100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "jolly"
The verb jolly means to make someone feel happy or cheerful, often through playful teasing or lighthearted humor. It can also mean to encourage or persuade someone to do something in a cheerful manner.
- Cheer
- Delight
- Amuse
- Encourage
- Lighten
- Gladden
- Enliven
- Buoy
- Elevate
- Lift
- Sadden
- Discourage
- Depress
- Dismay
- Upset
- Trouble
- Distress
- Dishearten
- Dampen
- Weaken
- She decided to jolly him along to keep his spirits up.
- The group of friends would often jolly each other with jokes and laughter.
- He tried to jolly her into joining the dance party.
- They would jolly along the children to make them laugh.
- The comedian's goal was to jolly the audience throughout the show.
- She would jolly her coworkers with playful banter during breaks.
- To jolly him out of his bad mood, she brought his favorite snacks.
- The teacher would often jolly her students to participate in class activities.
- He tried to jolly his friend into going on the trip.
- The festive decorations were meant to jolly everyone up for the holidays.
- She loved to jolly her parents when they were feeling down.
- We should jolly them with some fun games this weekend.
- His jokes were intended to jolly everyone at the gathering.
- They would jolly their neighbor when he was feeling lonely.
- The kids tried to jolly their dad into a silly dance.
- She attempted to jolly the shy girl into sharing her talent.
- He always knew how to jolly her up with a good story.
- The party was a great way to jolly up the community spirit.
- They would jolly each other with silly challenges.
- She wanted to jolly him out of his shell.
- The holiday cheer helped to jolly everyone in the office.
- They tried to jolly him back to his usual self after the loss.
- The puppy did tricks to jolly the children during the event.
- She sang a funny song to jolly him during their road trip.
- Friends often jolly each other through tough times.
- The coach would jolly the players before the big game.
- His playful teasing helped to jolly her out of her funk.
- They would jolly the audience with fun skits.
- He always manages to jolly her back into a good mood.
- The ice cream truck was a sure way to jolly up the neighborhood kids.
- She brought balloons to jolly her friend on her birthday.
- The surprise party was meant to jolly him into a celebration.
- His humorous remarks always jolly up the family gatherings.
- She would jolly her friends into joining her for a movie night.
- The festive music helped to jolly everyone at the event.
- They would often jolly their grandparents with stories from their lives.
- The team tried to jolly their captain after a tough loss.
- He would jolly her along with compliments.
- The friendly competition helped to jolly everyone up.
- She used her charm to jolly him into agreeing with her plan.
- The team-building activities were designed to jolly everyone together.
- To jolly her mother, she baked her a favorite dessert.
- His enthusiasm was contagious and helped to jolly everyone at work.
- The children tried to jolly their father into playing games.
- The holiday spirit was meant to jolly everyone during the season.
- His antics were there to jolly the crowd at the festival.
- To jolly her friend, she sent a funny meme.
- The encouraging words helped to jolly him through the tough times.
- He loved to jolly people with his quick wit.
- The dog’s playful behavior was enough to jolly anyone.
- She would often jolly her siblings into helping with chores.
- The team’s victory was a great reason to jolly everyone up.
- He always tries to jolly his coworkers to lighten the mood.
- They planned a surprise to jolly their friend on her promotion.
- The jokes helped to jolly the audience during the intermission.
- She made a point to jolly her students during exam week.
- The bright decorations were meant to jolly up the atmosphere.
- He would often jolly her along with sweet nothings.
- The party games were designed to jolly everyone up.
- She loved to jolly him by reminding him of their fun memories.
- The magician’s tricks were enough to jolly the crowd.
- He decided to jolly her with a surprise visit.
- They tried to jolly each other through their stressful week.
- The holiday treats were meant to jolly the kids.
- She would jolly her friends with her hilarious impressions.
- The unexpected visit was meant to jolly him up.
- His cheerful nature always managed to jolly everyone around him.
- They would jolly their friends into attending the concert.
- The funny cartoons helped to jolly her during lunch.
- To jolly the group, he shared amusing anecdotes.
- The warm weather helped to jolly everyone up for the picnic.
- She used her talents to jolly the community during the festival.
- They would often jolly their teammates before competitions.
- The little surprises were meant to jolly her throughout the week.
- He would jolly her with sweet messages to brighten her day.
- The lively music was there to jolly everyone at the party.
- They tried to jolly up their friend who was feeling down.
- The playful banter was enough to jolly everyone at the gathering.
- She made it her mission to jolly her friends during tough times.
- The comedian was hired to jolly up the guests at the wedding.
- The group planned a trip to jolly him after a hard week.
- She had a knack for jollying up the mood at family dinners.
- The silly costumes were meant to jolly everyone during the event.
- He loved to jolly her with funny stories from his childhood.
- The surprise gift was a great way to jolly her up.
- They would jolly their family with fun games during the holidays.
- His playful nature would always jolly up the kids in the neighborhood.
- She tried to jolly him along with positive affirmations.
- The cheerful decorations were meant to jolly everyone for the party.
- He would always jolly her with his quick humor.
- The performance was designed to jolly the audience.
- She loved to jolly her classmates into studying together.
- The fun activities helped to jolly everyone during the retreat.
- They would jolly their friends by throwing surprise parties.
- The funny videos were meant to jolly her when she was feeling down.
- He loved to jolly her with his silly dance moves.
- The playful puppy helped to jolly everyone at the park.
- She would often jolly him into trying new things.
- The cheerful atmosphere was designed to jolly everyone at the event.
- He would jolly his coworkers with his lively spirit.