100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "jinx up"
Jinx up (verb): To cause a situation to become unlucky or to bring about misfortune, often as a result of one's own actions or superstitions. This phrase is commonly used in informal contexts, suggesting that something negative has been inadvertently invoked.
- Curse
- Hex
- Bewitch
- Banish
- Frustrate
- Spoil
- Ruin
- Afflict
- Bless
- Favor
- Enhance
- Prosper
- Fortunate
- Support
- Promote
- Every time I try to relax, I somehow jinx up my plans with bad luck.
- He always seems to jinx up the game whenever he makes a prediction.
- I think you just jinxed up your chances of winning by boasting too much.
- She accidentally jinxed up her own performance by doubting her abilities.
- Whenever I touch the trophy, I feel like I might jinx up our winning streak.
- If we talk about winning too early, we might jinx up the entire season.
- He tends to jinx up the weather forecast with his negative comments.
- Don't mention the word "perfect" during the project; it might jinx up everything.
- I really hope I didn't jinx up my job interview by arriving too early.
- Every time I say things are going well, I end up jinxing up the situation.
- By laughing at the rain, you might just jinx up your sunny day.
- She felt that every time she made a big announcement, she would jinx up the outcome.
- We shouldn't discuss our strategies too openly; it might jinx up our plans.
- I was excited about the vacation, but I didn't want to jinx up anything by talking about it.
- He always seems to jinx up his own luck with his negative thoughts.
- I worry that talking about my promotion will jinx up my chances.
- After he declared victory too soon, he ended up jinxing up the whole match.
- They thought they could win easily, but they really jinxed up their chances.
- I almost jinxed up our dinner plans by mentioning the restaurant's reputation.
- Every time I boast about my cooking, I end up jinxing up the meal.
- She was so confident about her speech that she nearly jinxed up the delivery.
- I don't want to jinx up anything, so I’ll keep my mouth shut about the surprise.
- He didn't mean to jinx up the game, but his comment had an odd effect.
- We were winning until he joked about our luck and jinxed up the whole thing.
- It's funny how talking about luck can sometimes jinx up your fortune.
- I hope I didn’t jinx up my luck by buying that lottery ticket too early.
- She felt she had jinxed up her chances by telling everyone about her plans.
- The moment he walked in and said "What could go wrong?", he jinxed up the event.
- He tried to remain calm, but his nerves seemed to jinx up his performance.
- This superstitious belief often leads people to jinx up their own success.
- Don’t say you’ve got it in the bag; you might jinx up the entire process.
- She was warned not to jinx up the relationship by getting ahead of herself.
- I feel like I might jinx up my team by saying we’re going to win.
- After his comment, everyone felt like they had jinxed up their luck.
- They were excited about the game but tried not to jinx up their enthusiasm.
- I didn’t mean to jinx up our plans by being overly optimistic.
- The coach reminded the players not to jinx up their winning streak.
- She worried that her confidence might jinx up her chances at the auditions.
- By discussing their plans too openly, they could have jinxed up their chances.
- I almost jinxed up my day by stepping on a crack on the sidewalk.
- He thought it was just a superstition until he realized he always jinxed up things.
- If I brag about my skills, I might jinx up my next performance.
- They were doing well until someone decided to jinx up the mood.
- The last time I got excited about a trip, I completely jinxed up the itinerary.
- He didn't want to jinx up the final exam by bragging about his studies.
- I had to stop myself from jinxing up my good fortune by talking about it.
- There’s a fine line between confidence and jinxing up your luck.
- She thought it was absurd, but she still felt like she could jinx up her luck.
- Talking about our plans might just jinx up everything we’ve worked for.
- He claimed he never jinxed up his luck, but the evidence suggested otherwise.
- I realized that every time I mention my goals, I tend to jinx up my progress.
- There’s a belief that discussing your dreams can jinx up their realization.
- He was so superstitious that he would never dare to jinx up his fortune.
- After that comment, I felt like I had jinxed up the entire project.
- She believed that her excitement could jinx up their chances.
- The team celebrated too early and ended up jinxing up their victory.
- I had a great start, but then I accidentally jinxed up my performance.
- They thought they could secure a win, but they really jinxed up their chances.
- It’s better to stay quiet than to jinx up your ambitions by talking too much.
- She felt that talking about her luck might jinx up her winning streak.
- Whenever I mention my plans, I feel like I jinx up the outcome.
- He tried to be optimistic, but his words seemed to jinx up the situation.
- I didn’t want to jinx up my good fortune by sharing too much.
- By pretending everything was fine, he nearly jinxed up the project.
- The moment they started celebrating, they jinxed up their chances of winning.
- Discussing their strategy openly could easily jinx up their game plan.
- She worried she might jinx up her upcoming exam by being too confident.
- He couldn’t help but think he would jinx up his success by celebrating early.
- It seems like every time I get hopeful, I end up jinxing up the results.
- They managed to win, but only after avoiding anything that might jinx up their luck.
- I promised myself not to jinx up my luck by being too vocal about it.
- He was so nervous that he almost jinxed up the entire presentation.
- The team’s morale was high until someone made a comment that jinxed up everything.
- I felt confident until I realized I might jinx up my performance by overthinking.
- Talking about the future can sometimes jinx up our best intentions.
- He believed that discussing plans could easily jinx up their success.
- She tried not to jinx up her opportunities by overexposing them.
- His boastful attitude seemed to jinx up their chances of winning.
- I didn’t want to jinx up my promotion by getting too excited.
- Every time I discuss my goals, I feel like I could jinx up my progress.
- We shouldn’t celebrate until the deal is done; we might jinx up our success.
- I’m trying to stay humble so I don’t jinx up my good fortune.
- After the last-minute changes, I felt they might jinx up their project.
- He laughed at the idea of jinxing up luck until it happened to him.
- It’s a common belief that overconfidence can jinx up your performance.
- She hoped she wouldn’t jinx up her chances by being too vocal about her ambitions.
- I made a wish but was careful not to jinx up it by speaking too soon.
- They were afraid to discuss their plans after they accidentally jinxed up their last one.
- The moment he said "nothing can go wrong," I knew he would jinx up the situation.
- She believed that every time she bragged, she would jinx up her luck.
- I avoided jinxing up the event by keeping my excitement to myself.
- He used to think it was silly until he realized he had jinxed up himself.
- Talking about luck can be a surefire way to jinx up your fortune.
- I felt like I was about to jinx up my plans by sharing them too soon.
- She was excited to share her news but feared she might jinx up it.
- The team's overconfidence almost jinxed up their chances of winning.
- I try not to jinx up my luck by discussing it openly.
- It’s funny how quickly things can turn if you jinx up your good fortune.
- He was careful not to jinx up his promotion by talking about it too much.
- She wished for success but worried she might jinx up it by celebrating too early.