100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "mortify"


Mortify (verb): To cause someone to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated, often in a way that is severe or distressing.


  • Humiliate
  • Embarrass
  • Shame
  • Disgrace
  • Abash
  • Chagrin
  • Confound
  • Disconcert


  • Praise
  • Honor
  • Support
  • Encourage
  • Comfort
  • Exalt


  1. The teacher's criticism mortified the student in front of the entire class.
  2. She felt mortified when she realized she had forgotten her lines during the performance.
  3. His clumsiness at the party mortified him, making him wish he had stayed home.
  4. The awkward silence after his joke mortified everyone at the dinner table.
  5. He was mortified to discover that his fly was down during the presentation.
  6. The rude comment from his colleague mortified him and left him speechless.
  7. She was mortified when her parents showed her baby pictures to her friends.
  8. The unexpected fall in front of his crush mortified him for the rest of the evening.
  9. Being called out for her mistakes mortified the employee in the meeting.
  10. The viral video of his embarrassing moment mortified him beyond words.
  11. He felt mortified after realizing he had been talking with spinach in his teeth.
  12. Her loud snoring mortified her when she realized everyone in the room was awake.
  13. The public revelation of his past mistakes mortified him and affected his reputation.
  14. She was mortified when she found out her secret was no longer a secret.
  15. The unexpected failure of his project mortified him in front of his peers.
  16. She turned mortified as she overheard her friends gossiping about her.
  17. His inability to answer the question mortified him during the interview.
  18. The prank gone wrong mortified the entire group of friends.
  19. Seeing her old diary read aloud mortified her beyond measure.
  20. He felt mortified after spilling coffee on his boss's shirt.
  21. The mistake in the presentation mortified the team leader in front of clients.
  22. Her faux pas at the wedding mortified her, making her want to disappear.
  23. The article exposed his flaws and mortified him publicly.
  24. The misunderstanding with her friend mortified her and caused a rift.
  25. He was mortified when he mixed up the names of the bride and groom.
  26. The embarrassing old photos posted online mortified her.
  27. His loud voice in a quiet library mortified him as he realized everyone was staring.
  28. The incident at work mortified him and made him reconsider his career.
  29. She felt mortified after tripping in front of her crush.
  30. The sudden realization of her mistake mortified her during the discussion.
  31. His wardrobe malfunction at the gala mortified him all night.
  32. The slip of the tongue mortified her in front of important guests.
  33. The revelation of his past relationship mortified him unexpectedly.
  34. She was mortified when she accidentally sent a text to the wrong person.
  35. The moment he forgot his speech mortified him before the audience.
  36. His parents' embarrassing stories mortified him during family gatherings.
  37. The unexpected critique from her mentor mortified her and made her doubt herself.
  38. The awkward compliment he received mortified him and left him speechless.
  39. His forgetfulness mortified him in front of his colleagues.
  40. The public speaking event mortified her, causing her to stutter.
  41. The way he mispronounced her name mortified him for the rest of the day.
  42. She was mortified to find out that her ex was dating someone new.
  43. His dance moves during the celebration mortified his friends.
  44. The slip-up during the formal event mortified the entire team.
  45. She felt mortified when everyone turned to look at her after the loud noise.
  46. The unexpected question during the lecture mortified him and left him speechless.
  47. Hearing her voice crack while singing mortified her during the performance.
  48. His overreaction to the situation mortified him later when he reflected on it.
  49. The embarrassing email sent to the group mortified him at work.
  50. The awkward silence after his comment mortified him deeply.
  51. Her reaction to the surprise mortified her in front of her friends.
  52. The joke that fell flat mortified him as he tried to recover.
  53. He was mortified when he realized he had forgotten her birthday.
  54. The incident at the restaurant mortified her, making her leave early.
  55. The public argument with her friend mortified her in front of strangers.
  56. She felt mortified by the way she reacted to the criticism.
  57. The unexpected call-out during the meeting mortified him.
  58. The way he misjudged the situation mortified him afterwards.
  59. Her mistake while presenting mortified her in front of the audience.
  60. The reveal of his childhood photos mortified him during the reunion.
  61. He was mortified to discover he had spoken with food in his mouth.
  62. The moment she realized she was being filmed mortified her.
  63. His loud laugh in a quiet setting mortified him as others turned to stare.
  64. The mix-up with the tickets mortified him at the concert.
  65. She felt mortified after realizing she had been talking to the wrong person.
  66. The moment of silence after his comment mortified him.
  67. The sudden realization of how loud she was being mortified her.
  68. The awkward compliment from a stranger mortified him at the event.
  69. The mistake in the report mortified the entire department.
  70. She felt mortified when she saw herself on the big screen.
  71. His miscommunication with the client mortified him during the pitch.
  72. The embarrassing story shared by her friend mortified her.
  73. He was mortified by his inability to answer a simple question.
  74. The surprise birthday party mortified her when she realized it was all about her.
  75. The embarrassing moment in front of his crush mortified him.
  76. She was mortified when her secret was revealed during the discussion.
  77. The public display of affection mortified him unexpectedly.
  78. The awkward silence after his joke mortified him deeply.
  79. He felt mortified when he realized he had been talking too loudly.
  80. The mistake in her speech mortified her during the conference.
  81. His reaction to the situation mortified him later on.
  82. The reveal of his past mistakes mortified him in front of friends.
  83. The sudden realization of his error mortified him during the meeting.
  84. She felt mortified after tripping in front of her colleagues.
  85. The unexpected photography session mortified her.
  86. The way everyone stared at him mortified him.
  87. The embarrassing slip-up at the party mortified him for weeks.
  88. The unexpected turn of events mortified her during the gathering.
  89. His loud comment during the movie mortified him and the people around.
  90. She was mortified to find her dress torn during the event.
  91. The moment of realization about her mistake mortified her.
  92. The focus on her during the meeting mortified her.
  93. He felt mortified after realizing he had insulted someone unknowingly.
  94. The sudden attention on his mistake mortified him.
  95. The awkward encounter with his ex mortified him.
  96. The revelation of his struggles mortified him in the discussion.
  97. She was mortified when he brought up her past in front of friends.
  98. The unexpected compliment mortified him at the event.
  99. His loud laugh at the serious moment mortified him later.
  100. The public reminder of his failure mortified him and affected his confidence.