100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "jammed"


Jammed (verb): To become stuck or blocked, preventing movement or progress; to forcefully or tightly pack something into a space, often causing an obstruction.


  • Stuck
  • Blocked
  • Packed
  • Crammed
  • Jammed up
  • Congested
  • Clogged
  • Bottlenecked


  • Free
  • Unblocked
  • Released
  • Loosened
  • Unclogged
  • Cleared


  1. The printer jammed again, and I had to pull out the paper.
  2. We jammed all our clothes into the suitcase to make it fit.
  3. The traffic jammed on the highway due to an accident.
  4. She jammed the door shut to keep it from swinging open.
  5. He jammed the last piece of cake into his mouth.
  6. They jammed the stack of books onto the shelf.
  7. The elevator jammed between the third and fourth floors.
  8. I accidentally jammed my finger in the door.
  9. The signal jammed, and we lost communication.
  10. He jammed his bike into the crowded garage.
  11. The concertgoers jammed into the venue before the show started.
  12. I jammed the grapes into the blender for a smoothie.
  13. The gears jammed when I tried to shift too quickly.
  14. She jammed the trash into the bin, hoping it wouldn't overflow.
  15. The children jammed their toys into the box.
  16. My headphones jammed, making it impossible to listen to music.
  17. He jammed his foot on the brake when the car in front stopped suddenly.
  18. The kids jammed the slide with their bodies, trying to go down all at once.
  19. The ice jammed in the cooler, making it hard to retrieve drinks.
  20. She jammed the last cookie into her bag before leaving the party.
  21. The computer jammed while downloading the software update.
  22. They jammed the last few seats in the theater for the premiere.
  23. I jammed the lock, making it impossible to open the door.
  24. The traffic jammed for miles due to road construction.
  25. He jammed the last piece of furniture into the moving truck.
  26. The drawer jammed, and I couldn't pull it open.
  27. She jammed her schedule full of meetings this week.
  28. The festival jammed the streets with excited crowds.
  29. He jammed the keys into the ignition but the car wouldn’t start.
  30. The ice cubes jammed together in the tray.
  31. We jammed the last few items into our shopping cart.
  32. The dog jammed itself under the couch during the storm.
  33. The road jammed with cars during rush hour.
  34. I jammed my foot in my mouth when I said the wrong thing.
  35. The ice in the river jammed and created a blockage.
  36. She jammed her phone into her pocket.
  37. The gears jammed and the machine stopped working.
  38. The crowd jammed the downtown area for the parade.
  39. He jammed the suitcase closed, struggling with the zipper.
  40. The printer jammed, and I had to clear the paper.
  41. We jammed into the elevator just before the doors closed.
  42. The kids jammed all their toys in the car for the trip.
  43. The rain jammed the drainage system, causing a flood.
  44. He jammed the book onto the shelf, making it fit.
  45. The line jammed at the entrance of the concert.
  46. She jammed her fingers into her ears to block out the noise.
  47. The traffic lights jammed, causing confusion at the intersection.
  48. He jammed the remote into the couch cushions.
  49. They jammed into the small booth at the diner.
  50. The plans jammed up when the venue became unavailable.
  51. The ice jammed the pipes, causing a leak.
  52. He jammed his hands into his pockets as it got colder.
  53. The car jammed in the snow and couldn’t move.
  54. We jammed the books onto the shelf haphazardly.
  55. She jammed her agenda with back-to-back appointments.
  56. The children jammed the crayons into the box after art class.
  57. The machine jammed, resulting in a production delay.
  58. I jammed my credit card into the reader, hoping it would work.
  59. The crowd jammed the streets during the festival.
  60. He jammed the lid on the jar, sealing it tightly.
  61. The traffic jammed as everyone tried to leave the concert.
  62. They jammed their bicycles into the bike rack.
  63. The drawer jammed, and I couldn't retrieve my utensils.
  64. She jammed her backpack full of books for school.
  65. The printer jammed again, frustrating everyone in the office.
  66. The kids jammed their toys into the car for the trip.
  67. He jammed the pedal down to accelerate quickly.
  68. The ice jammed in the cooler, making it difficult to get drinks.
  69. The gears jammed and required maintenance.
  70. She jammed the suitcase shut, determined not to leave anything behind.
  71. The crowd jammed the entrance to get a good view of the stage.
  72. He jammed the chair into the corner to save space.
  73. The traffic jammed for hours due to a major accident.
  74. She jammed the last piece of pizza into her mouth.
  75. The printer jammed during an important presentation.
  76. We jammed all the groceries into the trunk.
  77. The traffic lights jammed, causing a major backup.
  78. He jammed the lid on the box, securing its contents.
  79. The kids jammed into the small car for the trip.
  80. The machine jammed, causing a production halt.
  81. They jammed the suitcase full, hoping it would weigh less.
  82. The drawer jammed, and I had to force it open.
  83. She jammed the remote under the couch.
  84. The ice jammed the river, creating a blockage.
  85. He jammed his foot on the gas pedal to catch up with his friends.
  86. The concert jammed the streets with excited fans.
  87. I jammed my fingers into the keyboard while typing quickly.
  88. The printer jammed, and I had to clear the paper.
  89. They jammed the last few items into the box for the move.
  90. The crowd jammed the sidewalks during the parade.
  91. She jammed her foot in the door just as it was closing.
  92. The gears jammed, and we had to call for help.
  93. He jammed the notes into his backpack before class.
  94. The car jammed on the icy road, skidding slightly.
  95. The kids jammed their bikes into the garage after riding.
  96. The traffic jammed up as everyone left the event.
  97. She jammed her hair into a bun before going out.
  98. The drawer jammed, and I couldn't get it open.
  99. The concert jammed the venue with fans eager to see the band.
  100. He jammed his hands into his pockets, feeling the cold wind.