100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "hackle"


Hackle (verb) refers to the act of raising the hair or feathers on the neck of an animal, especially in a defensive or aggressive manner. It can also mean to irritate or provoke someone to anger or distress.


  • Bristle
  • Raise
  • Ruffle
  • Agitate
  • Irritate
  • Upset


  • Calm
  • Pacify
  • Soothe
  • Tranquilize
  • Appease


  1. The dog hackled at the perceived threat outside.
  2. She could feel her anger rising, and her hair seemed to hackle in response.
  3. The cat's fur hackled as it faced the approaching dog.
  4. When he heard the criticism, his first instinct was to hackle in defense.
  5. The rooster hackled loudly at the first light of dawn.
  6. The sudden noise made her nerves hackle.
  7. As the storm approached, the horse's mane hackled in the wind.
  8. The child’s laughter made her hackle with joy.
  9. He couldn't help but hackle at the insult thrown at him.
  10. The parrot's feathers hackled when it spotted a stranger.
  11. She felt her temper hackle when he interrupted her.
  12. The wild animal's fur hackled as it prepared to defend its territory.
  13. His dismissive tone made her emotions hackle.
  14. The angry bear hackled its fur to appear more intimidating.
  15. The news of the layoffs made the employees hackle with anxiety.
  16. The cat hackled its back as it spotted the dog.
  17. His comments made her hackle with frustration.
  18. The hawk's feathers hackled as it swooped down.
  19. When the lights flickered, the audience hackled in fear.
  20. The dog hackled at the stranger approaching its owner.
  21. The sudden shift in conversation caused her to hackle defensively.
  22. The fox hackled its fur, preparing for a confrontation.
  23. When the rumor spread, the whole team hackled with suspicion.
  24. The lion hackled its mane to assert dominance.
  25. She could feel her blood pressure hackle as he continued to argue.
  26. The rabbit's fur hackled when it sensed danger nearby.
  27. His sarcasm made her hackle with irritation.
  28. The startled deer hackled its fur and prepared to flee.
  29. When he was challenged, he hackled in response.
  30. The rooster hackled and flapped its wings.
  31. The sudden noise made her nerves hackle uncomfortably.
  32. As the argument escalated, their tempers hackled.
  33. The angry dog hackled at the mailman.
  34. The cat hackled its back, ready to pounce.
  35. His dismissive attitude made her hackle with rage.
  36. The bear hackled its fur as it growled.
  37. The crowd hackled with disapproval at the performance.
  38. The wolf hackled its fur when it sensed danger.
  39. As the deadline approached, the team's stress levels hackled.
  40. The horse hackled its mane in response to the loud noise.
  41. She felt her temper begin to hackle as the debate heated up.
  42. The cat's back hackled when it encountered a mouse.
  43. His harsh words made her hackle with indignation.
  44. The tiger hackled its fur, showing its teeth.
  45. The unexpected compliment made her cheeks hackle with embarrassment.
  46. The dog hackled its fur, barking aggressively.
  47. The sudden movement caused the feathers to hackle.
  48. He could feel his resolve hackle when faced with opposition.
  49. The bull hackled its mane, ready for a fight.
  50. The crowd began to hackle when the speaker arrived late.
  51. The cat hackled its back, preparing to defend its territory.
  52. The wolf hackled loudly at the moon.
  53. His cynical remarks made her hackle with annoyance.
  54. The startled elephant hackled its ears and trumpeted.
  55. The dog hackled when it saw the squirrel.
  56. Her heart began to hackle as the movie reached a tense moment.
  57. The rabbit's ears hackled high when it sensed danger.
  58. The lion hackled its mane, displaying its strength.
  59. When the argument escalated, tempers began to hackle.
  60. The parrot hackled its feathers in excitement.
  61. The deer hackled its fur, ready to flee at any moment.
  62. His dismissive laugh made her hackle with frustration.
  63. The rooster hackled at dawn, announcing the new day.
  64. The dog hackled and growled at the intruder.
  65. The sudden noise made her hair hackle with fear.
  66. His condescending tone made her hackle with anger.
  67. The crowd’s cheers made his heart hackle with excitement.
  68. The cat's fur hackled as it prepared to strike.
  69. As the storm approached, the animals began to hackle.
  70. The sudden news made his anxiety hackle.
  71. The wildlife photographer felt his hair hackle in anticipation.
  72. The bull hackled aggressively, preparing for a challenge.
  73. Her stomach began to hackle at the thought of the exam.
  74. The dog hackled at the sound of the doorbell.
  75. The angry cat hackled at the dog to warn it off.
  76. His words made her blood hackle with indignation.
  77. The rabbit's fur hackled when it spotted a hawk.
  78. The crowd's reactions caused his confidence to hackle.
  79. The hawk's feathers hackled as it prepared to dive.
  80. The employees began to hackle when rumors of layoffs circulated.
  81. The dog hackled and barked when it saw the mail truck.
  82. His joking demeanor made her hackle with irritation.
  83. The lion's mane hackled as it roared.
  84. The cat’s back hackled in response to the approaching dog.
  85. The sudden applause made her hackle with delight.
  86. The chicken hackled loudly when surprised.
  87. The conflict made his nerves hackle.
  88. The startled goat hackled its fur and ran away.
  89. His jokes only served to hackle the tense atmosphere.
  90. The lioness hackled her fur, ready to defend her cubs.
  91. The raccoon hackled its fur when it was startled.
  92. Her anxiety began to hackle when the clock ticked down.
  93. The dog hackled at the sound of thunder.
  94. His lack of empathy made her hackle with frustration.
  95. The angry goose hackled at the intruders.
  96. The cat’s tail hackled as it spotted a potential threat.
  97. His rude comments made the atmosphere hackle.
  98. The bear hackled its fur, growling defensively.
  99. As the argument continued, their emotions began to hackle.
  100. The startled bird hackled its feathers and flew away.