.
- The artist intended to clart the sculpture with a unique texture.
- She enjoyed the feeling of clarting her hands in the warm mud.
- The festival grounds were clarted with leftover food and drinks.
- I had to change my clothes after I clarted myself with paint.
- The children were warned not to clart the house with their muddy shoes.
- The thick fog seemed to clart the view of the mountains.
- The mechanic ended up clarting his hands with oil while working on the engine.
- They always clarted their art supplies before starting a new project.
- She was proud of how she had clarted her canvas with vibrant colors.
- The mud puddles invited everyone to clart about without a care.
- He cringed at the thought of clarting his favorite jacket with dirt.
- The children took turns clarting each other with paint in the backyard.
- The artist's hands were clarted with paint after a long day of work.
- The leftover food had clarted the picnic blanket after the meal.
- She had to be careful not to clart her new carpet with spills.
- He noticed the dog had clarted the couch with muddy paws.
- The ground was clarted with autumn leaves after the wind blew them down.
- The project required them to clart the surface with adhesive.
- The kids clarted their faces with icing during the cake decorating contest.
- He loved to clart his hands in the thick mud while fishing.
- The party decorations ended up clarting the entire room with glitter.
- She found it hard to avoid clarting her clothes while cooking.
- The messy project left her hands thoroughly clarted.
- They were warned not to clart the walls with unnecessary graffiti.
- The rain and dirt had clarted the driveway over the weekend.
- The team had to clart the field with paint for the game.
- He watched as the kids clarted the slide with soap bubbles.
- She didn't mind getting clarted with mud while hiking.
- The new paint had clarted the old walls, giving them a fresh look.
- The kids were excited to clart their faces with face paint at the festival.
- They had to scrub the kitchen floor after someone clarted it with food.
- The project involved clarting the paper with glue and glitter.
- He was careful not to clart the tablecloth with his messy food.
- The festival ended with everyone clarting each other with colored powder.
- She enjoyed the feeling of clarting her hands while playing in the sand.
- The construction site was clarted with leftover materials and tools.
- They had to clean up the mess after the kids clarted the living room.
- He accidentally clarted his phone with paint while working on the project.
- The kids couldn't resist clarting each other during the food fight.
- The thick mud would easily clart anything that came close.
- She found joy in clarting the canvas with shades of blue and green.
- The art project left the students clarted with various paints.
- The dog had clarted the yard with dirt after digging.
- He tried to avoid clarting his clothes while gardening.
- The festival grounds were clarted with remnants of food and drinks.
- She didn't mind clarting her hands during the pottery class.
- The project required them to clart the surface with varnish.
- They had fun clarting their friends with silly string at the party.
- The artist was known for clarting his work with unique textures.
- The cleanup crew had to deal with clarted surfaces all day.
- She accidentally clarted the floor with spilled paint.
- The kids were warned not to clart the furniture with their crafts.
- The storm had clarted the streets with debris and leaves.
- He laughed as he saw how muddy the kids were from clarting around.
- She took care to avoid clarting her new shoes on the muddy path.
- The paint had clarted the artist's hands by the end of the session.
- He felt satisfied after clarting the garden with fresh soil.
- The kids had a blast clarting each other with water balloons.
- The walls were clarted with layers of paint from previous renovations.
- She couldn't believe how much dirt she had clarted her clothes with.
- The messy project left them all clarted and laughing.
- They had to wash the car because it was clarted with mud from the road.
- The festival ended with everyone clarting in colorful powder.
- She enjoyed clarting her canvas with swirls of color.
- The construction site was clarted with cement and tools everywhere.
- He realized he had clarted his favorite shirt with grease while cooking.
- The kids made a game out of clarting each other during the mud fight.
- She knew better than to clart her hands with paint before the meeting.