100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "decay"


Decay (verb) refers to the process of decomposing or deteriorating, often due to the action of bacteria, fungi, or other natural processes. It can also imply a decline in quality, vitality, or strength over time.


  • Deteriorate
  • Decompose
  • Rot
  • Spoil
  • Crumble
  • Break down
  • Decline
  • Waste away


  • Improve
  • Flourish
  • Thrive
  • Strengthen
  • Revive
  • Grow
  • Prosper


  1. The old building began to decay after years of neglect.
  2. If left unattended, organic matter will decay and produce a foul odor.
  3. The once-vibrant community started to decay due to economic hardships.
  4. The fruit began to decay after it was left out for too long.
  5. Scientists study how materials decay over time to better understand aging.
  6. Without proper maintenance, the infrastructure will decay rapidly.
  7. The leaves on the ground slowly decay as winter approaches.
  8. The lack of sunlight caused the plant to decay instead of grow.
  9. His health began to decay after he stopped exercising.
  10. The once-popular park is now in a state of decay.
  11. The city’s historical buildings are at risk of decay if not restored.
  12. Bacteria play a crucial role in the decay of organic materials.
  13. The abandoned house was a perfect example of urban decay.
  14. Over time, the metal will decay and rust if exposed to moisture.
  15. The artist captured the beauty of nature’s decay in her paintings.
  16. The food in the fridge will decay if the power goes out for too long.
  17. Aging can cause physical and mental abilities to decay.
  18. The forest floor is teeming with life as fallen leaves decay.
  19. Their relationship started to decay after years of misunderstandings.
  20. The once-pristine beach is now suffering from environmental decay.
  21. The technology industry must innovate or risk decay.
  22. The autumn leaves will decay and enrich the soil beneath them.
  23. If not treated, the wood will decay from termites.
  24. The fabric began to decay after years of exposure to sunlight.
  25. The ancient ruins show signs of decay but remain a tourist attraction.
  26. His enthusiasm for the project began to decay with each setback.
  27. The coastline is vulnerable to decay due to rising sea levels.
  28. The bacteria that cause food decay can multiply rapidly.
  29. The team’s morale started to decay after losing several games.
  30. The museum works to prevent the decay of historical artifacts.
  31. The abandoned factory was a symbol of industrial decay.
  32. The garden's beauty was marred by the decay of neglected plants.
  33. His motivation to study began to decay as the semester progressed.
  34. As the metal object sat in the rain, it began to decay.
  35. The city initiated a cleanup to combat urban decay.
  36. The old book was in a state of decay, its pages falling apart.
  37. Relationships can decay if not nurtured and maintained.
  38. The compost heap is a good example of organic matter decaying.
  39. The children watched as the pumpkin began to decay after Halloween.
  40. The environment suffers when forests decay due to logging.
  41. The decline in population caused the town to slowly decay.
  42. The smell of decay filled the air near the garbage dump.
  43. The artist found inspiration in the theme of decay and rebirth.
  44. Poor nutrition can lead to the decay of one's health.
  45. The abandoned lot became a playground for nature's decay.
  46. The once-busy street is now showing signs of economic decay.
  47. The statue’s surface began to decay due to weather exposure.
  48. A lack of activity can cause muscles to decay over time.
  49. The community banded together to prevent the decay of their neighborhood.
  50. The museum restored the painting before it could decay further.
  51. The old diary was left untouched, leading its pages to decay.
  52. Neglect can cause the spirit of a place to decay.
  53. The inventor feared his ideas would decay without proper support.
  54. The historian documented the decay of ancient civilizations.
  55. The vibrant colors of the leaves gradually started to decay.
  56. The soil's nutrients can decay if not replenished regularly.
  57. The once-bustling market is now in a state of decay.
  58. His enthusiasm for the project began to decay as deadlines approached.
  59. The old photographs showed the decay of time in vivid detail.
  60. The shipwreck is a reminder of how things can decay underwater.
  61. The construction materials started to decay after years of exposure.
  62. The garden compost is a fascinating study of how waste can decay.
  63. After the storm, the wooden fence began to decay rapidly.
  64. The scientist explained the process of how organic matter decays.
  65. The library's collection suffered from the decay of old books.
  66. The film portrays the decay of a once-great empire.
  67. The tree trunk showed signs of decay, indicating it was dying.
  68. The streets were littered with signs of urban decay.
  69. His motivation to work began to decay after receiving criticism.
  70. The old car was left to decay in the overgrown yard.
  71. The once-busy factory is now a relic of industrial decay.
  72. The building’s structure began to decay without proper care.
  73. His interest in the subject started to decay after the first few lectures.
  74. The nature trail had been affected by the decay of fallen trees.
  75. Without intervention, the coral reefs will continue to decay.
  76. The community’s efforts helped to slow the decay of the area.
  77. The orchard's productivity began to decay after years of neglect.
  78. The documentary explores the decay of social values in modern society.
  79. He watched helplessly as his dreams began to decay.
  80. The process of decay is crucial for nutrient cycling in ecosystems.
  81. The abandoned amusement park is a testament to the decay of leisure.
  82. As the years passed, the memories began to decay in his mind.
  83. The old photographs were at risk of decay if not preserved.
  84. The team worked hard to prevent the decay of their project.
  85. The museum's collection highlights the decay of historical artifacts.
  86. The once-majestic tree was now in a state of decay.
  87. The shelves were lined with books that had begun to decay.
  88. The wildlife population can decay if their habitat is destroyed.
  89. The park was restored to combat the decay caused by pollution.
  90. The old paper began to decay, crumbling in his hands.
  91. Economic factors can contribute to societal decay.
  92. The artist's work often reflects themes of urban decay.
  93. The abandoned house was a haunting reminder of time's decay.
  94. His enthusiasm for the project began to decay after the first month.
  95. The natural process of decay is essential for soil health.
  96. The city took measures to address the decay of public spaces.
  97. The abandoned lot became a canvas for nature's decay.
  98. The ancient texts were slowly beginning to decay.
  99. The team made efforts to revive the project before it could decay.
  100. The artist beautifully captured the essence of nature’s decay in her work.