100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "leap to-conclusions"


Leap to conclusions refers to the act of making a judgment or forming an opinion about something quickly and without having all the necessary information or evidence. This phrase often implies a hasty or irrational decision that may lead to misunderstandings or errors in judgment.


  • Jump to conclusions
  • Rush to judgment
  • Make assumptions
  • Presume
  • Infer


  • Deliberate
  • Analyze
  • Evaluate
  • Consider
  • Reflect


  1. It's easy to leap to conclusions when you only hear one side of the story.
  2. Before you leap to conclusions, make sure you have all the facts.
  3. Don’t leap to conclusions about her intentions; ask her directly.
  4. He tends to leap to conclusions without understanding the full context.
  5. I wish people wouldn’t leap to conclusions based on rumors.
  6. She leapt to conclusions when she saw the empty parking space.
  7. It’s important not to leap to conclusions when discussing sensitive topics.
  8. I almost leapt to conclusions about the project’s failure, but then I reviewed the data.
  9. We shouldn’t leap to conclusions regarding their decision until we hear from them.
  10. He leapt to conclusions about her capabilities after just one mistake.
  11. Before you leap to conclusions, consider all possible explanations.
  12. She often leaps to conclusions based on her past experiences.
  13. It’s human nature to leap to conclusions, but we should strive to be more thoughtful.
  14. They leapt to conclusions when they saw the police car outside.
  15. Let’s not leap to conclusions about the new policy until we read the details.
  16. He leapt to conclusions about the email's content without reading it fully.
  17. I had to remind myself not to leap to conclusions after hearing the gossip.
  18. She leapt to conclusions thinking he was upset, but he was just tired.
  19. It’s crucial to avoid leaping to conclusions in professional communications.
  20. The media often leaps to conclusions before verifying their information.
  21. I caught myself about to leap to conclusions during our discussion.
  22. Don’t leap to conclusions about her character based on her choices.
  23. He tends to leap to conclusions, especially when he’s stressed.
  24. She was quick to leap to conclusions about the situation without asking questions.
  25. It’s wise to take a moment before you leap to conclusions.
  26. They leapt to conclusions about the meeting’s outcome based on hearsay.
  27. He didn’t want to leap to conclusions about the job offer without more information.
  28. I’ve learned the hard way not to leap to conclusions in negotiations.
  29. The teacher reminded us not to leap to conclusions about each other's work.
  30. She was careful not to leap to conclusions during the investigation.
  31. I once leapt to conclusions and regretted it later.
  32. The doctor urged patients not to leap to conclusions about their symptoms.
  33. He leapt to conclusions about her feelings without asking her directly.
  34. They might leap to conclusions if they see the report without context.
  35. It’s easy to leap to conclusions when emotions are running high.
  36. She was accused of being too quick to leap to conclusions in her assessments.
  37. Let’s avoid leaping to conclusions until we hear the full story.
  38. Many people leap to conclusions during heated debates.
  39. Don’t leap to conclusions regarding his silence; he may just be thinking.
  40. I tried not to leap to conclusions after hearing the initial news.
  41. He often leaps to conclusions about people's motives.
  42. She warned him not to leap to conclusions based on first impressions.
  43. It’s important to verify facts before you leap to conclusions.
  44. They leapt to conclusions about the new policy changes at work.
  45. I had to remind myself not to leap to conclusions when I heard the rumors.
  46. She realized she had leapt to conclusions after talking to him.
  47. It’s better to take time to reflect than to leap to conclusions.
  48. He leapt to conclusions about the missing documents without checking first.
  49. They are known to leap to conclusions based on incomplete data.
  50. She leapt to conclusions, thinking the worst when she got the message.
  51. It’s easy to leap to conclusions when you're not fully informed.
  52. He often warns his friends not to leap to conclusions too quickly.
  53. The detective advised him not to leap to conclusions in his investigation.
  54. She leapt to conclusions about the event based on a single negative review.
  55. It’s advisable not to leap to conclusions in unfamiliar situations.
  56. They leapt to conclusions about the merger without knowing the details.
  57. I had to pause and think before I leapt to conclusions.
  58. He tends to leap to conclusions when he feels anxious.
  59. It’s crucial to gather evidence before you leap to conclusions.
  60. She was careful not to leap to conclusions about his behavior.
  61. Let’s take a breath before we leap to conclusions.
  62. People often leap to conclusions based on social media posts.
  63. He was quick to leap to conclusions about the accident.
  64. They should not leap to conclusions without sufficient evidence.
  65. She leapt to conclusions about the exam results, thinking she had failed.
  66. The committee was careful not to leap to conclusions during the review.
  67. He learned to avoid leaping to conclusions after a few misunderstandings.
  68. It’s wise to analyze the situation before you leap to conclusions.
  69. Many misunderstandings arise when people leap to conclusions.
  70. She had to remind herself not to leap to conclusions about the feedback.
  71. He leapt to conclusions that she was upset, but she was just focused.
  72. Avoid the temptation to leap to conclusions without all the facts.
  73. She often gets frustrated when people leap to conclusions about her choices.
  74. It’s important to listen carefully before you leap to conclusions.
  75. They leapt to conclusions about the project’s failure too soon.
  76. He tried to avoid leaping to conclusions when discussing sensitive issues.
  77. She realized she had leapt to conclusions after hearing the complete story.
  78. Don’t leap to conclusions until you have all the evidence in front of you.
  79. He leapt to conclusions that she was late due to negligence.
  80. It’s better to ask questions than to leap to conclusions.
  81. People often leap to conclusions during stressful times.
  82. She was careful to avoid leaping to conclusions in her analysis.
  83. Let’s not leap to conclusions about the budget cuts just yet.
  84. He tends to leap to conclusions when he’s feeling overwhelmed.
  85. I often find myself needing to remind others not to leap to conclusions.
  86. The report should be read thoroughly before we leap to conclusions.
  87. She had to stop herself from leaping to conclusions about his intentions.
  88. He leapt to conclusions about the new hire based on their appearance.
  89. It’s easy to leap to conclusions when you’re not fully informed about a situation.
  90. They were careful not to leap to conclusions during the investigation.
  91. She learned to take her time rather than leap to conclusions.
  92. Don’t leap to conclusions based on what others say.
  93. He often finds himself needing to leap to conclusions when under pressure.
  94. Let’s try to avoid leaping to conclusions in our discussions.
  95. I had to remind her not to leap to conclusions about the feedback.
  96. The team was instructed not to leap to conclusions before the analysis was complete.
  97. It’s important to stay calm and not leap to conclusions in heated moments.
  98. She realized she was about to leap to conclusions and decided to wait.
  99. They were quick to leap to conclusions when they heard the news.
  100. He often advises his colleagues not to leap to conclusions without evidence.