100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "maroon"


The verb maroon means to leave someone stranded in an uninhabited place, particularly on an island or in a remote area, often as a punishment or as a result of a shipwreck.


  • Abandon
  • Desert
  • Isolate
  • Stranding
  • Castaway


  • Rescue
  • Save
  • Retrieve
  • Release
  • Reunite


  1. The pirates decided to maroon their rival on a deserted island.
  2. After the storm, the crew feared they might be marooned at sea.
  3. To teach him a lesson, they planned to maroon him on the far side of the lake.
  4. She felt marooned in her own home during the snowstorm.
  5. The survivor was marooned for weeks before help arrived.
  6. The captain threatened to maroon anyone who disobeyed his orders.
  7. They attempted to maroon the enemy ship by leading it into the shallow waters.
  8. The explorers felt marooned when their supplies ran out in the jungle.
  9. He couldn't help but think he was marooned in a sea of paperwork.
  10. The villain's plan was to maroon the hero on a remote island.
  11. After the shipwreck, the passengers were marooned with limited resources.
  12. She felt marooned in her thoughts during the long, silent drive.
  13. The group was marooned after their boat capsized.
  14. They would often maroon their enemies as a form of punishment.
  15. When they missed the last bus, they felt marooned in the unfamiliar city.
  16. The islanders used to maroon anyone who broke their strict laws.
  17. He felt as if he had been marooned in his own life, stuck in a monotonous routine.
  18. The storm marooned the travelers for an additional two days.
  19. The abandoned car on the roadside made him feel marooned in a desert of asphalt.
  20. The castaway had no choice but to learn how to survive after being marooned.
  21. The explorers believed they could find a way off the island without being marooned.
  22. They planned to maroon the enemy soldiers on the cliffs.
  23. His sudden resignation left the team feeling marooned without leadership.
  24. The shipwreck survivors were marooned until they could signal for help.
  25. The pirate's threat to maroon him sent shivers down his spine.
  26. She felt marooned in her relationship, unable to move forward.
  27. The faulty GPS marooned them in the middle of nowhere.
  28. They had to maroon their old plans and start anew after the failure.
  29. The sudden changes marooned the project, leaving it stalled.
  30. He was marooned at the airport overnight due to the canceled flight.
  31. The group felt marooned when their car broke down in the countryside.
  32. The harsh winter weather marooned the community for several days.
  33. Their lack of communication marooned them in a misunderstanding.
  34. The decision to maroon the old practices opened the door for innovation.
  35. The explorers were marooned on an island rich with resources but no way to escape.
  36. The isolation made her feel marooned from her friends and family.
  37. They had to maroon their old beliefs to embrace a new perspective.
  38. The kids were marooned in the treehouse after their game went too far.
  39. The team felt marooned after their central member left without notice.
  40. She often felt marooned in her thoughts during long meetings.
  41. The sudden change in weather marooned the hikers on the mountain.
  42. He was marooned on his desk, surrounded by piles of paperwork.
  43. The storm had marooned the entire town for days.
  44. They felt marooned in the middle of a heated debate with no resolution.
  45. The remote cabin marooned them from the outside world.
  46. The island was a beautiful prison for those marooned there.
  47. Lack of planning can easily maroon a project before it starts.
  48. The kids pretended to maroon their toys on a deserted island.
  49. A sudden storm marooned the yacht for several days.
  50. The betrayal left him feeling marooned in a sea of doubt.
  51. They planned to maroon their enemies at the edge of the forest.
  52. Marooned in a foreign land, he struggled to find his way home.
  53. The old shipwreck marooned on the reef became a tourist attraction.
  54. She felt marooned in her own thoughts, unable to share them with others.
  55. The lack of resources marooned the scientists in their research.
  56. The decision to maroon the outdated technology was necessary for progress.
  57. The islanders would maroon anyone who threatened their way of life.
  58. He felt marooned when his friends moved away and he stayed behind.
  59. The sudden closure of the road marooned the town for the winter.
  60. She felt marooned in a room full of strangers at the party.
  61. The weather marooned the travelers, forcing them to seek shelter.
  62. The plan to maroon the enemy troops failed when they were rescued.
  63. The unexpected snowstorm marooned them at the lodge.
  64. The team's failure to communicate left them feeling marooned in their efforts.
  65. The abandoned house felt like a marooned relic of the past.
  66. He was marooned in his own doubts, unable to move forward.
  67. The lack of internet connection marooned her in isolation.
  68. The storm marooned the fishermen on the high seas for days.
  69. Their isolation from the community made them feel marooned.
  70. The decision to maroon the outdated methods was met with resistance.
  71. She felt marooned in her daily routine, craving adventure.
  72. The sudden departure of their leader left the team feeling marooned.
  73. The island offered both beauty and the risk of being marooned.
  74. The unexpected closure of the bridge marooned the city for hours.
  75. His sudden silence marooned the conversation, leaving her confused.
  76. The researchers felt marooned in their lab without any results.
  77. The remote location marooned them from civilization.
  78. The unexpected circumstances marooned their plans for the weekend.
  79. The betrayal made him feel marooned in a relationship he once valued.
  80. The heavy rain marooned them at the campsite for an extra night.
  81. The team felt marooned without their captain during the critical game.
  82. The discovery of a new island could potentially maroon its inhabitants.
  83. She often felt marooned in her thoughts during long, quiet evenings.
  84. The lack of communication from the office marooned him in uncertainty.
  85. The command to maroon the traitor was met with mixed feelings.
  86. They had to maroon the plans and start fresh after the setback.
  87. The survivors were marooned with limited resources and no way to signal for help.
  88. He felt marooned in a job he no longer enjoyed.
  89. The sudden closure of the path marooned the hikers in the woods.
  90. The isolation of the countryside made her feel marooned from the world.
  91. The stormy weather marooned the boaters for an unexpected night.
  92. The sudden resignation of the leader left the team feeling marooned.
  93. The island's beauty was overshadowed by the fear of being marooned there.
  94. He was marooned in his own thoughts, unable to focus on anything else.
  95. They planned to maroon their friends for a surprise adventure.
  96. The heavy snowfall marooned the town for several days.
  97. The lack of options marooned him in a difficult situation.
  98. The island's remoteness marooned the explorers in a thrilling adventure.
  99. After the argument, she felt marooned in her own emotions.
  100. The old, abandoned building felt like a marooned piece of history.