100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "finger"


The verb finger means to touch or feel something with the fingers, often in a careful or delicate manner. It can also refer to the act of indicating or identifying someone or something, particularly in a way that suggests blame or responsibility.


  • Touch
  • Feel
  • Handle
  • Indicate
  • Point out
  • Identify
  • Accuse


  • Ignore
  • Disregard
  • Neglect
  • Overlook
  • Abandon


  1. She gently fingered the delicate fabric of the dress.
  2. He fingered through the pages of the book to find the right chapter.
  3. The detective fingered the suspect as the prime witness.
  4. As she spoke, she fingered her necklace nervously.
  5. He fingered the keyboard, trying to remember the right sequence of keys.
  6. The artist fingered the clay to shape it into a beautiful sculpture.
  7. The teacher fingered the students who had not completed their assignments.
  8. She fingered the photographs in the album, reminiscing about the past.
  9. He fingered the letter, unsure if he should open it.
  10. The cat fingered the toy with its paws before pouncing.
  11. She fingered the map to locate their destination.
  12. The child fingered the candy jar, hoping for a treat.
  13. He fingered his wallet nervously as he approached the cashier.
  14. The librarian fingered the books on the shelf to find the missing one.
  15. She fingered the strings of the guitar, trying to find the right chord.
  16. He fingered the evidence carefully, ensuring no prints were left behind.
  17. She fingered the keys on her keychain, looking for the right one.
  18. The pianist fingered the notes with precision and skill.
  19. He fingered the edge of the table, lost in thought.
  20. The young girl fingered the petals of the flower gently.
  21. She fingered the piece of jewelry before deciding to buy it.
  22. He fingered the envelope, contemplating whether to send it.
  23. The jeweler fingered the gemstones, assessing their quality.
  24. She fingered the edges of the paper, preparing to fold it.
  25. He fingered the remote control, trying to find his favorite channel.
  26. The artist fingered the paintbrush, ready to create.
  27. She fingered the buttons on her blouse, adjusting her outfit.
  28. He fingered his phone, scrolling through the messages.
  29. She fingered the keys as she sang along with the music.
  30. He fingered the edges of the map, tracing their route.
  31. The toddler fingered the crayons, picking out his favorite color.
  32. She fingered the lace on her dress, admiring the craftsmanship.
  33. He fingered the controls of the drone, preparing for takeoff.
  34. She fingered the fabric, deciding which one to choose.
  35. He fingered the ball, getting ready for the game.
  36. The chef fingered the spices, selecting the right ones for the recipe.
  37. She fingered the puzzle pieces, trying to fit them together.
  38. He fingered the guitar pick, preparing to strum a tune.
  39. The curator fingered the artifacts, ensuring they were displayed properly.
  40. She fingered the flower arrangement, adjusting it for balance.
  41. He fingered the edges of his notebook, thinking of ideas to write.
  42. She fingered the ribbon, tying it into a neat bow.
  43. He fingered the buttons on his shirt, straightening up for the meeting.
  44. She fingered the recipe card, excited to try a new dish.
  45. He fingered the steering wheel, focused on the road ahead.
  46. She fingered the samples, evaluating their quality.
  47. He fingered the baseball, preparing to pitch.
  48. The artist fingered the charcoal, creating a masterpiece.
  49. She fingered the stitching on her dress, admiring the detail.
  50. He fingered the coins in his pocket, counting them.
  51. She fingered the beads, making a necklace.
  52. He fingered the old coins, reminiscing about their history.
  53. She fingered the fabric swatches, choosing the perfect one.
  54. He fingered the controls of the camera, getting ready for the shot.
  55. She fingered the pages, looking for her favorite story.
  56. He fingered the edges of the puzzle, feeling for the right piece.
  57. She fingered the ornaments on the tree, placing them just right.
  58. He fingered the markers, picking out the colors he wanted.
  59. She fingered the notes, practicing for the concert.
  60. He fingered the keys on the piano, lost in the music.
  61. She fingered the ice cream cone, savoring the moment.
  62. He fingered the collar of his shirt, making sure it was straight.
  63. She fingered the fabric of the curtains, deciding on a color.
  64. He fingered the remote, switching channels absentmindedly.
  65. She fingered through her jewelry box, looking for a ring.
  66. He fingered the old letters, reading the words of affection.
  67. She fingered the fabric, feeling its texture against her skin.
  68. He fingered the buttons, trying to find the right one to press.
  69. She fingered the edges of the book, marking where she left off.
  70. He fingered the flowers, arranging them in a vase.
  71. She fingered the edges of the letter, contemplating her response.
  72. He fingered the pen, ready to sign the document.
  73. She fingered the coins, deciding which to use for the vending machine.
  74. He fingered the air, pretending to play an invisible flute.
  75. She fingered her hair, nervously waiting for the interview.
  76. He fingered the keys, unlocking the door with a click.
  77. She fingered the shells on the beach, collecting them as souvenirs.
  78. He fingered the map, tracing their path through the city.
  79. She fingered the spices in the jar, inhaling their aroma.
  80. He fingered the toy car, pushing it along the floor.
  81. She fingered the fabric, deciding on a pattern for her dress.
  82. He fingered the edges of the photograph, remembering the moment.
  83. She fingered the charm bracelet, recalling each memory attached.
  84. He fingered the guitar strings, tuning the instrument.
  85. She fingered the knobs on the oven, adjusting the temperature.
  86. He fingered the leather of his jacket, feeling its quality.
  87. She fingered the fabric of the curtains, admiring the design.
  88. He fingered the microphone, getting ready to speak.
  89. She fingered the keys, remembering the melody.
  90. He fingered the soil, testing its moisture for planting.
  91. She fingered the petals, enjoying the fragrance of the flowers.
  92. He fingered the buttons on the control panel, adjusting the settings.
  93. She fingered the quilt, feeling the warmth it provided.
  94. He fingered the rope, preparing to tie a knot.
  95. She fingered the snow, making a snowball.
  96. He fingered the cards, shuffling them for the game.
  97. She fingered the wallpaper, admiring the intricate design.
  98. He fingered the edges of the book, eager to read the next chapter.
  99. She fingered the chalk, ready to write on the board.
  100. He fingered the steering wheel, focused on navigating the busy street.