100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "don"


The verb don means to put on or dress oneself in clothing, accessories, or gear.


  • Wear
  • Put on
  • Clothe
  • Attire
  • Dress


  • Remove
  • Take off
  • Undress
  • Disrobe
  • Shed


  1. She decided to don her favorite dress for the party.
  2. He will don his uniform before heading to work.
  3. As the weather got colder, she had to don a warmer coat.
  4. They will don protective gear before starting the construction work.
  5. The athlete was excited to don his team's jersey for the championship game.
  6. Before the hike, he needed to don his hiking boots.
  7. She always takes a moment to don her scarf before leaving the house.
  8. The soldier was proud to don his medals during the ceremony.
  9. He forgot to don his gloves and regretted it later.
  10. Every morning, she would don her favorite pair of earrings.
  11. It’s important to don appropriate attire for the job interview.
  12. They will don their matching outfits for the family photo.
  13. She had to don a helmet before riding her bike.
  14. He was ready to don his costume for the Halloween party.
  15. The child was excited to don the superhero cape.
  16. As a tradition, they would don festive hats during the holiday season.
  17. He forgot to don his tie before the meeting.
  18. The actor will don a disguise to prepare for his role.
  19. She plans to don her old graduation gown for nostalgia.
  20. They always don their best attire for family gatherings.
  21. He decided to don a light jacket as the evening grew chilly.
  22. Before the game, the players will don their jerseys.
  23. She took a moment to don her favorite bracelet.
  24. He had to don safety goggles while working in the lab.
  25. The dancer will don her costume before the performance.
  26. She will don her sunglasses to shield her eyes from the sun.
  27. He was eager to don the crown for the pageant.
  28. They will don matching outfits for the charity event.
  29. She helped him don his coat before heading outside.
  30. He was excited to don the new shoes he had bought.
  31. The students will don their caps and gowns for graduation.
  32. Before the storm, she had to don her raincoat.
  33. He will don his work attire before the conference.
  34. She plans to don her wedding dress for a photo shoot.
  35. The chef will don his apron before starting to cook.
  36. They must don their helmets before riding the roller coaster.
  37. Before going out, she decided to don some lipstick.
  38. He forgot to don his badge before entering the building.
  39. The climbers will don their gear before starting the ascent.
  40. She was happy to don the family heirloom necklace.
  41. He always takes pride in how he dons his suits.
  42. The performer will don a mask for the show.
  43. She had to don her gloves before going outside.
  44. The volunteers will don their shirts for the event.
  45. He will don a tuxedo for the formal dinner.
  46. She quickly decided to don her favorite hat.
  47. The team will don their jerseys before the match.
  48. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he donned the championship belt.
  49. She will don her apron when she starts cooking.
  50. The teacher asked the students to don their name tags.
  51. He was excited to don his new jacket for the winter.
  52. She had to don a face mask before entering the hospital.
  53. The children were told to don their boots for the muddy playground.
  54. Before the concert, the musicians will don their stage outfits.
  55. He always makes sure to don sunscreen before heading out.
  56. She decided to don her favorite pair of shoes for the wedding.
  57. The crew will don their safety vests on the job site.
  58. He was thrilled to don the colors of his alma mater.
  59. The artist will don a smock to protect her clothes while painting.
  60. She will don her gloves before handling the delicate items.
  61. The cast will don their costumes for the rehearsal.
  62. He took a moment to don his glasses before reading.
  63. The coach reminded the players to don their protective gear.
  64. She will don her old college hoodie for comfort.
  65. Before the race, the runners will don their bibs.
  66. He was proud to don the family crest during the ceremony.
  67. She always chooses to don elegant attire for special occasions.
  68. The scientist will don a lab coat before starting the experiment.
  69. He forgot to don his belt, and his pants fell down.
  70. The children were excited to don their costumes for Halloween.
  71. She needed to don a light layer as the sun set.
  72. The actor will don a wig for his new role.
  73. She tried to don a brave face despite her nervousness.
  74. He always makes sure to don a jacket when it’s chilly.
  75. The explorer had to don heavy boots for the trek.
  76. She will don a smile as she greets her guests.
  77. Before going out, he had to don his scarf.
  78. The team will don their jerseys for the big game.
  79. She is excited to don the dress she designed herself.
  80. He had to don a suit for the formal event.
  81. The volunteers will don their hats before starting the work.
  82. She is eager to don her new outfit for the first day of school.
  83. He will don a cap to shield his eyes from the sun.
  84. The dancer will don her shoes before the performance starts.
  85. She had to don a heavy coat as the temperature dropped.
  86. He was proud to don the colors of his country at the event.
  87. Before the hike, they had to don their backpacks.
  88. She will don her favorite jewelry for the occasion.
  89. The artist will don her apron to keep her clothes clean.
  90. He decided to don a smile for the camera.
  91. She had to don a pair of boots to walk through the snow.
  92. The chef will don a hat before entering the kitchen.
  93. He was thrilled to don the new gear for his adventure.
  94. Before the game, the players will don their helmets.
  95. She plans to don her favorite blouse for the dinner date.
  96. He forgot to don his watch and felt incomplete.
  97. The performer will don a costume before taking the stage.
  98. She had to don a sweater as the evening turned chilly.
  99. The children were told to don their swimsuits for the pool party.
  100. He will don his glasses to read the fine print.

This provides a clear definition, synonyms, antonyms, and a comprehensive list of sentences using the verb "don."