100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "kindled"


Kindled (verb): The past tense of "kindle," meaning to ignite or light something, particularly a fire; to arouse or inspire an emotion, feeling, or interest.


  • Ignited
  • Lit
  • Sparked
  • Aroused
  • Awakened
  • Stimulated
  • Fired up
  • Incited
  • Awakened
  • Activated


  • Extinguished
  • Doused
  • Suppressed
  • Quenched
  • Stifled
  • Smothered
  • Calmed
  • Pacified
  • Deadened
  • Inhibited


  1. The campfire was kindled with dry leaves and twigs.
  2. Her passion for painting was kindled during childhood.
  3. The teacher kindled a love for science in her students.
  4. They kindled the flames with a few pieces of newspaper.
  5. The speaker's words kindled a sense of hope in the audience.
  6. A spark from the fireplace kindled the nearby logs.
  7. His enthusiasm for the project was kindled by the team’s energy.
  8. The old memories were kindled when she found the photo album.
  9. The protesters’ spirits were kindled by the rallying speech.
  10. The fire was quickly kindled with the help of kindling wood.
  11. The documentary kindled interest in environmental issues.
  12. Their friendship was kindled over shared interests.
  13. She kindled a small flame to keep warm on the chilly night.
  14. The artist's creativity was kindled by the vibrant colors of the sunset.
  15. The news report kindled a debate in the community.
  16. A single spark can kindle a blazing fire.
  17. His curiosity was kindled by the mysterious book.
  18. The children kindled a fire for roasting marshmallows.
  19. A love for reading was kindled by her grandmother's stories.
  20. The event kindled excitement among the attendees.
  21. The coach's motivation kindled a winning spirit in the team.
  22. The flames kindled brightly as the wind picked up.
  23. The lecture kindled her interest in astrophysics.
  24. The scent of wood smoke kindled nostalgic memories of childhood.
  25. The new policy kindled discussions about social justice.
  26. He kindled a sense of adventure in his children.
  27. The artist's performance kindled applause from the audience.
  28. The campfire kindled late into the night.
  29. Their shared experiences kindled a deep bond of friendship.
  30. The book kindled her imagination and inspired her to write.
  31. The fire was kindled with just a match and some tinder.
  32. The debate kindled a passionate response from the crowd.
  33. The film kindled a renewed interest in classic cinema.
  34. The children's laughter kindled joy in the park.
  35. The story kindled a desire to explore new cultures.
  36. The team’s success kindled a sense of pride in the community.
  37. A sense of urgency was kindled by the approaching deadline.
  38. The teacher's enthusiasm kindled curiosity in her students.
  39. The fireplace was kindled before the guests arrived.
  40. The memories of family gatherings were kindled by the holiday season.
  41. The charity event kindled a spirit of giving among the attendees.
  42. The passion project was kindled during her summer vacation.
  43. The news of the discovery kindled excitement among scientists.
  44. A moment of inspiration kindled her next big idea.
  45. The flame kindled brightly, illuminating the dark room.
  46. His words kindled a fire within her to take action.
  47. The soft glow of the fire kindled a sense of peace.
  48. The community event kindled relationships among neighbors.
  49. Their passion for music was kindled during their youth.
  50. The discovery of the ancient ruins kindled a fascination with history.
  51. The spark of creativity was kindled by her travels.
  52. The speech kindled a fire of hope in the hearts of many.
  53. The flames kindled quickly due to the dry conditions.
  54. The artist's vision was kindled by the beauty of nature.
  55. The documentary kindled an interest in wildlife conservation.
  56. Her words kindled a sense of urgency in the audience.
  57. The fire was kindled in the backyard for a barbecue.
  58. The workshop kindled new ideas among participants.
  59. The holiday spirit was kindled by the decorations.
  60. The adventure stories kindled his imagination as a child.
  61. The team effort kindled a strong sense of camaraderie.
  62. The flames kindled under the careful watch of the campers.
  63. The novel kindled a love for literature in her heart.
  64. The discussion kindled a variety of opinions among attendees.
  65. Her passion for cooking was kindled by her grandmother's recipes.
  66. The fire was kindled with a combination of wood and paper.
  67. The meeting kindled a renewed sense of purpose in the organization.
  68. A spark of creativity kindled a new project at work.
  69. The holiday lights kindled a festive atmosphere.
  70. The documentary kindled awareness about climate change.
  71. The flames kindled with a loud crackle in the hearth.
  72. The children's stories kindled a love for storytelling.
  73. The coach's speech kindled determination in the players.
  74. The fire was kindled to celebrate the new year.
  75. Her enthusiasm for the subject kindled interest in her peers.
  76. The discussion kindled a new perspective on the issue.
  77. The artist's work kindled admiration from critics.
  78. The flames kindled under the stars, creating a magical ambiance.
  79. A sense of adventure was kindled by the travel plans.
  80. The charity drive kindled a spirit of generosity in the community.
  81. The fire was kindled to provide warmth during the winter night.
  82. Her interest in photography was kindled by a famous photographer's work.
  83. The speaker's passion kindled enthusiasm in the audience.
  84. The flames kindled brightly, lighting up the campsite.
  85. The book kindled a desire to learn more about history.
  86. The successful project kindled further innovation in the company.
  87. The campfire stories kindled a sense of wonder in the children.
  88. A spark of kindness can kindle a chain reaction of good deeds.
  89. The idea for the initiative was kindled during a brainstorming session.
  90. The flame kindled slowly, but soon grew into a roaring fire.
  91. The shared meal kindled a sense of community among the guests.
  92. The film festival kindled interest in independent cinema.
  93. The teacher's encouragement kindled her confidence in public speaking.
  94. The fire was kindled with care to ensure safety.
  95. Their shared love for music kindled a lifelong friendship.
  96. The charity event kindled hope for those in need.
  97. The performance kindled a standing ovation from the audience.
  98. The memories of summer camp were kindled by the reunion.
  99. His storytelling kindled laughter and joy among the children.
  100. The flames kindled a warm glow that filled the room.