100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "drift"


Drift (verb): To be carried slowly by a current of air or water; to move aimlessly or without a fixed course; to change gradually or to shift from one place to another.


  • Float
  • Glide
  • Wander
  • Roam
  • Flow
  • Drift away
  • Veer
  • Shift
  • Meander
  • Segue


  • Steer
  • Direct
  • Control
  • Stabilize
  • Anchor
  • Fix
  • Stay
  • Remain


  1. The leaves began to drift down from the trees as autumn approached.
  2. She let her thoughts drift as she watched the clouds move across the sky.
  3. The boat would drift gently along the river as they relaxed.
  4. He could feel his focus drift away during the long meeting.
  5. The conversation began to drift into uncomfortable territory.
  6. As the night went on, the music seemed to drift into the background.
  7. I watched the icebergs drift silently in the ocean.
  8. The smell of fresh bread made my thoughts drift back to childhood.
  9. The car began to drift off the road due to the icy conditions.
  10. She felt her energy drift away after a long day at work.
  11. The kite began to drift higher into the sky with the wind.
  12. They would often drift apart after spending time apart.
  13. The memories of that day would always drift back to him.
  14. He could feel his consciousness drift into sleep.
  15. The clouds began to drift together, signaling an impending storm.
  16. The paper airplane would drift gracefully through the air.
  17. I could see my thoughts drift like leaves in the breeze.
  18. As she spoke, her voice began to drift into a whisper.
  19. The fisherman watched his line drift in the water.
  20. The ship would drift for hours before reaching the shore.
  21. His attention began to drift from the task at hand.
  22. The scent of lavender made her mind drift to a peaceful place.
  23. The children watched the balloons drift away into the sky.
  24. The conversation seemed to drift off topic frequently.
  25. The snowflakes would drift softly to the ground.
  26. I felt my resolve drift as the deadline approached.
  27. The melody began to drift in and out of my consciousness.
  28. The leaves would drift across the path in the autumn wind.
  29. I often let my thoughts drift during meditation.
  30. The runner had to fight against the urge to drift off course.
  31. They would drift in and out of sleep throughout the night.
  32. The tides caused the boat to drift further from the harbor.
  33. The artist's brush would drift across the canvas effortlessly.
  34. He watched the stars drift across the night sky.
  35. The fog began to drift in, obscuring the view.
  36. She felt her energy drift away as the sun set.
  37. The balloon began to drift away from the party.
  38. The conversation would often drift into philosophical topics.
  39. I could hear the waves drift against the shore.
  40. As he spoke, his words seemed to drift into silence.
  41. The old memories would always drift back to her.
  42. He tried to keep his thoughts from drifting into negativity.
  43. The butterfly would drift from flower to flower.
  44. The current caused the boat to drift downstream.
  45. As the music played, I felt my mind drift away.
  46. The clouds continued to drift lazily across the sky.
  47. The conversation began to drift into small talk.
  48. Time seemed to drift by as they enjoyed each other's company.
  49. He could feel his attention drift during the lecture.
  50. The smoke from the campfire would drift upwards.
  51. The ship began to drift off course during the storm.
  52. I allowed my imagination to drift into fantasy.
  53. The children watched the leaves drift down from the trees.
  54. The scent of coffee made my thoughts drift towards breakfast.
  55. The snow would drift across the fields in the winter wind.
  56. She could feel her thoughts drift as she stared at the wall.
  57. The hot air balloon would drift high above the valley.
  58. He felt himself drift into a daydream during the lecture.
  59. The shadows began to drift longer as the sun set.
  60. The car began to drift on the wet pavement.
  61. I let my mind drift as I listened to the rain.
  62. The thoughts would often drift in and out of focus.
  63. The river continued to drift peacefully past the town.
  64. She watched the petals drift away in the wind.
  65. The idea began to drift away as he lost interest.
  66. I felt my energy drift as the day wore on.
  67. The clouds would drift away to reveal the sun.
  68. The whispers began to drift through the room.
  69. He felt the boat drift gently on the lake.
  70. The conversation would sometimes drift into silence.
  71. The stars seemed to drift across the night sky.
  72. She allowed her thoughts to drift as she relaxed.
  73. He could feel his focus start to drift during the long meeting.
  74. The sun began to drift lower in the sky.
  75. The leaves would drift across the ground with the breeze.
  76. The gentle current made the canoe drift downstream.
  77. I let my mind drift as I listened to the music.
  78. The fog began to drift in from the sea.
  79. The train seemed to drift through the countryside.
  80. The butterfly would drift from one flower to another.
  81. The clouds began to drift together, forming a storm.
  82. The memories would often drift back to her during quiet moments.
  83. She could feel her thoughts drift into a more positive space.
  84. The car started to drift as the driver lost control.
  85. The conversation began to drift towards politics.
  86. The boat would drift with the tide, moving slowly.
  87. I often let my thoughts drift during meditation.
  88. The shadows began to drift across the ground.
  89. The music would drift softly through the air.
  90. The leaves would drift down in a beautiful display.
  91. As the sun began to set, the colors would drift across the sky.
  92. He tried to keep his thoughts from drifting into despair.
  93. The waves would drift gently onto the shore.
  94. She felt her concentration drift as the noise increased.
  95. The scent of lilacs made her mind drift to summer days.
  96. The hot air balloon would drift over the valley.
  97. The snow would drift in the wind, creating a magical scene.
  98. The conversation would often drift away from the topic.
  99. The flowers would drift in the gentle breeze.
  100. They watched the stars drift overhead as they lay on the grass.