100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "exercise"


Exercise (verb) - To engage in physical activity or exertion to improve health, fitness, or overall well-being. It can also refer to the practice of a skill or activity to enhance proficiency.


  • Work out
  • Train
  • Practice
  • Perform
  • Utilize
  • Employ
  • Apply
  • Engage in
  • Operate


  • Rest
  • Inactivity
  • Relaxation
  • Idleness
  • Neglect


  1. I always exercise in the morning before work.
  2. She decided to exercise regularly to stay fit.
  3. They exercise their right to vote every election.
  4. He likes to exercise his creativity through painting.
  5. The doctor recommended that I exercise for at least 30 minutes each day.
  6. You should exercise caution when driving in bad weather.
  7. We need to exercise more control over the budget.
  8. The team will exercise its strategy during the match.
  9. It's important to exercise your muscles to keep them strong.
  10. She tried to exercise patience while waiting for the results.
  11. I plan to exercise my new skills in the upcoming project.
  12. They will exercise their options before the deadline.
  13. Before starting a new routine, always exercise proper form.
  14. He decided to exercise his leadership abilities in the group.
  15. We should exercise flexibility in our approach to solving this problem.
  16. The children love to exercise outside during recess.
  17. Make sure you exercise your voice during the performance.
  18. To improve your health, you should exercise at least three times a week.
  19. She tries to exercise discipline in her daily routine.
  20. He will exercise his rights as a citizen.
  21. They often exercise together to motivate each other.
  22. I prefer to exercise in the evening rather than the morning.
  23. You can exercise your mind by solving puzzles.
  24. The coach encourages the players to exercise their skills during practice.
  25. She needed to exercise control over her emotions.
  26. Let's exercise a little creativity with our project.
  27. I usually exercise in the gym after work.
  28. It's important to exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  29. He loves to exercise his guitar skills every evening.
  30. She had to exercise some restraint when choosing her words.
  31. They decided to exercise their right to protest peacefully.
  32. The teacher asked the students to exercise their critical thinking.
  33. He always makes time to exercise during his busy schedule.
  34. We must exercise our judgment when making decisions.
  35. She will exercise her knowledge of math in the exam.
  36. It's necessary to exercise caution while handling chemicals.
  37. They exercise together every Saturday at the park.
  38. He will exercise his influence to help the project move forward.
  39. Don't forget to exercise your legs before starting the hike.
  40. She wants to exercise her options for further studies.
  41. I prefer to exercise with a friend for motivation.
  42. The athlete needs to exercise regularly to stay in shape.
  43. We should exercise our rights to free speech.
  44. He could exercise his authority to make the final decision.
  45. She loves to exercise in nature during her weekends.
  46. He will exercise his creativity by writing a short story.
  47. You can exercise your right to remain silent.
  48. They exercise every morning to keep their energy levels high.
  49. Please exercise discretion when sharing personal information.
  50. She always tries to exercise kindness to others.
  51. He needs to exercise more frequently to improve his stamina.
  52. Let’s exercise some flexibility in our deadlines.
  53. She decided to exercise her ability to cook new recipes.
  54. The kids love to exercise by playing soccer after school.
  55. They will exercise their skills in the upcoming competition.
  56. You should exercise regularly to enhance your physical fitness.
  57. He tries to exercise mindfulness during stressful situations.
  58. We need to exercise more patience with the new employees.
  59. She plans to exercise her right to travel abroad this summer.
  60. Make sure to exercise your back muscles during weightlifting.
  61. He often exercises his right to express his opinions.
  62. They prefer to exercise outside when the weather is nice.
  63. Always exercise caution when using power tools.
  64. She hopes to exercise her skills as a photographer at the event.
  65. He likes to exercise his problem-solving skills in real-life scenarios.
  66. They will exercise their options wisely in the investment.
  67. The coach will exercise new strategies during the game.
  68. She plans to exercise her artistic abilities in her new project.
  69. It’s important to exercise regularly for mental health.
  70. We should exercise our right to be heard.
  71. He will exercise his expertise in the field during the presentation.
  72. The group decided to exercise their freedom of assembly.
  73. I like to exercise in the pool on hot days.
  74. They need to exercise caution when crossing the street.
  75. She wants to exercise her skills in public speaking.
  76. The children must exercise their imagination during storytelling.
  77. He continues to exercise his influence in the community.
  78. Always exercise care when handling fragile items.
  79. They often exercise their rights in community meetings.
  80. She enjoys exercising her talent for music in front of an audience.
  81. He will exercise his ability to negotiate effectively.
  82. It’s essential to exercise regularly for overall health benefits.
  83. She likes to exercise by cycling through the countryside.
  84. You should exercise your right to access information.
  85. They exercise together as a family to promote fitness.
  86. He aims to exercise his skills in a competitive environment.
  87. Let’s exercise a little more caution in our plans.
  88. She decided to exercise her right to choose her own path.
  89. We need to exercise teamwork to achieve our goals.
  90. He loves to exercise before breakfast to jumpstart his day.
  91. The students were encouraged to exercise their opinions during discussions.
  92. She will exercise her leadership skills during the project.
  93. Make sure to exercise your body properly before any intense workout.
  94. They will exercise their rights to fair treatment.
  95. He needs to exercise more self-discipline in his studies.
  96. I prefer to exercise my creativity through writing.
  97. We should exercise our right to seek justice.
  98. She plans to exercise her negotiation skills in the meeting.
  99. The athlete must exercise caution to avoid injuries.
  100. He is determined to exercise regularly this year for better health.