100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "kick in-the-teeth"


The phrase kick in the teeth is an idiomatic expression that means to experience a sudden setback, disappointment, or harsh criticism, especially when one is already in a difficult situation. It conveys a sense of betrayal or unkindness, where the action taken is unexpected and painful.


  • Setback
  • Blow
  • Disappointment
  • Disheartening experience
  • Hardship
  • Jolt
  • Snub


  • Encouragement
  • Support
  • Boost
  • Help
  • Favor
  • Upliftment
  • Assistance


  1. Losing the job after the promotion announcement felt like a kick in the teeth.
  2. The unexpected breakup was a real kick in the teeth for her.
  3. After working so hard on the project, the negative feedback was a kick in the teeth.
  4. His sudden departure was a kick in the teeth for the whole team.
  5. Just when she thought things were turning around, the news was another kick in the teeth.
  6. The cancellation of the event was a kick in the teeth for all the organizers.
  7. Finding out he was passed over for the promotion was a kick in the teeth.
  8. The harsh reviews were a kick in the teeth for the new restaurant.
  9. When the car broke down before the trip, it felt like a kick in the teeth.
  10. Being ignored during the meeting was a kick in the teeth for his confidence.
  11. The sudden illness was a kick in the teeth after she had just started feeling better.
  12. Losing the final match was a kick in the teeth for the entire team.
  13. The unexpected tax bill was a kick in the teeth for their finances.
  14. Her harsh words were a kick in the teeth after all the support I had given her.
  15. The delay in the project was a kick in the teeth for our timeline.
  16. The rejection letter was a kick in the teeth to his dreams.
  17. Hearing that his competitor had won was a kick in the teeth.
  18. The sudden change in plans felt like a kick in the teeth after all the preparation.
  19. Being sidelined by an injury was a kick in the teeth for his career.
  20. The news of the layoffs was a kick in the teeth for the employees.
  21. Finding out she was the last to know was a kick in the teeth for him.
  22. The criticism from her mentor was a kick in the teeth after so much effort.
  23. The last-minute cancellation was a kick in the teeth for their vacation plans.
  24. His lack of support was a kick in the teeth during a tough time.
  25. The sudden market crash was a kick in the teeth for investors.
  26. The betrayal by a close friend felt like a kick in the teeth.
  27. The missed deadline was a kick in the teeth for her reputation.
  28. Discovering the truth was a kick in the teeth after trusting him so long.
  29. The unexpected bill was a kick in the teeth to their budget.
  30. The loss of their home was a kick in the teeth for the family.
  31. The harsh reality check was a kick in the teeth after a few good months.
  32. His failure to show up was a kick in the teeth for her plans.
  33. Being outperformed by a colleague was a kick in the teeth for him.
  34. The sudden breakup was a real kick in the teeth after their happy vacation.
  35. The rejection from the university was a kick in the teeth for her ambitions.
  36. Losing the match in the last minute was a kick in the teeth for the players.
  37. The unexpected turn of events was a kick in the teeth for their plans.
  38. The harsh feedback from the client was a kick in the teeth for the team.
  39. His announcement of leaving was a kick in the teeth for her morale.
  40. The cancellation of the project was a kick in the teeth for all involved.
  41. The sudden news of her illness was a kick in the teeth for the family.
  42. Being passed over for the role felt like a kick in the teeth after all the effort.
  43. The realization of losing everything was a kick in the teeth.
  44. The harsh reality of the situation was a kick in the teeth for the community.
  45. The unexpected breakup felt like a kick in the teeth to his heart.
  46. The unkind words from a friend were a kick in the teeth during a tough time.
  47. The job rejection was a kick in the teeth after the interview went so well.
  48. The sudden change in leadership was a kick in the teeth for the organization.
  49. The loss of their pet was a kick in the teeth for the entire family.
  50. The sudden news of his passing was a kick in the teeth for all who knew him.
  51. The harsh treatment from her boss felt like a kick in the teeth.
  52. Being cut from the team was a kick in the teeth for her confidence.
  53. The last-minute decision felt like a kick in the teeth to everyone involved.
  54. The betrayal by his partner was a kick in the teeth for his trust.
  55. The unexpected resignation was a kick in the teeth for the entire department.
  56. The harsh criticism from the audience was a kick in the teeth for the performer.
  57. Losing the client after so much hard work was a kick in the teeth.
  58. The sudden failure of the project was a kick in the teeth for the team.
  59. The news of their separation was a kick in the teeth for the children.
  60. The unexpected charges on the bill were a kick in the teeth for their budget.
  61. The sudden illness was a kick in the teeth after finally feeling healthy.
  62. The bad news came as a kick in the teeth just when things were looking up.
  63. The loss of the game was a kick in the teeth for the dedicated fans.
  64. The announcement of layoffs was a kick in the teeth for the employees.
  65. Losing the competition felt like a kick in the teeth for his ambitions.
  66. The rude comment was a kick in the teeth after all the hard work he put in.
  67. The unanticipated delay was a kick in the teeth for their plans.
  68. The abrupt cancellation was a kick in the teeth for the excited attendees.
  69. The harsh judgment from peers was a kick in the teeth for her self-esteem.
  70. The sudden loss of income was a kick in the teeth for their family.
  71. The unexpected news of his passing was a kick in the teeth to the community.
  72. The betrayal by a colleague was a kick in the teeth for the trust built over years.
  73. The realization that the project was scrapped was a kick in the teeth for the team.
  74. The lack of recognition was a kick in the teeth after all the contributions.
  75. The sudden breakup was a kick in the teeth after their plans for the future.
  76. The harsh feedback was a kick in the teeth after pouring her heart into the work.
  77. The news of the accident was a kick in the teeth for the family.
  78. The unexpected criticism felt like a kick in the teeth during a vulnerable moment.
  79. His failure to keep a promise was a kick in the teeth for her trust.
  80. The sudden change in management was a kick in the teeth for the employees.
  81. The harsh reality of the situation was a kick in the teeth for the hopeful.
  82. The news of the storm was a kick in the teeth for their vacation plans.
  83. The rejection from the publisher felt like a kick in the teeth after years of effort.
  84. The unexpected loss was a kick in the teeth for their plans.
  85. The abrupt ending of the project was a kick in the teeth for everyone involved.
  86. The sudden illness was a kick in the teeth after she had just recovered.
  87. The harsh comment from a friend felt like a kick in the teeth when she needed support.
  88. The last-minute change in plans was a kick in the teeth for their excitement.
  89. The unexpected news of the merger was a kick in the teeth for the employees.
  90. The sudden loss of the title was a kick in the teeth for the athlete.
  91. The news of the budget cuts was a kick in the teeth for the entire department.
  92. The harsh reality of the situation was a kick in the teeth for their hopes.
  93. The news of the fire was a kick in the teeth for the community.
  94. The unexpected rejection was a kick in the teeth for his dreams.
  95. The last-minute cancellation was a kick in the teeth for the plans they made.
  96. The harsh feedback from the client felt like a kick in the teeth after the hard work.
  97. The sudden illness in the family was a kick in the teeth for their stability.
  98. The unexpected loss of her job was a kick in the teeth after years of loyalty.
  99. The harsh judgment from peers was a kick in the teeth during a difficult time.
  100. The sudden change of heart felt like a kick in the teeth after all the promises made.