100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "knock"


The verb knock refers to the action of striking a surface, typically a door, with a hand or an object to make a sound, often to gain attention or to signal one’s presence.


  • Rap
  • Tap
  • Bang
  • Hit
  • Strike
  • Bump
  • Pound
  • Thump


  • Open
  • Close
  • Ignore
  • Leave alone
  • Retreat


  1. I will knock on the door before entering.
  2. Please knock softly so you don’t wake the baby.
  3. He forgot to knock and walked in uninvited.
  4. Did you hear someone knock?
  5. She knocked three times before anyone answered.
  6. I always knock twice for good measure.
  7. The wind made a branch knock against the window.
  8. He knocked loudly, hoping someone would hear him.
  9. It’s polite to knock before entering someone’s home.
  10. I could hear the sound of someone knocking from the other side of the door.
  11. She knocked off the dust from the old book.
  12. They knocked on the table to get everyone's attention.
  13. He nervously knocked on the door of his boss’s office.
  14. Why don’t you knock on the door and ask for help?
  15. The police officer knocked on the suspect's door.
  16. I always knock before using the restroom.
  17. The children knocked on their neighbor’s door to ask for candy.
  18. I could hear someone knocking in the distance.
  19. He knocked the ball out of the park during the game.
  20. She knocked on the window to get her friend’s attention.
  21. The sound of knocking echoed through the empty hallway.
  22. He knocked on the table to emphasize his point.
  23. I was surprised to hear a knock at such a late hour.
  24. Can you please knock before you enter?
  25. She gave a gentle knock to avoid startling him.
  26. The dog would always knock over the trash can when left alone.
  27. They knocked on the door, but no one was home.
  28. I decided to knock on the door rather than ring the bell.
  29. He knocked his head against the wall in frustration.
  30. She knocked on the door and waited patiently for a reply.
  31. The thunder made the house knock and shake.
  32. I will knock on your door at noon tomorrow.
  33. He knocked the paint can over by accident.
  34. She gave a firm knock to signal that she was there.
  35. The kids would knock on each other's doors to play.
  36. It’s customary to knock before entering a classroom.
  37. The loud knocking startled the cat.
  38. I heard a knock and thought it might be the delivery person.
  39. He knocked the idea around before making a decision.
  40. She had to knock several times before someone answered.
  41. He knocked the door with his fist.
  42. I forgot to knock before entering the meeting.
  43. The knock on the door interrupted our conversation.
  44. She knocked the cup off the table accidentally.
  45. He habitually knocks twice before entering any room.
  46. I could hear the knock of the drum from afar.
  47. She knocked against the door to make sure it was locked.
  48. The kids love to knock on the neighbor's door for Halloween treats.
  49. He knocked a pencil off the desk while reaching for a book.
  50. The maintenance worker came to knock on our door for an inspection.
  51. I’ll knock on the window so you can let me in.
  52. She knocked on the door, but it was already open.
  53. The loud knock startled everyone in the room.
  54. He knocked the trophy over during the celebration.
  55. She always knocks before entering a hotel room.
  56. The knocking continued even after I yelled for them to stop.
  57. He knocked the dust off his shoes before entering the house.
  58. She heard a knock and thought it was her imagination.
  59. The knock echoed through the hall as he approached the door.
  60. I can’t believe you forgot to knock before coming in!
  61. The children loved to knock on doors and run away.
  62. With a loud knock, the door swung open.
  63. He made a habit of knocking before entering any office.
  64. I had to knock twice to get their attention.
  65. She knocked on the ceiling to let the neighbors know to quiet down.
  66. He gave a gentle knock to signal his arrival.
  67. The thunder made the house knock as if someone were at the door.
  68. I heard a knock and thought it might be my friend.
  69. She waited for a few moments before deciding to knock again.
  70. The knocking became more frequent as they grew impatient.
  71. He knocked his coffee cup over while gesturing.
  72. I always knock and wait for a response before entering.
  73. The knock at the door was unexpected.
  74. She was startled by the sudden knock on the window.
  75. He knocked the ball away from the baserunner.
  76. I could hear a faint knock in the background.
  77. She knocked on the door and waited nervously.
  78. The knock of the hammer could be heard from outside.
  79. He had to knock to remind her he was there.
  80. The sound of knocking interrupted the quiet evening.
  81. She knocked the crumbs off the table after dinner.
  82. I will knock on your door if I need anything.
  83. The knock sounded urgent, making me rush to the door.
  84. He knocked the can off the shelf while reaching for something else.
  85. The children would often knock on the door and run away giggling.
  86. I heard a loud knock, followed by silence.
  87. She knocked on the bathroom door to check if it was occupied.
  88. He tried to knock some sense into his friend.
  89. The knocking was persistent, making me curious.
  90. I will knock on your door when I arrive.
  91. The angry mob began to knock on the gates demanding entry.
  92. She would often knock on my door just to chat.
  93. I could hear someone knocking from the other side of the wall.
  94. He gave a loud knock to announce his presence.
  95. She knocked over the vase while reaching for her phone.
  96. The kids decided to knock on doors and ask for donations.
  97. He had to knock to get the meeting started.
  98. The unexpected knock at the door made me jump.
  99. She knocked loudly, eager to see her friends.
  100. I will always knock on the door before entering a new place.