100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "jump to"


The verb jump to means to suddenly move to a different point or conclusion, often without careful consideration or evidence. It can also refer to quickly transitioning to a particular topic or section in a conversation or text.


  • Leap to
  • Skip to
  • Rush to
  • Hasten to
  • Transition to
  • Move to
  • Dash to


  • Deliberate
  • Pause
  • Hesitate
  • Stay
  • Linger


  1. She decided to jump to the end of the book to see how it concludes.
  2. Don’t jump to conclusions before hearing all the facts.
  3. He tends to jump to the next topic during discussions.
  4. The teacher asked us not to jump to the final answer without solving the problem.
  5. I would rather you not jump to any assumptions about her behavior.
  6. They always jump to the most exciting part of the story.
  7. When faced with a challenge, it’s easy to jump to the worst-case scenario.
  8. He quickly jumped to his feet when he heard the alarm.
  9. Let's not jump to the conclusion that he is guilty.
  10. As soon as I heard the news, I jumped to my phone to call my friends.
  11. She often jumps to the defense of her colleagues.
  12. It’s unwise to jump to any decisions without proper evaluation.
  13. Can we jump to the next agenda item in our meeting?
  14. They want to jump to the good parts of the movie.
  15. I didn’t mean to jump to a conclusion; I just reacted impulsively.
  16. The kids would jump to the playground as soon as school ended.
  17. I prefer to jump to practical solutions rather than dwell on problems.
  18. He jumped to the conclusion that she was upset without asking her.
  19. You shouldn’t jump to any conclusions based on rumors.
  20. We can jump to the proposal if everyone agrees.
  21. The cat jumped to the windowsill to watch the birds outside.
  22. I sometimes jump to a new project before finishing the old one.
  23. It’s important not to jump to the front of the line.
  24. After hearing the first part of the story, I jumped to the wrong assumption.
  25. She jumped to help her friend when he fell.
  26. Let’s not jump to the last chapter; we need to read it all.
  27. As a manager, I try not to jump to conclusions about my team’s performance.
  28. When I saw the smoke, I jumped to action.
  29. He always jumps to the most logical explanation.
  30. The dog jumped to greet its owner at the door.
  31. They could jump to a compromise if they communicate openly.
  32. I can’t believe you would jump to such a drastic conclusion!
  33. She jumped to the conclusion that he was lying.
  34. Let's jump to the next slide in the presentation.
  35. I wish you wouldn’t jump to conclusions without talking to me first.
  36. The athlete jumped to greatness after his record-breaking performance.
  37. They tended to jump to the most thrilling parts in the story.
  38. I had to jump to a different topic when the conversation stalled.
  39. He jumped to the finish line to claim his victory.
  40. I often jump to new hobbies without finishing the last one.
  41. She’s quick to jump to defend her beliefs.
  42. Before we proceed, let’s not jump to any assumptions.
  43. I will jump to conclusions if I don’t have all the information.
  44. He can jump to a solution when under pressure.
  45. We shouldn’t jump to the most extreme measures.
  46. The dog jumped to action when it saw the squirrel.
  47. I jumped to a different conclusion after hearing your side.
  48. They always jump to the end of the movie for spoilers.
  49. Please don’t jump to any decisions without consulting me first.
  50. The children jumped to the sound of the ice cream truck.
  51. I sometimes jump to conclusions based on emotions.
  52. She tends to jump to the most optimistic outlook.
  53. Don’t jump to the first idea; let’s brainstorm together.
  54. He quickly jumped to his feet when the meeting ended.
  55. We often jump to what seems obvious without deeper analysis.
  56. After the incident, I jumped to help the injured.
  57. She would often jump to the next book in a series.
  58. I don’t want to jump to any hasty decisions.
  59. The cat jumped to the counter to investigate.
  60. It’s always wise to pause before you jump to conclusions.
  61. He jumped to the conclusion that she was upset without asking her.
  62. The children couldn’t wait to jump to the fun activities.
  63. Don’t jump to conclusions based on first impressions.
  64. She jumped to the rescue when she saw someone in trouble.
  65. It’s natural to jump to the most familiar topic in a conversation.
  66. He jumped to the conclusion that they were late.
  67. I had to jump to conclusions when I didn’t have all the facts.
  68. The athlete jumped to new heights during the competition.
  69. Can we jump to the part where we discuss solutions?
  70. It’s easy to jump to the wrong idea if you don’t know the whole story.
  71. When I saw the surprise party, I jumped to joy.
  72. He wanted to jump to the conclusion that it was a prank.
  73. They always jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence.
  74. I often jump to new interests without finishing old ones.
  75. She jumped to help when she saw someone fall.
  76. Let’s not jump to any decisions until we gather more information.
  77. As soon as I saw the results, I jumped to celebrate.
  78. He’s the type to jump to the first solution he thinks of.
  79. They jumped to the opportunity to help out.
  80. Don’t jump to any conclusions about her motives.
  81. The kids jumped to the playground as soon as they could.
  82. I tend to jump to conclusions when I feel anxious.
  83. She jumped to a new project immediately after finishing the last.
  84. Let’s not jump to the end of the story just yet.
  85. He quickly jumped to action when he saw the fire.
  86. They often jump to the most exciting parts of the news.
  87. I don’t want you to jump to any conclusions about my intentions.
  88. She jumped to the top of the leaderboard after her performance.
  89. Before making a decision, let’s jump to all the options available.
  90. He jumped to the wrong assumption without checking the facts.
  91. The dog jumped to its owner’s side during the storm.
  92. I had to jump to my feet when I heard the announcement.
  93. They could jump to an agreement if they listen to each other.
  94. He jumped to conclusions based on his past experiences.
  95. It’s not wise to jump to a diagnosis without proper tests.
  96. She jumped to assist her friend during the crisis.
  97. I always jump to the conclusion that people are friendly.
  98. The cat jumped to chase the laser pointer across the room.
  99. Let’s not jump to any decisions until we review everything.
  100. They jumped to the chance to volunteer for the event.