100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "cogitate"


The verb cogitate means to think deeply or carefully about something; to contemplate or deliberate extensively on a particular subject.


  • Contemplate
  • Ponder
  • Reflect
  • Consider
  • Meditate
  • Mull over
  • Ruminate
  • Deliberate


  • Ignore
  • Disregard
  • Overlook
  • Neglect
  • Dismiss


  1. She decided to cogitate on her career options before making a decision.
  2. After much cogitation, he finally understood the complex theory.
  3. The group gathered to cogitate on the best approach to the project.
  4. It's important to cogitate before jumping to conclusions.
  5. He likes to cogitate in silence, away from distractions.
  6. The philosopher spent years cogitating about the meaning of life.
  7. Sometimes, it’s helpful to cogitate with a friend to gain new perspectives.
  8. After a long night of cogitating, she penned her thoughts in a journal.
  9. The team had to cogitate on the ramifications of their decisions.
  10. He often finds himself cogitating during long walks in the park.
  11. It is wise to cogitate on the long-term effects of your actions.
  12. The writer took a break to cogitate over her plot twist.
  13. Cogitating on the problem led him to an innovative solution.
  14. She spent hours cogitating about the book’s themes.
  15. The teacher encouraged students to cogitate on the lesson before answering.
  16. They needed to cogitate on how to best allocate their resources.
  17. He would often cogitate while sipping his morning coffee.
  18. Cogitating about her next move helped her win the game.
  19. The scientist had to cogitate on the implications of his findings.
  20. She took time to cogitate before presenting her ideas.
  21. Cogitating in a quiet space allowed him to focus better.
  22. The artist would cogitate for days before starting a new piece.
  23. To make an informed decision, one must cogitate thoroughly.
  24. The committee members spent the afternoon cogitating over the proposal.
  25. He found it hard to cogitate when surrounded by noise.
  26. Cogitating on the past can sometimes hinder present decisions.
  27. She felt the need to cogitate on her feelings before acting.
  28. The debate prompted many to cogitate on their beliefs.
  29. He would often cogitate late into the night, lost in thought.
  30. After cogitating on the matter, he decided to take a different route.
  31. The coach urged his players to cogitate their strategies.
  32. Cogitating about the future can be overwhelming at times.
  33. They needed to cogitate on their next steps carefully.
  34. She spent the weekend cogitating about her travel plans.
  35. The mentor advised him to cogitate on his goals.
  36. Cogitating on her mistakes helped her grow as a person.
  37. The book's complexity required cogitation to fully appreciate.
  38. He liked to cogitate while listening to classical music.
  39. After much cogitation, she finally made her choice.
  40. The board members will cogitate on the proposed changes next week.
  41. Cogitating about the ethical implications is crucial for scientists.
  42. She often found herself cogitating during her morning runs.
  43. The therapist encouraged him to cogitate on his feelings.
  44. Cogitating over their options led to a better decision.
  45. The student took time to cogitate before the exam.
  46. He often cogitates about philosophical questions.
  47. After cogitating, she realized she needed a change.
  48. They will cogitate on the feedback received from the presentation.
  49. The artist spent time cogitating before unveiling her work.
  50. Cogitating on the feedback helped improve the project.
  51. She needed to cogitate on the implications of the contract.
  52. The speaker asked the audience to cogitate on the topic.
  53. He spent the night cogitating about how to solve the issue.
  54. The committee will cogitate on the best course of action.
  55. She loves to cogitate while enjoying nature.
  56. The engineer had to cogitate on the design flaws.
  57. Cogitating about the past can help inform future decisions.
  58. He would often cogitate on his life choices at the end of the day.
  59. The teacher encouraged her students to cogitate creatively.
  60. After cogitating, he wrote a detailed plan.
  61. Cogitating over the options helped her make a wise choice.
  62. The author spent years cogitating on the story's development.
  63. She prefers to cogitate in a calm environment.
  64. The group needed to cogitate on their next meeting agenda.
  65. He was cogitating on his next move in the chess game.
  66. The scientist took time to cogitate before publishing his findings.
  67. Cogitating during meditation can lead to insights.
  68. He found that cogitating helped him clarify his thoughts.
  69. The discussion prompted everyone to cogitate on their values.
  70. She often cogitates in the garden, surrounded by flowers.
  71. The team spent hours cogitating on the project details.
  72. Cogitating on feedback is essential for improvement.
  73. The philosopher was known for cogitating on existential questions.
  74. He took a moment to cogitate before responding.
  75. Cogitating about life choices is part of growing up.
  76. The artist needed to cogitate before starting her next piece.
  77. She liked to cogitate while watching the sunset.
  78. The students were encouraged to cogitate on the moral of the story.
  79. After cogitating, he felt ready to speak up.
  80. Cogitating on the possibilities fueled her creativity.
  81. The speaker asked the audience to cogitate on their experiences.
  82. He found it helpful to cogitate during his morning jog.
  83. Cogitating led him to a breakthrough in his research.
  84. The mentor advised her to cogitate on her next steps carefully.
  85. She took a break from work to cogitate on her future.
  86. Cogitating in a quiet room helped him focus.
  87. The team had to cogitate on the potential risks involved.
  88. He often cogitated during his lunch breaks.
  89. Cogitating over the weekend allowed her to come up with new ideas.
  90. The workshop encouraged participants to cogitate on their goals.
  91. She spent the afternoon cogitating about her next project.
  92. Cogitating on the feedback received was essential for growth.
  93. He would often cogitate while sitting by the lake.
  94. The artist's work reflects years of cogitation.
  95. After cogitating, they decided to expand their business.
  96. The report required careful cogitation before submission.
  97. She enjoyed cogitating on philosophical questions during her free time.
  98. The mentor emphasized the importance of cogitating on life choices.
  99. He found that cogitating helped him make better decisions.
  100. The debate panel encouraged students to cogitate on the topic deeply.