100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "knock about"


Knock about (verb) refers to the act of moving or being moved around in a casual or careless manner. It can also mean to spend time in a relaxed or aimless way, often without a specific purpose or destination.


  • Bump around
  • Wander
  • Roam
  • Loll
  • Mess around
  • Drift
  • Amble


  • Stay put
  • Settle
  • Focus
  • Direct
  • Organize


  1. I decided to knock about the park for a few hours before heading home.
  2. He spent the afternoon knocking about the city, exploring new shops.
  3. Don't just knock about; we have work to do!
  4. They love to knock about on weekends, trying new restaurants.
  5. She was knocking about the house when she found an old photo album.
  6. Instead of studying, he prefers to knock about with his friends.
  7. I saw them knocking about the beach, enjoying the sun.
  8. The kids are always knocking about in the backyard.
  9. I used to knock about in my hometown during summer vacations.
  10. They knocked about the idea of going on a road trip.
  11. I often knock about with my dog at the local park.
  12. We should stop knocking about and get to work.
  13. He was just knocking about when he stumbled upon a great deal.
  14. I usually knock about the library when I need some quiet time.
  15. She likes to knock about the mall on weekends.
  16. The children were knocking about until dinner was ready.
  17. It’s nice to knock about and enjoy life without a schedule.
  18. They spent the afternoon knocking about the fairgrounds.
  19. We can knock about the neighborhood and see what’s new.
  20. I found him knocking about in his workshop, lost in thought.
  21. Don't just knock about; let’s make some plans!
  22. He enjoys knocking about the countryside during his vacations.
  23. They often knock about different coffee shops in town.
  24. I was knocking about the house when I heard the news.
  25. She likes to knock about with her friends after school.
  26. He was just knocking about when he got the call for the job.
  27. They always knock about together, no matter the weather.
  28. It’s not productive to just knock about all day.
  29. I spent the morning knocking about my garden.
  30. We should stop knocking about and start planning the event.
  31. He was knocking about the office looking for his keys.
  32. They love to knock about on the weekends, trying new activities.
  33. I caught him knocking about the house, avoiding his chores.
  34. She’s been knocking about with some old friends lately.
  35. They were knocking about the lake, fishing and relaxing.
  36. I often knock about the streets of my neighborhood at night.
  37. He likes to knock about the city with his camera.
  38. She spent the day knocking about the art gallery.
  39. They were knocking about the idea of going camping.
  40. He was knocking about at the bookstore for hours.
  41. I prefer to knock about rather than stick to a strict itinerary.
  42. We ended up knocking about in the café for hours.
  43. They were knocking about the festival, enjoying the music.
  44. I found him knocking about the yard, fixing the fence.
  45. She decided to knock about at home instead of going out.
  46. They spent the afternoon knocking about the local museum.
  47. I love to knock about the city and discover hidden gems.
  48. He was knocking about with his guitar, playing tunes.
  49. We can knock about some more ideas for the project.
  50. She was just knocking about when she bumped into an old friend.
  51. I usually knock about the beach in the evenings.
  52. They were knocking about the neighborhood, looking for a place to eat.
  53. I caught him knocking about in his room, daydreaming.
  54. We spent the day knocking about the countryside.
  55. She was knocking about the office, chatting with coworkers.
  56. They love to knock about at the skate park.
  57. I often knock about with my siblings on family outings.
  58. He was knocking about the kitchen, looking for a snack.
  59. We should stop knocking about and get ready for the party.
  60. She enjoys knocking about in the garden during spring.
  61. They were knocking about the gym, trying out new machines.
  62. I found him knocking about at the coffee shop.
  63. She likes to knock about during her lunch break.
  64. He was just knocking about when he got an unexpected call.
  65. They spent the afternoon knocking about the riverbank.
  66. I usually knock about the city on my bike.
  67. She was knocking about the library, searching for books.
  68. We ended up knocking about at the park, enjoying the sunshine.
  69. He was knocking about the house, trying to fix the Wi-Fi.
  70. They love to knock about and explore new places.
  71. I often knock about at the local farmer's market on weekends.
  72. She was knocking about the site, taking photos for her blog.
  73. We should stop knocking about and focus on our goals.
  74. He was knocking about in the workshop, working on his project.
  75. I spent the day knocking about with my friends at the mall.
  76. They were just knocking about when they found a lost puppy.
  77. She enjoys knocking about the streets, discovering new cafes.
  78. We were knocking about the city on foot, enjoying the sights.
  79. He was knocking about in the basement, looking for old tools.
  80. They often knock about the park on sunny days.
  81. I found her knocking about the house, organizing her things.
  82. We love to knock about in the countryside during fall.
  83. He was knocking about at the beach, enjoying the waves.
  84. She spent the afternoon knocking about with her children.
  85. They were knocking about downtown, window shopping.
  86. I like to knock about in the kitchen, trying new recipes.
  87. He was just knocking about when he decided to go for a walk.
  88. We spent the day knocking about at the amusement park.
  89. She was knocking about the garden, planting flowers.
  90. They enjoy knocking about at the local music festival.
  91. I was knocking about the house, tidying up before guests arrived.
  92. He likes to knock about with his friends after work.
  93. We often knock about the neighborhood on our evening walks.
  94. She was knocking about the store, looking for a birthday gift.
  95. They were knocking about the library, studying for exams.
  96. I love to knock about the city and take photographs.
  97. He was knocking about at home, watching movies all day.
  98. We should stop knocking about and finalize our plans.
  99. She was knocking about in the yard, enjoying the fresh air.
  100. They spent the weekend knocking about the countryside, hiking trails.