100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "explode"


The verb explode refers to the rapid expansion and release of energy resulting in a loud noise and often a violent burst, typically caused by a chemical reaction, pressure buildup, or other rapid transformation. It can also mean to burst forth with sudden force or to break apart violently.


  • Blow up
  • Detonate
  • Burst
  • Erupt
  • Shatter
  • Pop
  • Blast
  • Break apart
  • Ignite


  • Implode
  • Contract
  • Compress
  • Calm
  • Settle
  • Diminish
  • Decrease


  1. The fireworks will explode in the night sky.
  2. If you heat that substance too much, it might explode.
  3. The soda can will explode if shaken too vigorously.
  4. Her anger began to explode after hearing the news.
  5. The volcano is expected to explode any day now.
  6. When the gas ignited, it caused the entire building to explode.
  7. The balloon will explode if you inflate it too much.
  8. The audience erupted in cheers as the confetti began to explode from the cannons.
  9. His emotions started to explode after the long day at work.
  10. The bomb was designed to explode on impact.
  11. The pressure cooker can be dangerous if it explodes unexpectedly.
  12. She felt like her head would explode with all the information she had to memorize.
  13. The stars seemed to explode in a dazzling display of light.
  14. The experiment went wrong and caused the chemicals to explode.
  15. The car’s engine began to explode after overheating.
  16. He felt his heart explode with joy when he heard the news.
  17. The paintball canister will explode upon impact.
  18. The crowd's excitement began to explode as the concert started.
  19. The mixture in the laboratory was about to explode when the scientist added too much catalyst.
  20. The children watched in awe as the fireworks exploded overhead.
  21. The old building was set to explode during the demolition.
  22. Her laughter seemed to explode in the quiet library.
  23. The dynamite will explode if not handled carefully.
  24. The pressure in the balloon caused it to explode with a loud bang.
  25. His temper can explode over the smallest issues.
  26. The energy from the star will explode in a supernova.
  27. The conflict between the two groups continued to explode.
  28. The championship game caused emotions to explode among the fans.
  29. The recipe required the mixture to explode with flavor.
  30. When the gas tank is punctured, it can explode.
  31. The audience gasped as the car exploded on screen.
  32. Her frustration began to explode after the third delay.
  33. The fireworks factory exploded, causing a massive fire.
  34. The debate caused tensions to explode between the two sides.
  35. The chemical reaction was so intense that it seemed to explode.
  36. His creativity began to explode when he found new inspiration.
  37. The children were thrilled to see the balloons explode during the party.
  38. The athlete's performance seemed to explode in the final round.
  39. The news caused her emotions to explode unexpectedly.
  40. The experiment was a failure, and the mixture exploded everywhere.
  41. The crowd would explode with excitement when their team scored.
  42. The volcano had been quiet for years before it began to explode.
  43. The rocket launch was a success, and it exploded into the sky.
  44. The soda bottle will explode if you open it after shaking it.
  45. The protest caused feelings of anger to explode within the community.
  46. The movie's climax made the audience explode in laughter.
  47. The workers were evacuated before the building was set to explode.
  48. His happiness seemed to explode when he got the job.
  49. The old fireworks were dangerous and could explode unexpectedly.
  50. The conflict suddenly exploded into violence.
  51. The engine was about to explode due to the overheating.
  52. The kids giggled as the balloon exploded with confetti.
  53. The sudden news made her emotions explode in a mix of joy and sorrow.
  54. The experiment was risky, and it could easily explode.
  55. An argument can explode if not handled calmly.
  56. The celebration made the crowd explode with enthusiasm.
  57. The demolition team watched as the building began to explode.
  58. The pressure in the pipe caused it to explode violently.
  59. The heat made the mixture explode in a cloud of steam.
  60. The performance was so good that it made the crowd explode with applause.
  61. The gas leak could cause the house to explode.
  62. Her creativity seemed to explode after reading that book.
  63. The experiment was successful, and the results exploded in color.
  64. The party atmosphere began to explode as more guests arrived.
  65. The impact caused the vehicle to explode into flames.
  66. The children cheered as the fireworks exploded above them.
  67. His temper can explode if pushed too far.
  68. The sudden announcement made the room explode with chatter.
  69. The car's engine was about to explode due to the pressure buildup.
  70. The chemicals mixed and began to explode in a fiery display.
  71. The emotions from the audience seemed to explode during the climax.
  72. The pressure cooker was designed to explode if left unattended.
  73. The laughter in the room seemed to explode after the joke.
  74. The team’s victory made the fans explode with joy.
  75. The old tire could explode if not replaced.
  76. The pressure in the soda bottle will eventually cause it to explode.
  77. The volcano's eruption caused the mountain to explode.
  78. The sudden change in plans made everyone’s emotions explode.
  79. The cake was a hit, and the flavors seemed to explode in every bite.
  80. The atmosphere was tense, ready to explode into chaos.
  81. The sound of the fireworks exploded in the quiet night.
  82. His excitement began to explode when he heard the news.
  83. The pressure caused the balloon to explode dramatically.
  84. The laboratory accident caused the chemicals to explode.
  85. The announcement made the audience explode in applause.
  86. The conflict has been brewing and could explode at any moment.
  87. The soda can will explode if it’s left in the heat.
  88. His creativity began to explode after attending the workshop.
  89. The argument seemed to explode when he raised his voice.
  90. The fireworks exploded into a beautiful array of colors.
  91. The team’s excitement would explode with every win.
  92. The pressure from the gases caused the canister to explode.
  93. The thrilling finale made the audience explode with excitement.
  94. The old gas line was dangerous and could explode at any time.
  95. The sudden revelation made her emotions explode.
  96. The lab experiment was a disaster, and everything exploded.
  97. The celebration made the crowd explode with joy and laughter.
  98. The volcano could explode at any moment, according to scientists.
  99. The rocket exploded shortly after takeoff.
  100. The laughter in the room seemed to explode when the comedian took the stage.