100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "clem"


Clem (verb) refers to the act of starving or causing someone to suffer from hunger. It can also imply a state of deprivation or lack of nourishment.


  • Starve
  • Famish
  • Deprive
  • Hunger
  • Fast


  • Feed
  • Nourish
  • Satisfy
  • Indulge
  • Provide


  1. The harsh winter conditions caused many to clem without sufficient food.
  2. The organization aimed to prevent children from being clem.
  3. After days of being lost in the wilderness, they began to clem.
  4. He feared he would clem if he didn't find shelter soon.
  5. The lack of resources in the area led the community to clem.
  6. She was worried that her family would clem during the famine.
  7. The documentary highlighted how many people clem in poverty-stricken regions.
  8. They didn't want to let their pets clem, so they stocked up on food.
  9. He could feel his energy waning as he continued to clem.
  10. The historical accounts revealed how entire populations were made to clem during wars.
  11. She couldn't bear to see anyone clem when she had food to share.
  12. The government’s neglect made many citizens clem.
  13. After being stranded, they realized they might clem if rescue didn't come soon.
  14. It’s hard to believe that people still clem in this day and age.
  15. The charity works tirelessly to ensure no one has to clem.
  16. He vowed never to let his children clem.
  17. The community came together to help those who were clem.
  18. They worried that the drought would cause livestock to clem.
  19. His decision to leave the pantry empty would lead them to clem.
  20. She felt guilty knowing others would clem while she had plenty.
  21. The storm left many families to clem for days on end.
  22. They decided to donate food to prevent others from clem.
  23. It was a tragic situation when so many had to clem.
  24. The horror stories of those who had to clem haunted her.
  25. He couldn't imagine being forced to clem for survival.
  26. The concert raised funds to help those who might clem.
  27. The volunteers were determined to ensure no one would clem.
  28. She felt it was her duty to prevent the animals from clem.
  29. The war had left many townspeople to clem.
  30. He was saddened to learn that children in his city still clem.
  31. She couldn't stand the thought of anyone having to clem.
  32. The food bank was established to help those who might clem.
  33. His pride kept him from asking for help, even as he began to clem.
  34. The impending scarcity made them anxious about having to clem.
  35. The historical accounts detailed how soldiers would clem during sieges.
  36. It was heartbreaking to see pets being left to clem.
  37. The government finally took action to prevent citizens from having to clem.
  38. They organized a fundraiser to ensure nobody would clem.
  39. The lack of rain had caused crops to fail, leading many to clem.
  40. She couldn't sleep knowing that some would clem right outside her door.
  41. The survivors spoke about how they almost had to clem.
  42. He promised himself he would never let his family clem again.
  43. The festival included a food drive to help those who might clem.
  44. Their careless waste of food meant others would have to clem.
  45. The old tales spoke of how people would clem during the long winters.
  46. The rapid increase in food prices forced many families to clem.
  47. She joined the movement to ensure no child would ever clem.
  48. His heart ached knowing that so many were forced to clem.
  49. They set up a community garden to prevent anyone from having to clem.
  50. The documentary shed light on those who had to clem in silence.
  51. With supplies running low, they feared they might clem.
  52. The organization distributed meals to those who might otherwise clem.
  53. He couldn't bear the thought of left behind animals clem.
  54. The rising costs of living left many struggling not to clem.
  55. She volunteered at the shelter to help feed those at risk of clem.
  56. The villagers banded together to ensure no one had to clem.
  57. His indifference to hunger made many people clem.
  58. They feared that the ongoing conflict would force families to clem.
  59. She worked hard to make sure her friends would never clem.
  60. The meeting focused on solutions to help those who might clem.
  61. His heart sank as he realized how many would clem this winter.
  62. The charity's mission was to end hunger and prevent people from clem.
  63. The headlines reported on the increasing number of those who clem.
  64. She took action to ensure her neighbors wouldn’t clem.
  65. The school organized a food drive to help those who might clem.
  66. He couldn’t ignore the plight of those forced to clem.
  67. The volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure nobody had to clem.
  68. They set up an emergency kitchen to help those who could clem.
  69. His stubbornness led him to nearly clem.
  70. The documentary revealed the shocking reality of people clem.
  71. The community rallied together to prevent anyone from having to clem.
  72. She dedicated her life to helping those who might clem.
  73. The organization’s goal was to eradicate the need for anyone to clem.
  74. His pride kept him from admitting he might clem.
  75. The reports showed how many families were on the brink of clem.
  76. The local farms banded together to ensure no one would clem.
  77. They distributed food to prevent anyone from having to clem.
  78. The crisis had left many struggling not to clem.
  79. The stories of those who had to clem were heartbreaking.
  80. She couldn’t ignore the fact that families might clem in her city.
  81. They held a fundraiser to ensure no one would have to clem.
  82. His heart broke for those who would clem because of his actions.
  83. The charity worked diligently to ensure that no one had to clem.
  84. The lack of government support left many people to clem.
  85. The children’s laughter was a stark contrast to those who would clem.
  86. The volunteers arrived just in time to feed those about to clem.
  87. The severe drought made it impossible for farmers to prevent others from clem.
  88. She made it her mission to ensure her community wouldn’t clem.
  89. The meeting addressed the urgent need to prevent people from clem.
  90. He promised to never let his loved ones clem again.
  91. The lack of awareness about hunger made many clem.
  92. She was determined to fight against the injustice of people clem.
  93. The shelter was a safe haven for those who might otherwise clem.
  94. The impending storm left many homes empty and families at risk of clem.
  95. They organized a charity run to raise funds for those at risk of clem.
  96. The support from the community helped prevent anyone from clem.
  97. His efforts ensured that local families wouldn’t clem.
  98. The documentary exposed the harsh reality of those who had to clem.
  99. They worked hard to ensure their neighbors wouldn’t clem.
  100. The initiative aimed to eradicate the risk of anyone having to clem.