100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "leave alone"


The verb leave alone means to refrain from interfering with or disturbing someone or something; to allow to be without attention or interference.


  • Ignore
  • Abandon
  • Let be
  • Disregard
  • Neglect
  • Avoid


  • Engage
  • Interfere
  • Disturb
  • Confront
  • Attend to
  • Intervene


  1. Please leave alone the cat while it's eating.
  2. I wish you would just leave alone my personal matters.
  3. Sometimes it’s better to leave alone a situation rather than escalate it.
  4. The teacher decided to leave alone the students who were quietly working.
  5. When you see someone stressed, it’s best to leave alone unless they ask for help.
  6. He preferred to leave alone the past and focus on the future.
  7. The dog was barking, but the owner chose to leave alone the issue for now.
  8. You should leave alone any area that's under construction for your safety.
  9. They asked him to leave alone their family issues.
  10. I generally prefer to leave alone people when they need space.
  11. It's wise to leave alone the details until you have all the information.
  12. The forest is a place where we should leave alone nature to thrive.
  13. The manager told the employees to leave alone the project until further notice.
  14. She decided to leave alone the painting until she was inspired to finish it.
  15. It's important to leave alone personal boundaries in friendships.
  16. You may want to leave alone the subject of politics at dinner parties.
  17. He learned to leave alone toxic relationships.
  18. The child was told to leave alone the fragile items on the shelf.
  19. Sometimes, it's best to leave alone a friend who needs time to themselves.
  20. The artist prefers to leave alone her work until she feels ready to critique it.
  21. Let’s leave alone any discussions that might lead to arguments.
  22. She chose to leave alone the unfinished manuscript for a while.
  23. It's advisable to leave alone issues that don't directly concern you.
  24. He would often leave alone his thoughts, allowing them to flow freely.
  25. The gardener decided to leave alone the wildflowers in the field.
  26. It’s better to leave alone those who are grieving rather than force conversation.
  27. He told her to leave alone the topic of her ex-boyfriend.
  28. She learned to leave alone her insecurities and embrace her strengths.
  29. The team was instructed to leave alone any projects that were not approved.
  30. When someone is upset, it’s often best to leave alone them until they’re ready to talk.
  31. The police advised us to leave alone the area until they cleared it.
  32. Let’s just leave alone the past and focus on our future together.
  33. They should leave alone the wildlife and not feed them.
  34. The doctor told him to leave alone the wound to heal properly.
  35. She felt it was best to leave alone the unresolved issues in her life.
  36. The committee decided to leave alone the outdated rules for now.
  37. He preferred to leave alone the details of the plan until they were finalized.
  38. You should leave alone any appliances that are malfunctioning.
  39. The children were told to leave alone the sleeping dog.
  40. I believe it’s important to leave alone cultural practices that don’t harm anyone.
  41. The mentor advised him to leave alone distractions while studying.
  42. It’s polite to leave alone someone who is clearly busy.
  43. The best approach is to leave alone any disagreements that are minor.
  44. She decided to leave alone the unanswered emails for now.
  45. It’s wise to leave alone complex problems until you have a clearer perspective.
  46. The coach told the players to leave alone the referee's decisions.
  47. During the retreat, they were encouraged to leave alone their devices.
  48. He wanted to leave alone the topic of money in their discussions.
  49. It’s crucial to leave alone the areas marked as off-limits.
  50. She learned to leave alone her negative thoughts during meditation.
  51. The instructor told the students to leave alone their distractions during the exam.
  52. When someone is feeling overwhelmed, it’s best to leave alone them for a bit.
  53. Sometimes, it’s necessary to leave alone aspects of life that you can’t control.
  54. The parents decided to leave alone their child's choices about friends.
  55. The guide warned the tourists to leave alone the wildlife in the area.
  56. It’s prudent to leave alone the negotiations until both sides are ready.
  57. She wanted to leave alone the details of her project until it was fully developed.
  58. The group agreed to leave alone past disagreements and move forward.
  59. He found it helpful to leave alone his worries and focus on breathing.
  60. The teacher asked the students to leave alone the classroom until the bell rings.
  61. They were told to leave alone any hazardous materials.
  62. She chose to leave alone her feelings about the situation for now.
  63. The wise elder suggested they leave alone the conflict and seek peace.
  64. It is respectful to leave alone someone who is mourning.
  65. The editor chose to leave alone the manuscript until the author was ready.
  66. He decided to leave alone the decision until he had more information.
  67. The children were reminded to leave alone the fireflies at night.
  68. Let’s leave alone any conversations that might lead to misunderstandings.
  69. The veterinarian advised to leave alone the injured animal to avoid further stress.
  70. It’s essential to leave alone boundaries in professional relationships.
  71. The coach told the team to leave alone the opposing team’s strategies.
  72. She needed to leave alone her past mistakes to move forward.
  73. The counselor suggested that she leave alone her fears and embrace change.
  74. The company policy was to leave alone any personal issues among employees.
  75. He learned to leave alone the things that didn’t serve his well-being.
  76. The teacher instructed the students to leave alone the equipment after use.
  77. It’s good practice to leave alone sensitive topics in public discussions.
  78. The explorer decided to leave alone the untouched areas of the forest.
  79. The therapist encouraged her to leave alone her doubts during therapy.
  80. The parents chose to leave alone their child's artistic choices.
  81. It’s wise to leave alone any legal matters until you consult a professional.
  82. The director wanted to leave alone the script until the actors were cast.
  83. When in doubt, it’s often best to leave alone the situation and reassess later.
  84. The artist decided to leave alone the canvas for a few days for inspiration.
  85. It’s respectful to leave alone personal choices that don’t affect you.
  86. The librarian reminded everyone to leave alone the books in the return area.
  87. He preferred to leave alone the drama and focus on his work.
  88. The mentor advised him to leave alone people who drain his energy.
  89. It’s important to leave alone the areas designated for conservation.
  90. She felt it was necessary to leave alone her ambitions for now.
  91. The group decided to leave alone the contentious issues for their next meeting.
  92. He was told to leave alone the negotiations until the contract was clear.
  93. The coach reminded the players to leave alone their opponent's taunts.
  94. She learned to leave alone her fears and trust the process.
  95. The team was instructed to leave alone the equipment until it was time to use it.
  96. The manager decided to leave alone the feedback until the project was complete.
  97. It’s polite to leave alone someone who is clearly in deep thought.
  98. The guidelines suggested to leave alone any confidential information.
  99. He chose to leave alone the comments that were not constructive.
  100. The teacher asked the students to leave alone any distractions during the test.