100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "clatter"


Clatter (verb): To make a loud, rattling sound, typically as a result of hard objects striking each other or falling.


  • Rattle
  • Bang
  • Crash
  • Clink
  • Clang
  • Jangle
  • Thud
  • Tinkle


  • Silence
  • Quiet
  • Hush
  • Stillness
  • Calm


  1. The dishes clattered as they fell from the table.
  2. He accidentally clattered the keys against the metal railing.
  3. The children clattered down the hallway in their excitement.
  4. As the train approached, the tracks clattered beneath it.
  5. She could hear the pots and pans clattering in the kitchen.
  6. The wind clattered the shutters against the window frames.
  7. He clattered his coins on the counter to pay for the drink.
  8. The falling books clattered to the ground with a loud thud.
  9. The dog clattered its food bowl as it waited for dinner.
  10. The students clattered their chairs as they settled in for class.
  11. A gust of wind clattered the loose branches overhead.
  12. The metal sign clattered against the pole in the storm.
  13. She clattered her heels on the tiled floor as she walked.
  14. The rollercoaster clattered down the tracks, thrilling the riders.
  15. His backpack clattered against the wall as he dropped it.
  16. The ice cubes clattered in the glass as she poured the drink.
  17. The old bicycle clattered down the rocky path.
  18. They could hear the clatter of horses' hooves on the cobblestones.
  19. The pots clattered together as the chef moved them around.
  20. The toddler clattered his toys on the floor, creating a ruckus.
  21. The coins clattered in his pocket as he walked.
  22. The wind caused the loose boards to clatter in the old barn.
  23. She clattered her spoon against the bowl, trying to get his attention.
  24. The cat clattered the toy mouse around the living room.
  25. The dishes clattered as he washed them in the sink.
  26. A sudden movement made the stack of papers clatter.
  27. The truck clattered over the potholes in the road.
  28. The construction work made tools clatter all morning.
  29. The keys clattered on the ground when he dropped them.
  30. The train's wheels clattered as it rounded the bend.
  31. She clattered the books onto the shelf with little care.
  32. The frying pan clattered on the stove as she cooked.
  33. The group of friends clattered their glasses together in a toast.
  34. The thunderstorm caused the rain to clatter against the roof.
  35. They could hear the clatter of the football as it hit the pavement.
  36. The old typewriter had a unique clatter with every keystroke.
  37. She clattered the ice into the cocktail shaker.
  38. The train station was filled with the clatter of travelers.
  39. The children clattered their toy trucks on the ground.
  40. He clattered down the stairs, eager to start the day.
  41. The sound of clattering silverware filled the restaurant.
  42. She clattered her way through the crowded market.
  43. The sound of horses clattering on the cobblestones echoed through the town.
  44. They clattered their bikes together in the driveway.
  45. The drumsticks clattered against the drum during the performance.
  46. She clattered her pen on the desk in frustration.
  47. The leaves clattered to the ground in the autumn breeze.
  48. The sound of the bell clattered as the door swung open.
  49. The children clattered their feet on the wooden deck.
  50. He clattered the metal toolbox shut after finishing the job.
  51. The clatter of the skateboard echoed in the empty parking lot.
  52. The children laughed as they clattered down the slide.
  53. The sound of clattering horseshoes could be heard from afar.
  54. She clattered her brush against the easel in excitement.
  55. The old film projector made a distinct clatter as it ran.
  56. The clatter of the drumline filled the stadium with energy.
  57. The chef's knives clattered as he prepared the meal.
  58. A sudden noise made the glass clatter on the table.
  59. He clattered his way through the busy street, dodging pedestrians.
  60. The clattering of the wind chimes announced the breeze.
  61. The sound of the clatter of rollerblades echoed in the park.
  62. The clatter of machinery was a constant background noise at the factory.
  63. She clattered her way into the room, attracting everyone's attention.
  64. The clatter of the keyboard was all that filled the silence.
  65. As he walked, his backpack clattered against his back.
  66. The old car made a clattering sound as it drove by.
  67. The kids clattered their marbles on the pavement.
  68. The wind caused the papers to clatter on the desk.
  69. The sound of clattering hooves signaled the arrival of the carriage.
  70. He clattered the bowls together while cleaning up.
  71. The clatter of the auctioneer's gavel brought silence to the crowd.
  72. She clattered the keys together nervously.
  73. The clatter of the metal gates opening was heard throughout the yard.
  74. The children clattered their toys noisily during playtime.
  75. She clattered the plates down on the table for dinner.
  76. The sound of the clattering chains echoed in the warehouse.
  77. The skateboarder clattered over the ramps at the park.
  78. The clatter of the helicopter blades filled the air.
  79. His shoes clattered against the marble floor as he rushed.
  80. The clatter of the dishes being cleared echoed through the restaurant.
  81. The dog clattered its collar as it ran excitedly.
  82. The clatter of the thunder made her jump.
  83. The train clattered into the station, signaling its arrival.
  84. The children giggled as they clattered their cups together.
  85. He clattered his way through the crowd to get to the front.
  86. The sound of clattering cutlery filled the dining hall.
  87. The wind clattered the loose shutters against the house.
  88. She clattered the washing machine on spin cycle.
  89. The clatter of the coffee cups drew her attention to the café.
  90. The sound of the ice clattering in the glass was refreshing.
  91. The clatter of footsteps signaled someone was approaching.
  92. The children clattered their toys in the trunk of the car.
  93. The metal pipes clattered as they were moved around.
  94. The clatter of the typewriter filled the quiet room.
  95. She clattered her way through the narrow aisle in the bus.
  96. The sound of clattering bells filled the air during the parade.
  97. The kids clattered their bikes down the hill in joy.
  98. The noise of the clatter echoed through the empty hallway.
  99. He clattered the keys on the table, signaling it was time to leave.
  100. The clatter of the cash register announced the end of the sale.