100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "lower into"


The verb lower into means to bring something down to a lower position or level, often with careful control, so that it is placed or immersed within something else.


  • Place
  • Drop
  • Immerse
  • Put down
  • Set down
  • Deposit
  • Ease down
  • Dunk


  • Raise
  • Lift
  • Elevate
  • Hoist
  • Ascend


  1. She carefully lowered into the water her prized fishing rod.
  2. The technician lowered into the machine a crucial part for repair.
  3. He lowered into the pot the vegetables for cooking.
  4. The team lowered into the pit the new equipment for installation.
  5. The diver lowered into the ocean his camera to capture the marine life.
  6. We lowered into the lake the canoe for a peaceful afternoon.
  7. The workers lowered into the hole the concrete slab.
  8. She lowered into her backpack a few books before heading to class.
  9. The chef lowered into the oil the battered fish to fry.
  10. They lowered into the furnace the raw materials for melting.
  11. The artist lowered into the canvas her brush, ready to create.
  12. He lowered into the drawer the important documents for safekeeping.
  13. The lifeguard lowered into the water a rescue buoy.
  14. I lowered into the basket the freshly picked apples.
  15. The technician lowered into the server rack the new hardware.
  16. She lowered into the child’s hands the puppy gently.
  17. The crane operator lowered into place the steel beams.
  18. He lowered into his pocket the shiny coin he found.
  19. They lowered into the river their fishing nets for the day.
  20. The mother lowered into the crib her sleeping baby.
  21. The archaeologist lowered into the excavation site a camera for documentation.
  22. The coach lowered into the water a flotation device for the swimmers.
  23. She lowered into the air fryer the chicken wings for a crispy finish.
  24. The gardener lowered into the soil the young saplings.
  25. He lowered into the basket the last of the laundry.
  26. The technician lowered into the tank the new filter.
  27. She lowered into the pot the herbs for flavoring.
  28. The firefighter lowered into the building the hose to extinguish the flames.
  29. The artist lowered into the paint the brush for a vibrant stroke.
  30. They lowered into the hayloft the bales of hay.
  31. The child lowered into the toy box her favorite doll.
  32. He lowered into the ground the flagpole for stability.
  33. The curator lowered into the exhibit the ancient artifacts.
  34. The teacher lowered into the students' hands the test papers.
  35. She lowered into the cake batter the chocolate chips.
  36. The engineer lowered into the structure the safety equipment.
  37. The doctor lowered into the room the medical supplies.
  38. They lowered into the display case the delicate glass figurines.
  39. He lowered into the bucket the last of the sand.
  40. The musician lowered into the sound system the microphone.
  41. She lowered into the basket the last of the groceries.
  42. The crew lowered into the water the lifeboat.
  43. He lowered into the garden the new flowers.
  44. The builder lowered into the foundation the cement blocks.
  45. The magician lowered into the box the rabbit for the trick.
  46. She lowered into the drawer her collection of letters.
  47. The scientist lowered into the experiment the chemical solution.
  48. The dancer lowered into a graceful pose on stage.
  49. They lowered into the field the new irrigation system.
  50. He lowered into the suitcase his clothes for the trip.
  51. The farmer lowered into the barn the feed for the animals.
  52. She lowered into the water the anchor to secure the boat.
  53. The volunteer lowered into the donation box the collected items.
  54. The father lowered into the treehouse his daughter for safety.
  55. The technician lowered into the box the circuit board.
  56. She lowered into the fountain a coin for good luck.
  57. The actor lowered into the scene his character's prop.
  58. They lowered into the garage the old car for repairs.
  59. He lowered into the pool the diving board.
  60. The artist lowered into the frame her completed painting.
  61. She lowered into the basket the fresh fruit from the market.
  62. The supervisor lowered into the meeting room the agenda documents.
  63. The climber lowered into the ravine his gear for safety.
  64. They lowered into the pot the pasta for cooking.
  65. The technician lowered into the computer the new software.
  66. She lowered into the classroom a stack of books for the students.
  67. The gardener lowered into the compost pile the kitchen scraps.
  68. He lowered into the fire pit the logs for warmth.
  69. The nurse lowered into the patient's hands a glass of water.
  70. They lowered into the exhibit the dinosaur skeleton.
  71. The teacher lowered into the students' hands a new textbook.
  72. She lowered into the basket the last of the vegetables.
  73. The technician lowered into the circuit the new component.
  74. He lowered into the mailbox the outgoing letters.
  75. The kayaker lowered into the water his kayak with care.
  76. They lowered into the water the inflatable raft.
  77. The gardener lowered into the ground the flower bulbs.
  78. She lowered into the basket the last of the laundry.
  79. The director lowered into the set the props for the play.
  80. He lowered into the drawer his collection of old coins.
  81. The chef lowered into the pot the spices for flavor.
  82. They lowered into the well the bucket to fetch water.
  83. The parent lowered into the child's hands the new toy.
  84. She lowered into the tray the freshly baked cookies.
  85. The artist lowered into her palette the vibrant colors.
  86. He lowered into the water the fishing line with a baited hook.
  87. The volunteers lowered into the community garden the new soil.
  88. She lowered into the tank the fish for observation.
  89. The technician lowered into the system the backup drive.
  90. He lowered into the box the gifts for the charity.
  91. They lowered into the parade the float decorated with flowers.
  92. The scientist lowered into the experiment the test tubes.
  93. She lowered into the suitcase the souvenirs from her trip.
  94. The crew lowered into the harbor the sailboat for repairs.
  95. He lowered into the car the groceries after shopping.
  96. The coach lowered into the locker room the game plan for the team.
  97. They lowered into the river the kayaks for a day of fun.
  98. She lowered into the bookshelf her collection of novels.
  99. The technician lowered into the machine the necessary tools.
  100. He lowered into the basket the last of the holiday decorations.