100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "knock the-wind-out-of"


Knock the wind out of (verb) refers to a sudden loss of breath or a temporary inability to breathe, usually caused by a physical impact or shock. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a situation that leaves someone feeling stunned or shocked.


  • Breathless
  • Winded
  • Stunned
  • Shocked
  • Dazed


  • Energize
  • Refresh
  • Revitalize
  • Invigorate
  • Empower


  1. The punch he received to the stomach knocked the wind out of him, and he struggled to breathe.
  2. When she fell off her bike, it knocked the wind out of her for a moment.
  3. The surprise announcement knocked the wind out of the entire audience.
  4. He ran into the door and it knocked the wind out of him for a few seconds.
  5. The unexpected news knocked the wind out of her sails.
  6. The impact of the car accident knocked the wind out of them momentarily.
  7. The sudden drop in temperature knocked the wind out of the picnic plans.
  8. After the fall, it took him a minute to recover as he was knocked the wind out of.
  9. She was so shocked by the news that it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of her.
  10. The unexpected defeat knocked the wind out of the team’s morale.
  11. When the teacher announced the test, it knocked the wind out of the students.
  12. He was so surprised by the gift that it knocked the wind out of him.
  13. The fierce gust of wind knocked the wind out of the sails of the small boat.
  14. That revelation really knocked the wind out of my plans for the weekend.
  15. She never expected the breakup to hit her so hard; it knocked the wind out of her.
  16. After that intense workout, I felt like I had knocked the wind out of myself.
  17. The fight knocked the wind out of him, and he needed a moment to recover.
  18. The shocking twist in the movie knocked the wind out of everyone in the theater.
  19. His clumsiness knocked the wind out of the party atmosphere.
  20. The sudden change in their relationship status knocked the wind out of her.
  21. The news of the layoffs knocked the wind out of the employees.
  22. When he heard the news, it was as if life had knocked the wind out of him.
  23. The avalanche knocked the wind out of several skiers on the slope.
  24. That failure knocked the wind out of her confidence for a while.
  25. A sudden realization knocked the wind out of me during the meeting.
  26. The car's sudden stop almost knocked the wind out of the passengers.
  27. The unexpected farewell knocked the wind out of the entire team.
  28. His candid remarks knocked the wind out of the discussion.
  29. The sudden thunderstorm knocked the wind out of our outdoor plans.
  30. The athlete's injury knocked the wind out of his championship dream.
  31. The cancellation of the event knocked the wind out of her enthusiasm.
  32. She was so taken aback by the question, it knocked the wind out of her.
  33. The betrayal by a close friend knocked the wind out of her trust.
  34. The fire alarm knocked the wind out of the quiet atmosphere in the library.
  35. His sudden departure knocked the wind out of their friendship.
  36. The storm knocked the wind out of the tree branches, leaving a mess.
  37. The unexpected plot twist knocked the wind out of the readers.
  38. The shocking statistics knocked the wind out of the researchers.
  39. Hearing her name announced as the winner knocked the wind out of her.
  40. The heavy load he was carrying knocked the wind out of his lungs.
  41. The power outage knocked the wind out of the event's schedule.
  42. The announcement about the merger knocked the wind out of the employees.
  43. The sudden drop in sales knocked the wind out of the company's growth.
  44. The intense debate knocked the wind out of the participants.
  45. The revelation about the project's failure knocked the wind out of the team.
  46. The sudden loss of a loved one knocked the wind out of him emotionally.
  47. The unexpected bump on the road knocked the wind out of the passengers.
  48. The coach's harsh words knocked the wind out of the player's confidence.
  49. The shocking reveal in the series finale knocked the wind out of the fans.
  50. A sudden sneeze knocked the wind out of my concentration.
  51. The harsh criticism knocked the wind out of her motivation to improve.
  52. His confession knocked the wind out of her expectations.
  53. The unexpected invitation knocked the wind out of his routine.
  54. The drastic weather change knocked the wind out of their travel plans.
  55. His unkind words knocked the wind out of her self-esteem.
  56. The sudden closure of the store knocked the wind out of the community.
  57. The announcement of new regulations knocked the wind out of the entrepreneurs.
  58. The realization that he forgot his keys knocked the wind out of his evening.
  59. The impact of the news story knocked the wind out of the journalist.
  60. The surprise visitor knocked the wind out of her usual routine.
  61. The unexpected plot twist knocked the wind out of the film critics.
  62. The intense workout session knocked the wind out of his energy reserves.
  63. The sudden confrontation knocked the wind out of the conversation.
  64. The heavy rainstorm knocked the wind out of their outdoor plans.
  65. The unexpected failure of the project knocked the wind out of their goals.
  66. The overwhelming response to her speech knocked the wind out of her.
  67. The car's sudden braking knocked the wind out of everyone inside.
  68. The sudden realization of a mistake knocked the wind out of his confidence.
  69. The news of the scandal knocked the wind out of the politician's career.
  70. The sudden power surge knocked the wind out of the electronic devices.
  71. The unexpected departure of a key team member knocked the wind out of the project.
  72. The shocking results of the election knocked the wind out of the supporters.
  73. The loud crash knocked the wind out of the quiet classroom.
  74. The heartbreaking news knocked the wind out of her emotional state.
  75. The unexpected turn of events knocked the wind out of their plans.
  76. The sudden announcement knocked the wind out of the audience's expectations.
  77. The heavy burden of responsibility knocked the wind out of his spirit.
  78. The sudden stop in the game knocked the wind out of the players.
  79. The unexpected delay knocked the wind out of their travel itinerary.
  80. The sudden departure of a friend knocked the wind out of her heart.
  81. The shocking news of a tragedy knocked the wind out of the community.
  82. The unexpected twist in the story knocked the wind out of the readers.
  83. The sudden change in leadership knocked the wind out of the organization.
  84. The unexpected loss in the finals knocked the wind out of the team.
  85. The sudden announcement of a merger knocked the wind out of the industry.
  86. The unexpected turn in the game knocked the wind out of the spectators.
  87. The shocking headlines knocked the wind out of the news anchors.
  88. The sudden revelation in the case knocked the wind out of the detectives.
  89. The heavy workload knocked the wind out of his productivity.
  90. The sudden change in weather knocked the wind out of the outdoor event.
  91. The unexpected outcome of the trial knocked the wind out of the defense.
  92. The shocking performance review knocked the wind out of her confidence.
  93. The sudden illness knocked the wind out of her plans.
  94. The shocking statistics knocked the wind out of the researchers' findings.
  95. The unexpected loss of a match knocked the wind out of the players.
  96. The sudden closure of the venue knocked the wind out of the concert-goers.
  97. The unexpected resignation knocked the wind out of the board.
  98. The shocking truth about the situation knocked the wind out of everyone involved.
  99. The sudden departure of a colleague knocked the wind out of the team's dynamics.
  100. The unexpected announcement of layoffs knocked the wind out of the employees.