100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "go down"


The verb go down means to move from a higher position to a lower one, to decrease in level or intensity, or to be reduced in value or status. It can also refer to the act of descending physically or metaphorically.


  • Descend
  • Drop
  • Fall
  • Decrease
  • Sink
  • Lower
  • Diminish
  • Subside
  • Decline
  • Slide


  • Rise
  • Ascend
  • Increase
  • Climb
  • Elevate
  • Improve
  • Surge
  • Lift
  • Enhance
  • Grow


  1. The sun will go down soon, so we should hurry.
  2. Prices are expected to go down after the sale.
  3. When you go down the hill, be careful not to slip.
  4. The temperature will go down tonight.
  5. As the meeting continued, the morale of the team seemed to go down.
  6. I watched the ship go down over the horizon.
  7. Her enthusiasm began to go down after the criticism.
  8. They decided to go down the alternative route to avoid traffic.
  9. The stock market tends to go down during a recession.
  10. Please go down to the basement and get the tools.
  11. The elevator will go down to the first floor now.
  12. Our plans to travel may go down due to the pandemic.
  13. The river will go down after the rain stops.
  14. We can go down the path to the lake from here.
  15. The noise level began to go down as the night progressed.
  16. I saw the balloon go down slowly as the air escaped.
  17. It’s common for motivation to go down after a long week.
  18. The price of gas may go down next month.
  19. When you go down the stairs, hold the railing for safety.
  20. The team's performance can’t afford to go down any further.
  21. The temperature is expected to go down below freezing tonight.
  22. His energy levels go down after lunch.
  23. I watched the clock go down to midnight.
  24. The dog seemed to go down the hill with excitement.
  25. We need to go down the list and check each item.
  26. The child was sad to see his ice cream go down the sidewalk.
  27. The company's sales have begun to go down this quarter.
  28. Can you help me go down the stairs with this heavy box?
  29. The lights will go down during the performance to set the mood.
  30. My mood tends to go down when it rains for too long.
  31. As the days pass, my energy levels go down significantly.
  32. The tide will go down in a few hours.
  33. I need to go down to the store and pick up some groceries.
  34. After the storm, the water level will go down rapidly.
  35. The price of the product is likely to go down after the holidays.
  36. Let’s go down to the beach before sunset.
  37. The pilot announced we would go down to land shortly.
  38. The volume of the music will go down if you press this button.
  39. As night falls, the temperature will go down quickly.
  40. The dog loves to go down the slide at the park.
  41. The professor noted a go down in student engagement this semester.
  42. The roller coaster will go down steeply at the next turn.
  43. It was hard to watch the stock prices go down during the crash.
  44. We will need to go down this path if we want to reach the lake.
  45. The flowers seem to go down as winter approaches.
  46. It’s essential for the project not to go down in quality.
  47. As we go down the list, some names are repeated.
  48. The sun will go down earlier in the winter months.
  49. I saw my favorite show go down in ratings this season.
  50. Can you help me go down the hill with this heavy backpack?
  51. Watching the tide go down is a peaceful experience.
  52. The old building began to go down over the years.
  53. His confidence will go down if he faces too much criticism.
  54. The team’s chances of winning seem to go down with each loss.
  55. The elevator is about to go down; please hold on.
  56. The company decided to go down a different marketing path.
  57. As the sun began to go down, the sky turned orange and pink.
  58. The team’s spirits did not go down despite the loss.
  59. The tree branches seemed to go down with the weight of the snow.
  60. The price will go down if you buy in bulk.
  61. We watched the hot air balloon go down gracefully.
  62. It’s important to not let our standards go down.
  63. The athletes will go down the track for the final lap.
  64. Can we go down to the cafe after this meeting?
  65. The storm caused the water levels to go down significantly.
  66. I felt my energy go down after a long day at work.
  67. The temperature tends to go down at night.
  68. I need to go down to the laundry room to get my clothes.
  69. The trail will go down steeply at the next bend.
  70. We decided to go down the hill for a better view.
  71. The lights will go down for the movie shortly.
  72. The child watched the leaf go down the stream.
  73. Sales typically go down after the holiday season.
  74. She felt her spirits go down after hearing the news.
  75. The pilot informed us we would go down through some turbulence.
  76. The cost of living continues to go down in some areas.
  77. The escalator will go down to the lower level.
  78. You can go down the stairs or take the elevator.
  79. The artist’s popularity seemed to go down after the incident.
  80. It’s important to not let your determination go down.
  81. The sun will go down in just a few minutes.
  82. The number of participants began to go down as the event progressed.
  83. The price is expected to go down next week.
  84. He watched his favorite series go down in popularity.
  85. I saw the kite go down after the wind died.
  86. The temperature will go down significantly tonight.
  87. The team's performance did not go down after the last defeat.
  88. The road will go down into the valley ahead.
  89. The lights will go down for a brief intermission.
  90. It’s hard to watch the quality of education go down.
  91. The river tends to go down during dry seasons.
  92. The economy may go down if the policies aren’t adjusted.
  93. We decided to go down the mountain before sunset.
  94. His mood began to go down after the long meeting.
  95. The cat loves to go down the stairs quickly.
  96. The price of the concert tickets will go down closer to the date.
  97. The team’s hopes began to go down as the clock ticked.
  98. The sound of the music will go down during the quiet moments.
  99. As winter approaches, the temperatures will go down.
  100. The balloon started to go down as the air leaked out.