100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "flame"
The verb flame refers to the act of burning with a bright, hot light, or producing a fire that emits light and heat. It can also mean to express strong emotion or to display intense feelings, often in a confrontational or aggressive manner, especially in online communication.
- Blaze
- Burn
- Ignite
- Shine
- Glow
- Flash
- Flicker
- Radiate
- Scorch
- Extinguish
- Cool
- Douse
- Quench
- Muffle
- The campfire began to flame brightly as the sun set.
- She watched the logs flame in the fireplace.
- The artist used vibrant colors to flame the canvas with life.
- His anger began to flame as the argument escalated.
- The fireworks flamed in the night sky, captivating the audience.
- The candle's wick started to flame as he lit it.
- The debate caused emotions to flame among the participants.
- The dry leaves quickly flamed when the spark hit them.
- As the gas ignited, the burner flamed to life.
- The discussion on social media began to flame out of control.
- She felt her cheeks flame with embarrassment during the speech.
- The wildfire began to flame across the dry landscape.
- His passion for the project seemed to flame brighter each day.
- The torch flamed brightly, illuminating the path ahead.
- The sun began to flame through the clouds at dawn.
- Their rivalry would often flame into heated arguments.
- The smell of smoke made her heart flame with dread.
- The paper quickly flamed when it came into contact with the match.
- It was hard to ignore the flame of jealousy in her heart.
- The bonfire flamed high, sending sparks into the night.
- His eyes seemed to flame with determination.
- The engine began to flame as it overheated.
- A sense of pride would flame within her whenever she succeeded.
- The chef watched closely as the sauce began to flame in the pan.
- The colors of the sunset flamed across the horizon.
- Anger began to flame in her chest as she listened to the accusations.
- The fireworks flamed in brilliant colors, dazzling the crowd.
- The athlete’s spirit would flame during important competitions.
- The leaves began to flame in the autumn sun.
- He felt his heart flame with excitement at the news.
- The argument continued to flame until the moderator intervened.
- The campfire had started to flame out of control.
- Her cheeks would often flame when he complimented her.
- The embers continued to flame long after the fire had died down.
- The sun's rays began to flame through the trees.
- Their old feud would flame up whenever they crossed paths.
- She could see his temper flame during the discussion.
- The stack of wood began to flame as the fire caught.
- The political debate would often flame into chaos.
- The warmth of the fire made her heart flame with comfort.
- The sky began to flame as the day ended.
- The chef instructed them to let the alcohol flame for flavor.
- The athlete’s dedication would often flame in the face of adversity.
- The old house had begun to flame with neglect.
- His pride would flame at the thought of losing.
- The candles flamed softly during the romantic dinner.
- The torchlight seemed to flame in the dark.
- Her spirit would often flame when advocating for her beliefs.
- The firework display caused the crowd to flame with excitement.
- The leaves seemed to flame in the autumn breeze.
- His jealousy would often flame when he saw them together.
- The sun would flame in the afternoon heat.
- The discussion began to flame when the topic turned controversial.
- The bonfire would flame brightly on cool evenings.
- His eyes would flame with passion whenever he spoke about his work.
- The fire pit began to flame as they added more wood.
- The colors of the sunset would flame over the ocean.
- The argument would almost always flame when politics was involved.
- Her cheeks would flame with joy at the surprise party.
- The campfire flickered but began to flame with the right kindling.
- The festival's lights would flame against the night sky.
- The passionate speech caused spirits to flame among the audience.
- The old engine would flame and sputter before stalling.
- His resentment would sometimes flame unexpectedly.
- The fire would flame higher with the strong winds.
- The paint colors would flame on the artist’s palette.
- Their competitive nature would often flame during games.
- The passion in her voice would flame as she spoke about her dreams.
- The sparks would flame into the air as they roasted marshmallows.
- The sun began to flame down fiercely on the beach.
- The debate would often flame into personal attacks.
- The fireworks would flame in synchrony with the music.
- His heart would flame with hope during trying times.
- The ancient ruins seemed to flame with stories of the past.
- The fire in the hearth began to flame as the logs caught.
- The artist loved to flame emotions on canvas.
- The conversation would often flame with enthusiasm.
- The campfire's glow would flame in the dark woods.
- She felt her heart flame with love as he approached.
- The oil lamp would flame gently in the corner of the room.
- His excitement would flame when discussing his favorite book.
- The charity event would flame a sense of community.
- The summer sun would flame overhead during July.
- The wildflowers began to flame with colors in spring.
- Their rivalry would often flame during the championship.
- The fireworks display would flame brightly on New Year’s Eve.
- The tension in the room began to flame as the meeting progressed.
- His passion for music would flame every time he performed.
- The paper began to flame as it neared the candle’s flame.
- The sun would flame in the sky, casting long shadows.
- The children watched in awe as the fire began to flame.
- The old photograph seemed to flame memories of nostalgia.
- The protest would flame with the voices of the crowd.
- His eyes would flame with determination as he faced challenges.
- The heat would flame from the stove as she cooked.
- The campfire would flame and crackle in the stillness of the night.
- The colors of the rainbow would flame after the rain.
- His pride would often flame when he achieved something great.
- The discussion would flame when they touched on sensitive topics.
- The warmth of the sun would flame on her skin during summer days.