100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "lie"


The verb lie refers to the act of being in a horizontal position on a surface or to make an untrue statement with the intention of deceiving someone.


  1. Recline
  2. Rest
  3. Laze
  4. Prevaricate
  5. Deceive
  6. Mislead
  7. Fabricate
  8. Falsify
  9. Dishonesty
  10. Untruth


  1. Stand
  2. Rise
  3. Tell the truth
  4. Conform
  5. Obey


  1. I will lie down for a nap after lunch.
  2. He decided to lie on the grass and watch the clouds.
  3. She chose to lie about her whereabouts last night.
  4. They always lie to avoid responsibility.
  5. The cat likes to lie in the sun.
  6. Please don't lie to me; I can handle the truth.
  7. I could lie here forever if I didn’t have to work.
  8. It's wrong to lie to your friends.
  9. The dog loves to lie by the fireplace.
  10. I will lie low until the situation calms down.
  11. Sometimes people lie to protect others' feelings.
  12. He would rather lie than admit his mistake.
  13. The book said that the earth doesn't lie flat.
  14. I prefer to lie on my side when I sleep.
  15. She tried to lie her way out of trouble.
  16. The baby likes to lie on its back.
  17. I can't believe you would lie about something so trivial.
  18. He tends to lie when he feels cornered.
  19. We should lie down and watch the stars tonight.
  20. You should never lie in a job interview.
  21. The athlete had to lie flat on the ground to catch his breath.
  22. He often chooses to lie rather than face the consequences.
  23. The cat will lie there until dinner time.
  24. I won't lie to you; that was a mistake.
  25. They had to lie flat to avoid detection.
  26. It’s hard to believe he would lie about such an important issue.
  27. You can lie down if you're feeling tired.
  28. She would never lie to her family.
  29. He had to lie about his age to get in.
  30. I often lie awake thinking about my day.
  31. The suspect decided to lie during the interrogation.
  32. She loves to lie in the hammock with a book.
  33. He would lie through his teeth to get what he wants.
  34. The children like to lie in the grass and watch the clouds go by.
  35. I can’t believe you would lie to me like that.
  36. It's not right to lie for someone else.
  37. She chose to lie about her grades.
  38. They had to lie low after the scandal.
  39. I just want to lie here and relax.
  40. He will always lie if it means he can escape punishment.
  41. The teacher told us not to lie in our essays.
  42. The cat likes to lie on the windowsill.
  43. It’s best to lie down if you feel dizzy.
  44. I can't stand it when people lie to me.
  45. He decided to lie still to avoid alarming the animal.
  46. I would rather you didn't lie about your capabilities.
  47. The soldier had to lie flat during the drill.
  48. They often lie awake at night worrying about their future.
  49. She tried to lie her way into a better position at work.
  50. I just want to lie under the stars and relax.
  51. He tends to lie when he's nervous.
  52. You shouldn’t lie about your qualifications.
  53. The dog will often lie at my feet while I work.
  54. It's hard to trust someone who will lie so easily.
  55. The patient was told to lie still during the examination.
  56. She will lie if it means protecting her family.
  57. I prefer to lie flat when I meditate.
  58. I can't believe you would lie about something like that.
  59. There’s no reason to lie about your feelings.
  60. He tried to lie his way out of paying the fine.
  61. The child loves to lie in bed and play.
  62. I can’t help but feel that he will lie again.
  63. It’s important not to lie during negotiations.
  64. The patient was asked to lie on the examination table.
  65. She refused to lie even when it would have been easier.
  66. The detective suspected he would lie to cover his tracks.
  67. I often lie down with a headache.
  68. You shouldn't lie about your experiences.
  69. The dog likes to lie in the shade on hot days.
  70. If you lie, you might get caught later.
  71. The baby will lie quietly for a while.
  72. It’s wrong to lie for a friend, even if they ask you to.
  73. The teacher said that students should never lie in their work.
  74. I just want to lie in peace and quiet.
  75. She had to lie to protect her friend's secret.
  76. The cat loves to lie on my lap.
  77. He decided to lie about his plans to avoid conflict.
  78. You should never lie to your parents.
  79. The soldier had to lie low during the mission.
  80. I often lie awake at night thinking about my worries.
  81. The puppy likes to lie in the sunlight.
  82. He would lie if it meant getting what he wants.
  83. It’s important to never lie in a court of law.
  84. The child will lie down for a nap.
  85. You mustn't lie to your doctor about your symptoms.
  86. I will lie down and rest for a bit.
  87. They had to lie on the ground to avoid being seen.
  88. It’s better to tell the truth than to lie.
  89. She often lies about where she goes at night.
  90. He likes to lie on the couch after work.
  91. The suspect chose to lie during the investigation.
  92. The sun was warm as I chose to lie on the beach.
  93. You shouldn't lie when asked a direct question.
  94. The cat will often lie by the door waiting for me.
  95. He thinks it’s okay to lie as long as he doesn’t get caught.
  96. I want to lie here and dream.
  97. They had to lie flat to avoid being detected.
  98. She would never lie about something so serious.
  99. I can't understand why anyone would lie about that.
  100. After a long day, all I want to do is lie down and unwind.