100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "quack"
Quack (verb): To make the characteristic sound of a duck. It can also refer to the act of speaking or proclaiming something in an exaggerated or false manner, particularly in the context of presenting oneself as a medical professional or expert without legitimate qualifications.
- Caw
- Croak
- Quack like a duck
- Bark (in a different context)
- Boast (when used in the context of false claims)
- Whisper
- Mumble
- Silence
- Speak truthfully
- The mother duck led her ducklings in a line, and they all began to quack happily.
- Every morning, I hear the ducks quack by the pond.
- He tried to imitate the sound of a duck, but his quack was more of a croak.
- The children laughed as they watched the ducks quack at each other.
- She was so excited to see the ducks that she started to quack along with them.
- The vet assured me that the injured duck would soon be able to quack again.
- When the dog heard the ducks quack, it began to bark loudly.
- During the nature walk, we heard the distant quack of a mallard.
- The duck's quack echoed through the still morning air.
- He liked to quack like a duck to entertain his younger siblings.
- As the storm approached, the ducks began to quack nervously.
- The sound of the ducks quacking filled the park with life.
- I couldn't help but quack when I saw the playful ducklings.
- She often pretends to quack like a duck at family gatherings.
- The loud quack startled the man fishing by the river.
- I heard a quack and turned to see a duck approaching me.
- The children watched in amazement as the ducks quacked for food.
- He made a silly face and let out a loud quack to make the kids laugh.
- The park was alive with the sounds of birds and the occasional quack.
- She recorded the quack of the duck for her nature podcast.
- As a joke, he decided to quack during the serious meeting.
- The docile duck would not stop quacking until it received bread.
- The loud quack from the pond drew her attention.
- To mock the speaker, the audience began to quack at inappropriate moments.
- The little boy started to quack whenever he saw a duck on TV.
- A quack came from the bushes as a duck startled us.
- He couldn't resist the urge to quack back at the duck.
- The ducks would often quack when they sensed danger.
- The playful quack of the duck resonated throughout the quiet garden.
- She decided to quack loudly to see if she could attract more ducks.
- The comedic actor used a quack to get a laugh from the audience.
- After feeding the ducks, I listened to their happy quack.
- The quack of the duck was a welcome sound in the serene environment.
- The kids practiced their quack sounds during the nature class.
- His impersonation of a duck's quack was spot on.
- The strange quack caught my attention; I turned to see a duck in distress.
- A sudden quack startled the group as they entered the pond.
- To my surprise, the duck began to quack as soon as I approached.
- I often quack while walking by the lake to mimic the ducks.
- The quick quack of the mallard made everyone laugh.
- The little girl loved to quack along with the ducks at the park.
- During the picnic, the persistent quack of the ducks became quite annoying.
- A loud quack disrupted the peaceful afternoon at the lake.
- The ducklings were learning to quack as they followed their mother.
- He attempted to quack like a duck but ended up sounding like a goose.
- The quack of the wild ducks was a reminder of nature's beauty.
- I couldn’t help but quack every time I saw a duck in the zoo.
- We laughed at the quack that echoed from the nearby pond.
- The group of ducks began to quack in unison, creating a chorus.
- I tried to quack quietly, but I ended up startling the ducks.
- The farmer loved to hear the quack of his ducks every morning.
- That quack was so loud, it could be heard from across the lake.
- The kids had a contest to see who could make the best quack.
- The absurd quack from the actor added humor to the scene.
- A sudden quack interrupted the peaceful silence of the evening.
- I often imitated a quack to entertain my friends.
- The quack of the duck was the only sound in the quiet park.
- He could mimic animal sounds perfectly, especially a duck's quack.
- The playful quack of the ducklings made the day brighter.
- She could hear a faint quack as she walked near the pond.
- The friendly quack of the ducks welcomed us to the lake.
- I chuckled at the silly quack my friend made during lunch.
- The quack grew louder as we approached the flock of ducks.
- Each time he tried to quack, he ended up laughing instead.
- The ducks seemed to quack in delight when they saw the food.
- A loud quack could be heard from the other side of the park.
- To cheer her up, he began to quack like a duck.
- The unexpected quack startled the children playing nearby.
- The ducks would quack and flap their wings when they were excited.
- The quack of the duck was a common sound by the riverside.
- She recorded the quack of the ducks for her school project.
- The tour guide explained that the quack means the ducks are happy.
- The little boy loved to quack along with the cartoon ducks.
- As the sun set, the ducks began to quack their evening calls.
- He found it amusing to randomly quack during serious conversations.
- The quack of the duck was a reminder of spring's arrival.
- The crowd erupted in laughter at his exaggerated quack.
- The ducks would often quack during feeding time.
- A quack echoed from the reeds, signaling the presence of a duck.
- She enjoyed the sound of the quack as it reminded her of childhood.
- The doctor was a quack, giving dubious advice to his patients.
- The sudden quack made me jump as I walked near the pond.
- I attempted to quack like a duck, but my friends just laughed.
- The pond was filled with the cheerful quack of the ducks.
- The children learned to quack as part of their animal sounds lesson.
- He made a funny quack that had everyone in stitches.
- The playful quack of the ducklings was delightful to hear.
- She tried to quack softly so as not to scare the ducks away.
- The persistent quack of the duck was a constant background noise.
- He couldn't resist the urge to quack every time he saw a duck.
- The quack of the duck was the highlight of the picnic.
- Children love to quack and run after the ducks at the park.
- The farmer enjoyed the sound of the quack coming from the barn.
- The quack of the duck startled the fish in the water.
- I often quack when I see a duck to get their attention.
- The loud quack interrupted the peaceful afternoon.
- The quack of the ducks was a charming sound in the countryside.
- The silly quack made everyone laugh during the performance.
- The ducks would not stop quacking until they were fed.
- To her surprise, the duck responded to her quack with enthusiasm.