100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "leach"


Leach (verb): To remove or separate soluble constituents from a substance, especially soil or rock, by the action of a liquid passing through it; to filter out or dissolve substances.


  • Extract
  • Drain
  • Percolate
  • Filter
  • Wash out
  • Dissolve


  • Retain
  • Preserve
  • Keep
  • Hold
  • Enclose


  1. The rain will leach minerals from the soil into the groundwater.
  2. Chemicals can leach into the water supply if not properly contained.
  3. The process can cause the nutrients to leach away from the plants.
  4. Over time, the pollutants began to leach into the nearby river.
  5. Farmers must be careful not to let fertilizers leach from their fields.
  6. The acidic water can leach metals from the rocks.
  7. When composting, nutrients can leach out if the pile is too wet.
  8. Heavy rains can leach away essential elements from the topsoil.
  9. The scientists monitored how much copper would leach from the mining site.
  10. Groundwater can leach certain contaminants if the soil is porous enough.
  11. The leaching process can help us understand soil composition.
  12. They discovered that the plastic could leach harmful chemicals over time.
  13. Proper drainage systems prevent fertilizers from leaching into waterways.
  14. The old pipes might leach lead into the drinking water.
  15. As the solution sat, it began to leach out the dye from the fabric.
  16. The lab tested how much salt would leach from the soil after irrigation.
  17. Rain can leach away the nutrients from a newly planted garden.
  18. Certain types of rocks are more likely to leach than others.
  19. The study examined how pollutants leach through different types of soil.
  20. To prevent leaching, it's important to use barriers in agricultural practices.
  21. Water filters can leach out unwanted substances from tap water.
  22. The acidity in the rain caused the minerals to leach from the stone.
  23. It’s crucial to monitor how much nitrogen can leach from a fertilizer.
  24. Some materials can leach substances when exposed to heat.
  25. After the flood, many chemicals were discovered to have leached into the lake.
  26. The environmentalists are concerned about how waste might leach into the ecosystem.
  27. Compost can leach nutrients if it is not properly managed.
  28. Farmers often test their soil to ensure that nutrients are not leaching away.
  29. The research focused on how different soils leach at varying rates.
  30. Old batteries can leach toxic substances into the soil if not disposed of correctly.
  31. The study found that organic materials leach less than synthetic ones.
  32. In the lab, we observed how the acid would leach metals from the samples.
  33. They noticed that the chemicals had begun to leach into the surrounding area.
  34. The team worked to minimize the leaching of contaminants from the site.
  35. It’s essential to monitor how much phosphorus can leach into waterways.
  36. During the rainy season, nutrients often leach out of the topsoil.
  37. The engineer designed the system to prevent leaching into the groundwater.
  38. Excessive irrigation can cause salts to leach out of the soil.
  39. The contaminants may leach into the soil, affecting plant growth.
  40. It's important to assess how much water will leach through the filter.
  41. After the storm, we found that many nutrients had leached from the garden.
  42. The new regulations aim to control how much waste can leach into the environment.
  43. The solution will leach the color from the fabric if left too long.
  44. The experiment showed how quickly the chemicals can leach from the material.
  45. They used a barrier to prevent contaminants from leaching into the lake.
  46. The soil was tested for leaching after the heavy downpour.
  47. The rainwater can leach minerals from the rocks, causing them to erode.
  48. They found that the old landfill was leaching harmful substances into the soil.
  49. The study explored how different pH levels affect the leaching of nutrients.
  50. The solution began to leach out the color of the paint over time.
  51. If the container is not sealed properly, it may leach chemicals into the food.
  52. The researchers looked at how rainwater can leach away essential elements.
  53. The project aimed to reduce leaching of pollutants into nearby bodies of water.
  54. The scientists documented how quickly the substances would leach from the sample.
  55. The water quality tests indicated that something might be leaching into the supply.
  56. They implemented measures to stop fertilizers from leaching into the river.
  57. Over time, the contaminants can leach into the surrounding ecosystem.
  58. The old well was found to be leaching pollutants into the groundwater.
  59. They monitored how long it took for the chemicals to leach out completely.
  60. The equipment needed to prevent leaching to ensure accurate results.
  61. Rain can cause the soil to leach, leading to nutrient loss.
  62. The test results showed that the materials began to leach after a few weeks.
  63. Properly managing water will help prevent leaching in agricultural areas.
  64. The storm caused many fertilizers to leach into the nearby streams.
  65. The analysis focused on how quickly toxins can leach from the ground.
  66. The leachate from the landfill must be treated to avoid leaching into the water supply.
  67. They found that certain plants can help absorb substances that would otherwise leach away.
  68. The team investigated how leaching could affect the local wildlife.
  69. Researchers are studying the effects of leaching on soil health.
  70. The rain can cause soluble minerals to leach from the rocks.
  71. It’s crucial to understand how chemicals leach in different soil types.
  72. The old metal pipes were leaching lead into the water system.
  73. They discovered that certain compounds would leach more readily than others.
  74. The environmental agency reported that pollutants are leaching into the area.
  75. The lab results showed that the dye began to leach from the material.
  76. The method used helped to reduce the leaching of nutrients from the soil.
  77. As the water flowed, it began to leach away bits of soil.
  78. The toxic waste was leaching into the groundwater, prompting a cleanup.
  79. The soil's ability to leach nutrients can impact crop yield.
  80. They implemented practices to prevent nutrients from leaching away.
  81. Water can leach soluble substances from the soil, affecting its quality.
  82. The environmental report highlighted issues with leaching near the factory.
  83. The chemicals used in agriculture can leach into nearby bodies of water.
  84. They studied how different fertilizers would leach in various conditions.
  85. The contamination was due to a leaching incident from the storage tanks.
  86. Heavy metals can leach out of the soil and into the food supply.
  87. The rainwater was tested for leaching of harmful substances.
  88. Proper drainage can help minimize the leaching of pollutants.
  89. The study found that organic fertilizers leach less than synthetic ones.
  90. The old landfill site was found to be leaching into the surrounding area.
  91. The results indicated that the contaminants would leach over time.
  92. To maintain soil health, it's important to prevent nutrient leaching.
  93. The solution began to leach the color from the material after a few hours.
  94. Certain plants can help absorb excess nutrients that might leach away.
  95. The experiments focused on how quickly different compounds would leach.
  96. The soil was tested for its ability to leach out various nutrients.
  97. The team was concerned about how much chemical could leach from the landfill.
  98. It’s important to monitor how nutrients leach during rainfall.
  99. The researchers aimed to understand the leaching processes in depth.
  100. By implementing better practices, we can reduce the leaching of harmful substances.