100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "quibble"
The verb quibble refers to the act of arguing or raising objections about a trivial matter, often involving petty or minor details rather than the main issue at hand. It can also mean to evade or avoid a point by making slight or irrelevant distinctions.
- Nitpick
- Split hairs
- Bicker
- Debate
- Dispute
- Dilly-dally
- Fuss
- Haggle
- Waffle
- Quarrel
- Agree
- Concur
- Accept
- Acknowledge
- Affirm
- Approve
- Endorse
- Embrace
- Consent
- Support
- They chose to quibble over the specifics instead of addressing the main issue.
- It’s frustrating when people quibble about the price rather than recognizing the value.
- The committee decided not to quibble over minor details in the report.
- Don’t quibble with me about the time; just be here by 6 PM.
- He tends to quibble over every little point in meetings.
- Instead of focusing on the project, they continued to quibble over semantics.
- She didn’t want to quibble about the rules, preferring to move forward.
- The lawyer would often quibble during negotiations to gain a better deal.
- I refuse to quibble about the details when the overall picture is more important.
- They quibble endlessly about the best route to take.
- Let’s not quibble over who is responsible; we need to work together.
- It’s easy to quibble when you’re not the one making the decisions.
- The children began to quibble over who would get the last cookie.
- I would rather not quibble about the length of the presentation.
- He likes to quibble over the terms of the contract.
- Quibbling over trivial matters can waste valuable time.
- The two friends would often quibble about which movie to watch.
- It’s pointless to quibble when we have more pressing issues at hand.
- She didn’t want to quibble over the details of the agreement.
- They spent hours quibbling instead of reaching a conclusion.
- I won’t quibble about your interpretation; I value your opinion.
- Some people love to quibble, while others prefer to get straight to the point.
- He would quibble about the color of the paint instead of helping with the project.
- The team members began to quibble over their responsibilities.
- Don’t quibble with the facts; they speak for themselves.
- It’s easy to quibble when you’re not directly affected.
- The debate turned into a quibble over the smallest details.
- They shouldn’t quibble about the amount; it’s a generous offer.
- I hate to quibble, but that’s not entirely accurate.
- Instead of quibbling, let’s focus on finding solutions.
- The partners began to quibble about the division of profits.
- He found it hard to quibble when faced with overwhelming evidence.
- I would rather not quibble over my salary; I just want a fair wage.
- They continued to quibble until they lost sight of the main goal.
- She tried to avoid quibbling by keeping the discussion focused.
- Don’t quibble over things that won’t matter in the long term.
- The children’s quibbling became annoying to their parents.
- I’d prefer we not quibble and just make a decision.
- We can’t afford to quibble at this stage of the project.
- He often quibbled over the terms of their agreement.
- They had a habit of quibbling about every little thing.
- Let’s not quibble about the past; the future is what matters.
- She tends to quibble when she feels insecure about a topic.
- The meeting was derailed by unnecessary quibbling.
- I refuse to quibble over minor issues that don’t affect the outcome.
- The professor would quibble with students over their interpretations.
- I don’t want to quibble; let’s just agree to disagree.
- They spent the afternoon quibbling over the rules of the game.
- His tendency to quibble made discussions unnecessarily lengthy.
- It’s best not to quibble when the stakes are high.
- The couple began to quibble about the seating arrangement.
- Let’s not quibble about insignificant details and get to work.
- He knew better than to quibble with his boss.
- Their quibbling was a distraction from the real issues at hand.
- I don’t want to quibble; I just want to hear your opinion.
- The debate turned into a quibble over who said what.
- They began to quibble over the timing of the event.
- I hate to quibble, but your data seems inconsistent.
- The two sides began to quibble over the definition of success.
- It’s important to resolve issues rather than quibble over them.
- His habit of quibbling made him unpopular at work.
- I would rather not quibble over preferences.
- They spent more time quibbling than actually planning.
- The negotiation was stalled by their constant quibbling.
- Let’s not quibble about the past; we need to look ahead.
- She would often quibble when she felt uncomfortable with a topic.
- The project was delayed due to their quibbling over costs.
- I prefer to discuss solutions rather than quibble about problems.
- The team didn’t have time to quibble over minor setbacks.
- He has a tendency to quibble, especially in heated discussions.
- They chose to quibble rather than collaborate effectively.
- I won’t quibble if you promise to keep your word.
- The committee was tired of their quibbling and demanded action.
- She tried to avoid quibbling and focused on the results.
- It’s easy to quibble when you’re not committed to the cause.
- The endless quibbling led to frustration among the group.
- He would rather not quibble and just get to the point.
- Their quibbling was a sign of deeper issues in their relationship.
- I hope we won’t have to quibble about the details of the plan.
- Let’s not quibble; we need to make a decision quickly.
- The meeting was unproductive due to their quibbling.
- I don’t want to quibble; I just want to understand your perspective.
- The discussions often devolved into quibbling over minor issues.
- It’s counterproductive to quibble when there are bigger fish to fry.
- He often finds himself quibbling with his colleagues.
- I’d rather not quibble about the timeline; let’s move forward.
- They wasted time quibbling when action was needed.
- I don’t want to quibble about who’s right or wrong.
- Their quibbling over the budget became tiresome.
- She refused to quibble when it was time for action.
- The quibbling continued until someone finally intervened.
- It’s unnecessary to quibble over such trivial matters.
- I try not to quibble; I prefer to keep things simple.
- Their endless quibbling made it hard to focus on the task.
- He can be such a quibbler when it comes to details.
- I don’t want to quibble about the small stuff; let’s focus on the big picture.
- Their quibbling led to a misunderstanding that could have been avoided.
- I refuse to quibble over things that don’t really matter.
- The group’s quibbling derailed the original intent of the meeting.
- Let’s get to the heart of the matter without quibbling.