100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "lead someone-on"


To lead someone on means to give someone false hope or to deceive them into believing that a romantic relationship or a commitment is possible when it is not. This often involves making someone feel that there is a deeper connection than actually exists.


  • Mislead
  • Deceive
  • Delude
  • Fool
  • Manipulate
  • Trifle with
  • String along
  • Play with someone’s emotions


  • Be honest
  • Clarify
  • Inform
  • Encourage
  • Support
  • Commit


  1. She didn't mean to lead him on, but her flirty behavior gave him the wrong impression.
  2. It's not fair to lead someone on if you're not interested in a serious relationship.
  3. He realized too late that she was just leading him on for attention.
  4. Don't lead someone on if you’re not ready to commit.
  5. She felt hurt when she discovered he had been leading her on for months.
  6. He was careful not to lead her on after their first date.
  7. It’s cruel to lead someone on and then suddenly cut them off.
  8. I wish you would stop leading me on and just tell me how you really feel.
  9. She was afraid to lead him on, so she made her intentions clear.
  10. I felt like he was just leading me on with empty promises.
  11. Don't lead someone on if you know you don't want the same things.
  12. His constant mixed signals made her think he was leading her on.
  13. She accused him of leading her on and wasting her time.
  14. It’s easy to lead someone on without realizing it.
  15. He never intended to lead her on, but his actions contradicted his words.
  16. If you're just having fun, make sure not to lead someone on.
  17. She thought he liked her, but he was just leading her on for the thrill.
  18. He apologized for leading her on and promised to be more direct.
  19. Leading someone on can cause a lot of emotional pain.
  20. She couldn't handle the idea of leading him on, so she ended it early.
  21. It was wrong of her to lead him on when she was interested in someone else.
  22. He felt guilty for leading her on without clear intentions.
  23. To avoid drama, he decided not to lead her on further.
  24. She realized he was just leading her on when he never introduced her to his friends.
  25. Their playful banter made her think he was leading her on.
  26. He wanted to be friends, but she felt he was leading her on romantically.
  27. Don't confuse kindness with leading someone on.
  28. It’s important to communicate to avoid leading someone on.
  29. She felt trapped, believing he was leading her on with no real feelings.
  30. His charm had a way of leading someone on without him even trying.
  31. She thought he was serious, but he was just leading her on.
  32. They broke up because one felt the other was leading them on.
  33. It’s painful to realize you’ve been led on by someone you trusted.
  34. He feared he was leading her on when he didn't reciprocate her feelings.
  35. You should always be clear to avoid leading someone on.
  36. She felt embarrassed for thinking he was serious when he was just leading her on.
  37. He was just having fun and didn’t realize he was leading her on.
  38. Their relationship ended because of accusations of leading someone on.
  39. I told him not to lead me on if he wasn't interested.
  40. She mistook his friendliness for affection and felt led on.
  41. It's hard to tell when someone is leading you on versus being genuine.
  42. He didn’t mean to lead her on, but his actions suggested otherwise.
  43. She called him out for leading her on during their conversations.
  44. He was honest about his feelings to avoid leading her on.
  45. She didn’t want to lead him on, so she set boundaries.
  46. Leading someone on can lead to mistrust and heartbreak.
  47. The signs were clear he was just leading her on.
  48. He had a habit of leading women on without any intention of commitment.
  49. She felt like he was leading her on with all his compliments.
  50. He made it clear he wasn’t leading her on during their second date.
  51. She felt grateful he wasn't leading her on after their first date.
  52. It’s easy to misinterpret kindness as leading someone on.
  53. He wanted to be clear from the start to avoid leading her on.
  54. She decided to confront him about leading her on.
  55. It’s important to understand the difference between flirting and leading someone on.
  56. He wasn't ready for a relationship and didn’t want to lead her on.
  57. They had a talk to clear up any misunderstandings about leading someone on.
  58. She was tired of dating guys who just led her on.
  59. He felt bad for leading her on when he wasn’t interested in more.
  60. She told him she felt led on and needed clarity.
  61. He regretted leading her on when he realized his true feelings.
  62. It’s heart-wrenching to feel led on by someone you care about.
  63. She was careful not to lead him on while they were just friends.
  64. He had to let her down gently to avoid leading her on.
  65. Flirting can sometimes feel like leading someone on.
  66. She felt relieved when he clarified he wasn’t leading her on.
  67. He didn’t see the harm in leading her on, but she felt differently.
  68. Leading someone on often leads to hurt feelings.
  69. She was upfront to prevent leading him on.
  70. His lack of commitment made her feel like she was being led on.
  71. She wanted to avoid leading him on during their first encounter.
  72. He was careful with his words to avoid leading her on.
  73. She confronted him about the possibility of leading her on.
  74. He was surprised to learn he had been leading her on unknowingly.
  75. She felt foolish for believing he wasn’t leading her on.
  76. He learned the hard way that leading someone on can backfire.
  77. She was determined not to lead him on after their last conversation.
  78. He suspected he was leading her on, so he distanced himself.
  79. She wanted to be friends but was afraid of leading him on.
  80. He was flattered but didn’t want to lead her on.
  81. Their playful interactions made her think he was leading her on.
  82. He genuinely liked her but was terrified of leading her on.
  83. She felt trapped by her own feelings, afraid of leading him on.
  84. He had to be honest to prevent leading her on any further.
  85. She told him she was tired of being led on by his vague texts.
  86. He thought he was being friendly, but she felt led on.
  87. They decided to talk openly to avoid leading anyone on.
  88. She appreciated his honesty and not leading her on.
  89. He realized that his casual remarks were leading her on.
  90. She had to remind herself not to lead him on with her mixed signals.
  91. He was tired of people thinking he was leading them on.
  92. They had a misunderstanding about whether he was leading her on.
  93. She felt liberated after confronting him about leading her on.
  94. He was careful not to lead her on, recognizing her feelings.
  95. She felt relieved when he confirmed he wasn’t leading her on.
  96. He was sincere and wanted to avoid leading her on.
  97. She learned to recognize when someone was leading her on.
  98. He didn't want to hurt her by leading her on.
  99. She was frustrated by the uncertainty of being led on.
  100. He promised her he wouldn’t lead her on after their talk.