100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "flee"


The verb flee means to run away from a place or situation of danger or threat, often in an attempt to escape.


  • Escape
  • Run away
  • Bolt
  • Evacuate
  • Depart
  • Take flight
  • Abscond
  • Elude
  • Avoid
  • Get away


  • Approach
  • Confront
  • Face
  • Stay
  • Remain
  • Endure
  • Tackle
  • Confront
  • Meet
  • Attend


  1. When the fire alarm rang, everyone began to flee the building.
  2. The criminal tried to flee from the police but was quickly caught.
  3. She decided to flee the country to avoid persecution.
  4. As the storm approached, the residents had to flee to higher ground.
  5. The deer will flee at the slightest sound of danger.
  6. In times of war, many families flee their homes in search of safety.
  7. The children were told to flee the playground when the thunder began.
  8. He felt the urge to flee from his responsibilities.
  9. They had to flee through the back door to avoid the crowd.
  10. The villagers were forced to flee from the advancing enemy troops.
  11. She watched her friends flee the scene in panic.
  12. The refugees had to flee across the border in the dead of night.
  13. The rabbit will flee at the first sign of a predator.
  14. During the earthquake, many people flee their homes in fear.
  15. He chose to flee rather than confront the problem head-on.
  16. The protagonist must flee from the villain to survive.
  17. It was a moment of chaos as people began to flee the concert venue.
  18. They decided to flee the city for a more peaceful life in the countryside.
  19. As the volcano erupted, locals had to flee to safety.
  20. She felt like she needed to flee from her mundane life.
  21. The escaped prisoners attempted to flee on foot.
  22. He witnessed the crowd flee in all directions.
  23. The children were instructed to flee the area during the drill.
  24. The dog will instinctively flee if it senses danger.
  25. The soldiers were ordered to flee the battlefield.
  26. They were forced to flee their ancestral home.
  27. The movie depicted characters who had to flee from a zombie apocalypse.
  28. She decided to flee from the toxic relationship.
  29. As dusk fell, the birds began to flee their nests.
  30. The thief tried to flee with the stolen goods.
  31. He felt the need to flee after realizing the consequences of his actions.
  32. During the invasion, many people chose to flee to safer territories.
  33. The hero must flee to protect his loved ones.
  34. The cat will flee if it hears a loud noise.
  35. They had to flee from the burning building.
  36. The frightened child began to flee from the loud fireworks.
  37. She had to flee the scene before anyone recognized her.
  38. The soldiers had to flee when they were outnumbered.
  39. The story tells of a knight who must flee a dragon.
  40. The villagers decided to flee when the floodwaters rose.
  41. He watched as people began to flee in panic.
  42. They had no choice but to flee from their war-torn homeland.
  43. The protagonist must flee to save himself from capture.
  44. The animals began to flee as the hunters approached.
  45. The news made everyone want to flee the area immediately.
  46. It’s natural to want to flee when faced with danger.
  47. The children began to flee the haunted house in terror.
  48. The residents had to flee when the wildfire got too close.
  49. The villain's threats made him feel he had to flee.
  50. She could feel the urge to flee from the confrontation.
  51. He decided to flee into the woods to hide.
  52. The government urged citizens to flee the area before the storm hit.
  53. The hero had to flee the castle to escape his foes.
  54. The sudden explosion made everyone flee in different directions.
  55. They had to flee before the enemy reached their position.
  56. The frightened tourists began to flee the area when they heard the gunshots.
  57. The animals instinctively flee when they sense danger.
  58. She watched as her friends began to flee from the scene.
  59. The authorities warned people to flee as the hurricane approached.
  60. The children felt the need to flee when the bully showed up.
  61. The unexpected noise caused the crowd to flee in fear.
  62. He chose to flee rather than face the consequences of his actions.
  63. The sudden attack forced the villagers to flee in a hurry.
  64. The soldiers had to flee to regroup and strategize.
  65. The protagonist must flee the haunted mansion before it's too late.
  66. The frightened witnesses decided to flee from the scene of the crime.
  67. They had to flee their home when the floodwaters rose.
  68. The children were told to flee the park when the storm rolled in.
  69. The instinct to flee is often stronger than the desire to fight.
  70. He saw the smoke and knew it was time to flee.
  71. The villagers had to flee when the volcano began to erupt.
  72. The chaos caused people to flee in all directions.
  73. The old castle was rumored to be haunted, causing many to flee.
  74. The sudden noise made the deer flee the area.
  75. She had to flee when her secret was discovered.
  76. The children were quick to flee when the game turned rough.
  77. The danger was real, and they had to flee immediately.
  78. The news report urged residents to flee the area.
  79. The protagonist had to flee to save his family.
  80. The loud bang made the crowd flee in panic.
  81. The animals began to flee as the storm approached.
  82. The criminals attempted to flee before the police arrived.
  83. The sudden fire forced the family to flee their home.
  84. She felt she needed to flee from her responsibilities.
  85. The escapee tried to flee through the woods at night.
  86. The storm warnings forced many to flee the coast.
  87. He had to flee when the truth came out.
  88. The unexpected attack made the group flee in fear.
  89. The protagonist's journey begins with a need to flee.
  90. The children were told to flee to safety during the drill.
  91. The danger was clear, and it was time to flee.
  92. The crowd began to flee as the situation escalated.
  93. The criminal's attempt to flee was unsuccessful.
  94. The animals instinctively flee when they sense danger.
  95. The urgency to flee became apparent as the threat loomed closer.
  96. The protagonist had to flee to escape the clutches of evil.
  97. The loud explosion caused everyone to flee the scene.
  98. The decision to flee was not an easy one for her.
  99. The villagers had to flee when the enemy attacked.
  100. The fear of the unknown made her want to flee everything familiar.