100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "cloud"


The verb cloud refers to the act of obscuring or making something less visible or clear, often by covering it with something that blocks light or affects perception. It can also mean to confuse or make something more difficult to understand.


  • Obscure
  • Conceal
  • Dim
  • Fog
  • Blur
  • Veil
  • Shroud
  • Darken
  • Mist
  • Cover


  • Clarify
  • Reveal
  • Clear
  • Illuminate
  • Brighten
  • Uncover
  • Expose
  • Enlighten
  • Distinguish
  • Define


  1. The smoke began to cloud the view from the mountain top.
  2. His judgment was clouded by emotions.
  3. The fog will cloud the road ahead, so drive carefully.
  4. She tried to cloud the truth with lies.
  5. The artist used dark colors to cloud the painting's message.
  6. The sudden storm threatened to cloud our plans for the picnic.
  7. A sense of doubt began to cloud their relationship.
  8. The overcast sky clouded the sunlight.
  9. The misunderstanding served to cloud their conversation.
  10. The news of the incident clouded the community's mood.
  11. His thoughts were clouded with worry about the future.
  12. As the sun set, shadows began to cloud the landscape.
  13. The smoke from the fire clouded the air.
  14. The debate was clouded by misinformation.
  15. Her vision was clouded by tears.
  16. The issues at hand began to cloud their judgment.
  17. The dense fog clouded their visibility on the road.
  18. They tried to cloud the issue with irrelevant details.
  19. The emotional weight of the moment clouded their perspective.
  20. The rumors started to cloud the truth of what happened.
  21. A layer of dust began to cloud the mirror.
  22. The sun was clouded by thick layers of smoke.
  23. The artist aimed to cloud the meaning behind the piece.
  24. Her mind was clouded with doubt about the decision.
  25. The haze clouded the beauty of the sunrise.
  26. They did not want to cloud the celebration with negativity.
  27. The rain began to cloud the atmosphere at the event.
  28. His judgment was momentarily clouded by anger.
  29. The excitement of the day did not cloud her focus.
  30. Dark clouds began to cloud the horizon, signaling a storm.
  31. The heavy snowfall clouded the path ahead.
  32. The smog clouded the skyline of the city.
  33. Her feelings of jealousy started to cloud her happiness.
  34. The film's plot was clouded by unnecessary twists.
  35. A thick mist clouded the lake early in the morning.
  36. The unexpected news clouded his previously clear plans.
  37. A layer of ice clouded the windshield.
  38. The discussion was clouded by personal biases.
  39. The clouds began to cloud the stars in the night sky.
  40. The complex theories clouded understanding for many.
  41. The smoke from the barbecue clouded the backyard.
  42. He let his past experiences cloud his judgment.
  43. The bright light was clouded by the approaching storm.
  44. The haze of confusion began to cloud his thoughts.
  45. The joy of the event was briefly clouded by bad news.
  46. The thick fog clouded the ship's path.
  47. Her memories were clouded by years of distance.
  48. The artist chose to cloud the subject's face in shadow.
  49. The distractions began to cloud her ability to concentrate.
  50. The mist from the ocean clouded the shore.
  51. They were careful not to cloud the decision with emotions.
  52. The upcoming deadline began to cloud his creativity.
  53. The layers of paint clouded the original artwork.
  54. The storm clouds began to cloud the sky.
  55. Personal issues can easily cloud professional judgment.
  56. The laughter was clouded by the grief of their loss.
  57. A sudden change in weather clouded the day.
  58. The fog clouded the view of the mountains.
  59. Her happiness was clouded by lingering fears.
  60. The thick mist clouded their sense of direction.
  61. The excitement of the project clouded their initial concerns.
  62. His mind was clouded with thoughts of the past.
  63. The clouds began to cloud the sun, casting shadows.
  64. They tried to cloud their mistakes with false confidence.
  65. Doubts began to cloud her enthusiasm for the trip.
  66. The complex rules clouded the game for new players.
  67. Heavy rain will cloud the visibility on the road.
  68. The rumors could potentially cloud the upcoming election.
  69. The smoke clouded the room, making it hard to breathe.
  70. The unexpected changes clouded their original plans.
  71. The distortion of facts served to cloud the issue.
  72. The bright lights were clouded by the smoke.
  73. The laughter in the room was clouded by tension.
  74. His vision was clouded by fatigue after a long day.
  75. The thick foliage clouded their view of the river.
  76. The storm threatened to cloud the festival.
  77. The fog clouded the landscape, creating an eerie atmosphere.
  78. The technical jargon clouded the explanation.
  79. A series of unfortunate events began to cloud their plans.
  80. The shadows seemed to cloud his thoughts.
  81. The guilt began to cloud her judgment.
  82. The bright colors were clouded by shadows in the painting.
  83. The dense forest clouded the path forward.
  84. His optimism was clouded by recent failures.
  85. A sudden burst of rain clouded the atmosphere.
  86. The uncertainty of the situation began to cloud their decisions.
  87. The failure to communicate adequately clouded their relationship.
  88. The unusual behavior clouded their perception of her.
  89. A heavy blanket of fog clouded the early morning.
  90. The scent of smoke clouded the air during the fire.
  91. The addition of unnecessary elements clouded the narrative.
  92. The darkness began to cloud their surroundings.
  93. The heavy rains clouded the waters.
  94. The excitement of the festival was clouded by the weather.
  95. The thick clouds clouded the stars in the night.
  96. The details of the event were clouded in secrecy.
  97. The joy of victory was clouded by injuries.
  98. The rapid changes in the market clouded their strategy.
  99. His thoughts were clouded with regret.
  100. The forest fires clouded the skies for miles around.