100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "ferment"


The verb ferment means to undergo a chemical process in which sugars are converted into alcohol or acids by the action of yeast, bacteria, or other microorganisms. It can also refer to the process of inciting or stirring up excitement, agitation, or unrest.


  • Brew
  • Incite
  • Agitate
  • Stimulate
  • Excite
  • Foment
  • Develop
  • Mature
  • Cultivate


  • Calm
  • Soothe
  • Pacify
  • Settle
  • Quell
  • Subdue
  • Discourage


  1. The brewer will ferment the mixture for several weeks to create a rich flavor.
  2. During the summer, fruits naturally ferment in the heat.
  3. The activist aimed to ferment change within the community.
  4. As the dough rises, it begins to ferment and develop its flavor.
  5. The scientists monitored the bacteria as they began to ferment the sugars.
  6. The old grape juice started to ferment, producing a sour smell.
  7. He hoped to ferment new ideas during the brainstorming session.
  8. The process will ferment the ingredients, resulting in a bubbly beverage.
  9. Historically, many cultures would ferment foods to preserve them.
  10. Her speech was designed to ferment enthusiasm among the crowd.
  11. The team allowed the mixture to ferment for three days before tasting.
  12. The artist's passion began to ferment into a full-blown project.
  13. They used a special yeast to ferment the mixture more quickly.
  14. The climate can significantly affect how quickly the yeast will ferment.
  15. The documentary aimed to ferment awareness about climate change.
  16. They left the apples to ferment in the barrel for several months.
  17. The community gathered to ferment ideas for the upcoming festival.
  18. As the mood began to ferment, tensions rose in the room.
  19. The chef decided to ferment the vegetables for added flavor.
  20. They watched as the liquid began to ferment, bubbling vigorously.
  21. The new policy will ferment a lot of discussion among citizens.
  22. The team was excited to ferment the new concepts into their strategy.
  23. In the right conditions, milk can ferment and turn into yogurt.
  24. She wanted to ferment her thoughts before presenting them.
  25. The wild yeast in the air can cause the fruit to ferment unexpectedly.
  26. The goal was to ferment unity among the different groups.
  27. Over time, the sugars will naturally ferment into alcohol.
  28. The workshop was designed to ferment collaboration among artists.
  29. It's fascinating to watch how quickly the grapes can ferment.
  30. The political climate began to ferment unrest among the citizens.
  31. They decided to ferment the honey to create a unique mead.
  32. The lack of communication can ferment distrust in any relationship.
  33. The food preservation process often involves letting ingredients ferment.
  34. She watched her ideas ferment into a plan over several weeks.
  35. The natural process will cause the mixture to ferment on its own.
  36. It took several days for the mixture to ferment properly.
  37. The chef used fermentation techniques to ferment the dish's flavors.
  38. They wanted to ferment new relationships through networking.
  39. The artist's desire to create began to ferment into a series of works.
  40. The experiment required careful monitoring as the solution began to ferment.
  41. It was a fascinating process to see how quickly the grains could ferment.
  42. The town meeting was an attempt to ferment change in local policies.
  43. Fermenting the tea leaves can enhance their flavor profile.
  44. The community plans to ferment a sense of belonging among residents.
  45. The tension in the air began to ferment into full-blown conflict.
  46. The process of fermenting soybeans creates a popular condiment.
  47. She allowed her ideas to ferment before sharing them with the group.
  48. The fermentation process can take anywhere from a few days to weeks.
  49. The meeting was intended to ferment new solutions to old problems.
  50. The winemaker knew just how long to ferment the grapes for the best taste.
  51. They left the mixture to ferment overnight for optimal flavor.
  52. The energy in the room began to ferment as the discussion heated up.
  53. The natural sugars in the fruit will ferment and create alcohol.
  54. They worked together to ferment a plan for the upcoming event.
  55. The chef decided to ferment the cabbage to make kimchi.
  56. The activists sought to ferment a movement for social justice.
  57. The process can be tricky, as too much heat can kill the yeast before it can ferment.
  58. The local culture encouraged families to ferment their own beverages.
  59. As the ideas started to ferment, they realized they had something valuable.
  60. The team was eager to ferment their latest findings into a publication.
  61. The experiment's success relied on allowing the culture to ferment properly.
  62. The recipe called for the mixture to ferment at a controlled temperature.
  63. They hoped to ferment a sense of community through shared activities.
  64. The wine would ferment in oak barrels for several months.
  65. The debate in the room began to ferment differing opinions.
  66. The process of fermenting vegetables is an ancient tradition.
  67. The discussion was meant to ferment fresh perspectives on the issue.
  68. The chef explained how to ferment the ingredients for maximum flavor.
  69. The group aimed to ferment enthusiasm for the new project.
  70. Watching the mixture ferment was a lesson in patience.
  71. The yeast will ferment the sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.
  72. The tension in the community began to ferment after the controversial decision.
  73. They were excited to ferment new ideas during the workshop.
  74. The farmer decided to ferment his grains for animal feed.
  75. The natural fermentation process allows the flavors to ferment over time.
  76. The energy in the room began to ferment as the speaker engaged the audience.
  77. She learned how to ferment tea leaves to create a unique blend.
  78. The festival aimed to ferment local culture and traditions.
  79. The milk was left to ferment and turned into cheese.
  80. The activists worked to ferment a sense of urgency around the cause.
  81. The mixture needs to be kept warm to ferment properly.
  82. The political climate began to ferment as elections approached.
  83. He watched carefully as the mixture began to ferment.
  84. The group wanted to ferment a spirit of cooperation among members.
  85. The beverage was allowed to ferment for several weeks before being bottled.
  86. The festival was intended to ferment pride in local history.
  87. The process of fermenting fruit can produce delicious results.
  88. She was eager to ferment her thoughts into a coherent argument.
  89. The community event was designed to ferment connections among residents.
  90. The industrial process involves large tanks where ingredients ferment.
  91. The chef demonstrated how to ferment vegetables for better nutrition.
  92. The project aimed to ferment collaboration across different sectors.
  93. The fruit began to ferment, attracting unwanted pests.
  94. They were excited to ferment their ideas into a plan of action.
  95. The fermentation process can drastically alter the flavor profile of food.
  96. The workshop aimed to ferment creativity in the participants.
  97. He enjoyed watching the mixture ferment and bubble over time.
  98. The community meeting was an attempt to ferment dialogue among residents.
  99. The tea leaves began to ferment, enhancing their flavor and aroma.
  100. The activist sought to ferment passion for environmental issues among youth.