100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "mutilate"


Mutilate (verb) means to severely damage, disfigure, or injure something, especially by cutting or removing a part of it. It often implies irreversible harm to a body, object, or text.


  • Disfigure
  • Maim
  • Mangle
  • Maim
  • Butcher
  • Deform
  • Cripple
  • Harm
  • Wound
  • Dismember


  • Heal
  • Restore
  • Repair
  • Mend
  • Fix
  • Reconstruct


  1. The accident mutilated his hand beyond recognition.
  2. Vandalism had mutilated the ancient statue.
  3. The soldier was mutilated by an explosion on the battlefield.
  4. Wild animals can mutilate their prey before consuming it.
  5. The document was mutilated so badly that it was unreadable.
  6. The prisoner was brutally mutilated as a form of torture.
  7. The artist's masterpiece was mutilated by careless handling.
  8. He threatened to mutilate the painting if he wasn’t paid.
  9. The manuscript was mutilated when parts of it were torn away.
  10. The serial killer was known to mutilate his victims.
  11. The thieves mutilated the security system to gain entry.
  12. The cat’s paw was mutilated in a trap.
  13. The explosion mutilated his face permanently.
  14. The war left many soldiers mutilated and traumatized.
  15. The dictator ordered his enemies to be mutilated as a warning.
  16. He used a knife to mutilate the leather upholstery.
  17. The body was found mutilated in the forest.
  18. The rebel forces were known to mutilate their captives.
  19. The machine accident mutilated his fingers.
  20. The ancient manuscript was mutilated by fire and age.
  21. They mutilated the flag in protest.
  22. The storm mutilated the coastline.
  23. The fire mutilated the artwork beyond restoration.
  24. He was arrested for attempting to mutilate a historical monument.
  25. The beast mutilated its prey with sharp claws.
  26. She could barely recognize the mutilated corpse.
  27. The criminals mutilated the surveillance footage to cover their tracks.
  28. The dog was found mutilated in the alley.
  29. The factory accident mutilated his left arm.
  30. The bomb blast mutilated dozens of people.
  31. The prisoner’s body was mutilated before being buried.
  32. The dictator's regime was known for mutilating dissidents.
  33. The shark attack mutilated his leg.
  34. The fire had mutilated most of the old records.
  35. The knife mutilated the fabric beyond repair.
  36. They mutilated the tires to prevent escape.
  37. The invaders mutilated the royal emblems.
  38. The murderer mutilated his victim’s face.
  39. The criminal mutilated the evidence before fleeing.
  40. The documents were deliberately mutilated to hide information.
  41. The butcher mutilated the meat carelessly.
  42. The body was found brutally mutilated in the woods.
  43. The car crash mutilated his body beyond recognition.
  44. They mutilated the sacred texts.
  45. The old book had been mutilated by careless readers.
  46. The explosion mutilated the building.
  47. The surgeon tried to save the mutilated limb.
  48. The criminals mutilated the statues in the church.
  49. The autopsy revealed a mutilated corpse.
  50. The butcher accidentally mutilated the carcass.
  51. The doctor was shocked at how badly the wound was mutilated.
  52. The attack left her mutilated and unconscious.
  53. The fire mutilated all the paintings in the gallery.
  54. The body was mutilated beyond recognition.
  55. The accident mutilated the worker’s hand.
  56. He used acid to mutilate the evidence.
  57. The lion mutilated its prey before eating.
  58. The old paintings were mutilated by exposure to moisture.
  59. The corpse was discovered in a mutilated state.
  60. The earthquake mutilated the ancient ruins.
  61. The rebels mutilated the bodies of their enemies.
  62. The bomb mutilated the entire neighborhood.
  63. The horse’s leg was mutilated in the accident.
  64. He was infamous for mutilating animals.
  65. The manuscript was mutilated in an attempt to censor it.
  66. The burglars mutilated the door trying to break in.
  67. His foot was mutilated when the machinery malfunctioned.
  68. The hacker mutilated the website’s code.
  69. The crash mutilated the front of the vehicle.
  70. The punishment included mutilating the offender’s hand.
  71. The bullet mutilated his shoulder.
  72. The ship was mutilated by the storm.
  73. The explosion mutilated his arm beyond repair.
  74. The child was left mutilated by the wild dogs.
  75. The terrorist attack mutilated dozens of people.
  76. The knife mutilated the wooden carving.
  77. The cult was known for mutilating their victims.
  78. The assassin mutilated his enemies as a warning.
  79. The machine mutilated the worker’s fingers.
  80. The criminals mutilated their hostages before escaping.
  81. The artist was heartbroken to see his painting mutilated.
  82. The war mutilated an entire generation.
  83. The prison guards were accused of mutilating inmates.
  84. The plague mutilated the population.
  85. The executioners mutilated the bodies before burial.
  86. The wreck mutilated the aircraft beyond recognition.
  87. The thieves mutilated the jewelry to avoid identification.
  88. The flames mutilated the wooden statues.
  89. The victim’s body was found mutilated in the basement.
  90. The rebels mutilated the king’s portrait.
  91. The avalanche mutilated the mountain road.
  92. The dragon mutilated its prey before devouring it.
  93. The general ordered his troops to mutilate the enemy’s banners.
  94. The flood mutilated the old bridge.
  95. The rogue scientist mutilated test subjects in his experiments.
  96. The tornado mutilated the entire town.
  97. The villagers were horrified by the mutilated cattle.
  98. The hacker mutilated the database.
  99. The explosion mutilated the pipeline.
  100. The old books were mutilated by termites.