100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "harbinger"


The verb harbinger means to signal the approach of something or to indicate the onset of an event or situation, often one that is significant or momentous. It is often used to suggest that something is coming or that a certain change is imminent.


  • Herald
  • Precursor
  • Forerunner
  • Omen
  • Sign
  • Indicator
  • Signal
  • Proclaimer
  • Messenger


  • Follower
  • Successor
  • Result
  • Consequence
  • Aftermath


  1. The dark clouds in the sky harbinger an impending storm.
  2. The arrival of the first robin harbinger spring is on the way.
  3. Economic downturns often harbinger changes in the job market.
  4. The increased number of earthquakes could harbinger a volcanic eruption.
  5. In literature, dreams can harbinger future events for characters.
  6. The sudden drop in temperature harbinger the change of seasons.
  7. The news report served to harbinger the potential for social unrest.
  8. The early blooms of cherry blossoms harbinger the arrival of warmer weather.
  9. The whistle of the train harbinger the end of the workday for many.
  10. The unexpected visit from the manager harbinger a significant change in the team.
  11. His grim expression seemed to harbinger bad news.
  12. The warning signs harbinger a shift in public opinion.
  13. The first frost often harbinger the end of the gardening season.
  14. The loud thunderclap harbinger the start of the heavy rainfall.
  15. The actor’s sudden fame could harbinger a new trend in Hollywood.
  16. The rise in sea levels harbinger potential flooding in coastal cities.
  17. The crackling of dry leaves underfoot harbinger the approach of autumn.
  18. The silence in the room harbinger the seriousness of the announcement.
  19. The new legislation could harbinger significant changes in education policy.
  20. The discovery of new evidence may harbinger a breakthrough in the case.
  21. The empty playground harbinger a quiet summer ahead.
  22. The opening notes of the song harbinger the nostalgia of the past.
  23. The decline in bee populations harbinger a larger environmental crisis.
  24. The teacher's stern look harbinger a pop quiz.
  25. The flickering lights harbinger a power outage.
  26. The diplomat's visit harbinger a new era of cooperation.
  27. The sharp increase in prices can harbinger economic instability.
  28. The change in leadership harbinger a fresh perspective.
  29. The presence of dark clouds harbinger a storm.
  30. The outpouring of support for the cause harbinger a shift in public attitudes.
  31. The sudden rise in online activity harbinger an upcoming event.
  32. The headlines in the newspaper harbinger a turbulent time.
  33. The whisper of the wind harbinger the secrets of the forest.
  34. The new technology harbinger exciting possibilities for the future.
  35. The arrival of the first snowflakes harbinger the holiday season.
  36. The unexpected closure of the factory could harbinger economic challenges for the town.
  37. The ominous tones of the orchestra harbinger a dramatic climax in the play.
  38. The smoke rising in the distance harbinger the fire that was just ignited.
  39. The changes in her behavior harbinger something was troubling her.
  40. The increased chatter among the employees harbinger upcoming changes in the workplace.
  41. The rustling leaves harbinger the presence of an approaching animal.
  42. The first signs of fatigue can harbinger the need for a break.
  43. The ringing of the school bell harbinger the end of the day.
  44. The unusual behavior of the animals can harbinger a natural disaster.
  45. The successful launch of the product harbinger a prosperous quarter.
  46. The fading daylight harbinger the arrival of night.
  47. The growth of the startup harbinger a shift in the industry.
  48. The growing tension between the two nations harbinger potential conflict.
  49. The fall of the leaves harbinger the onset of winter.
  50. The sound of laughter harbinger joy and celebration.
  51. The increased chatter on the forums harbinger an exciting announcement.
  52. The sudden influx of tourists harbinger a busy season for local businesses.
  53. The dust storm on the horizon harbinger a rough evening ahead.
  54. The news of the merger harbinger a new chapter for the company.
  55. The presence of certain bird species harbinger changes in the ecosystem.
  56. The echoing footsteps harbinger someone approaching.
  57. The early frost harbinger a harsh winter ahead.
  58. The return of the sun harbinger hope after a long winter.
  59. The first signs of rust can harbinger the need for repairs.
  60. The teacher's praise harbinger a bright future for the student.
  61. The sharp rise in temperatures harbinger a hot summer.
  62. The intense competition harbinger innovation in the market.
  63. The sound of sirens harbinger emergency situations.
  64. The completed project harbinger success for the team.
  65. The celebration harbinger a new beginning for the couple.
  66. The sudden silence harbinger a moment of reflection.
  67. The new policy harbinger a more inclusive workplace.
  68. The heavy fog harbinger a mysterious atmosphere.
  69. The strumming of the guitar harbinger a heartfelt performance.
  70. The sudden drop in stock prices harbinger economic volatility.
  71. The warmth of the sun harbinger a perfect day for a picnic.
  72. The litter of puppies harbinger joy for the family.
  73. The arrival of the first snow harbinger holiday festivities.
  74. The new research findings harbinger breakthroughs in medicine.
  75. The sound of bells harbinger celebrations and gatherings.
  76. The increasing number of protests harbinger a demand for change.
  77. The flickering candlelight harbinger a cozy evening.
  78. The first raindrops harbinger a refreshing downpour.
  79. The rise in global temperatures harbinger climate change consequences.
  80. The crack in the foundation harbinger structural issues.
  81. The increase in social media activity harbinger a trending topic.
  82. The return of the migratory birds harbinger the start of spring.
  83. The fading echoes harbinger the end of the concert.
  84. The scent of pine needles harbinger the holiday season.
  85. The influx of newcomers harbinger a changing community.
  86. The loud laughter harbinger happiness among friends.
  87. The rising sun harbinger a new day filled with possibilities.
  88. The crack of thunder harbinger the storm that would follow.
  89. The announcement of the new policy harbinger a shift in direction for the organization.
  90. The increased demand for electric cars harbinger a green revolution.
  91. The sound of a train whistle harbinger a journey about to begin.
  92. The final whistle harbinger the end of the match.
  93. The rustling of the paper harbinger an important announcement.
  94. The closing of the school harbinger summer vacation.
  95. The growth of technology start-ups harbinger an entrepreneurial boom.
  96. The sudden change in weather harbinger a need for caution.
  97. The ringing of a phone harbinger news waiting to be shared.
  98. The first signs of winter harbinger the need for warm clothing.
  99. The strong winds harbinger the approach of a hurricane.
  100. The excitement in the air harbinger an unforgettable evening ahead.