100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "repose"


Repose (verb) means to rest, lie down, or be situated in a certain place; it can also refer to a state of tranquility or calmness.


  • Rest
  • Relax
  • Recline
  • Lie
  • Reside
  • Settle
  • Sleep
  • Slumber
  • Lull
  • Recess


  • Agitate
  • Disturb
  • Wake
  • Exert
  • Stir
  • Energize
  • Act
  • Move
  • Busy
  • Work


  1. After a long day, I like to repose on the couch with a good book.
  2. The cat chose to repose in the warm sunlight streaming through the window.
  3. During the meditation session, we were encouraged to repose our minds.
  4. After his morning jog, he decided to repose for a while before breakfast.
  5. The ancient statue seemed to repose peacefully in the garden.
  6. She needed to repose her thoughts before making a decision.
  7. The artist likes to repose on the hill while contemplating his next masterpiece.
  8. They found a quiet spot to repose and enjoy the view.
  9. He reposed his trust in her judgment completely.
  10. The baby began to repose as soon as the lullaby started.
  11. After the storm, the trees seemed to repose silently in the calm air.
  12. The book was reposed on the shelf, waiting to be read.
  13. In winter, many animals repose in their dens for warmth.
  14. She closed her eyes to repose for just a moment.
  15. The waves gently repose against the shore.
  16. They decided to repose by the lake during their picnic.
  17. The old man liked to repose in his rocking chair.
  18. Their friendship allowed them to repose in each other's company.
  19. He needed to repose after a tiring week of work.
  20. The painting seemed to repose with a quiet beauty.
  21. The villagers would often repose in the town square.
  22. She took a moment to repose her thoughts before speaking.
  23. The dog reposed contentedly at his owner's feet.
  24. They would repose under the stars, sharing stories late into the night.
  25. The river reposed peacefully, reflecting the trees above.
  26. As the sun set, the world seemed to repose in a golden hue.
  27. He chose to repose in solitude, away from the noise of the city.
  28. The flowers repose in the garden, basking in the sunlight.
  29. They often repose in the shade of the old oak tree.
  30. The castle reposed majestically on the hilltop.
  31. She reposed her head on his shoulder during the movie.
  32. The library was a place where one could repose and read quietly.
  33. The ancient ruins repose beneath the layers of earth.
  34. He liked to repose on weekends, escaping the hustle of the week.
  35. The children repose on the grass, watching clouds drift by.
  36. She felt the need to repose her body after the workout.
  37. The gentle breeze made the leaves repose softly.
  38. The town square is a perfect place to repose and watch the world go by.
  39. He would often repose on his balcony in the evening.
  40. The paintings in the museum repose in their frames, telling stories of the past.
  41. As the day ended, the city seemed to repose in quiet anticipation.
  42. The couple would repose by the fireplace, enjoying each other's company.
  43. The soft bed invited him to repose after a long journey.
  44. She needed to repose her worries and focus on the present.
  45. The mountain repose majestically against the blue sky.
  46. He decided to repose by taking a short nap.
  47. The garden repose with the fragrance of blooming flowers.
  48. They would often repose in silence, enjoying the peace around them.
  49. He reposed his case before the panel of judges.
  50. The stillness of the lake allowed the boats to repose without disturbance.
  51. The cat reposed lazily on the windowsill.
  52. She found a cozy nook to repose with her thoughts.
  53. The old chair was the perfect place to repose after a long day.
  54. The festival was a time to repose and celebrate with friends.
  55. The trees repose silently, their leaves whispering in the wind.
  56. He felt he could repose in her presence without fear of judgment.
  57. The museum allowed visitors to repose and reflect on the art.
  58. The waves seemed to repose gently on the beach.
  59. She liked to repose in the evenings, sipping tea and reading.
  60. The quiet library was where he could repose and think.
  61. The children would repose on the grass after playing all day.
  62. The hammock swayed gently as he reposed in the shade.
  63. She would often repose in her garden, surrounded by nature.
  64. The soft music made it easier to repose and relax.
  65. The tranquil pond invited him to repose by its edge.
  66. The statue reposed in the park, watching over the visitors.
  67. He needed to repose his mind before tackling the project.
  68. The couch was a perfect place to repose after work.
  69. The magic of the night made the world repose in wonder.
  70. She took a moment to repose and appreciate the beauty around her.
  71. The flowers in the vase seemed to repose in the sunlight.
  72. The soothing sounds of nature helped him repose peacefully.
  73. The hills repose under a blanket of snow.
  74. He chose to repose his worries for another day.
  75. The serene atmosphere allowed them to repose and reflect.
  76. The quiet of the library made it an ideal place to repose.
  77. She would often repose her thoughts in her journal.
  78. The waves repose gently against the cliffs.
  79. He found it hard to repose in such a busy environment.
  80. The moonlight made the landscape repose in a silver glow.
  81. The cozy blanket invited her to repose on the sofa.
  82. The peaceful garden allowed the mind to repose freely.
  83. The elderly couple would repose together on the porch.
  84. The mountains repose in the distance, majestic and strong.
  85. She found a quiet corner to repose and read her favorite book.
  86. The calm sea made it easy to repose and reflect on life.
  87. He decided to repose in the shade during the hot afternoon.
  88. The gentle rhythm of the waves helped him to repose.
  89. The soft light of dawn made the world repose in beauty.
  90. She would often repose her concerns with a good friend.
  91. The sunset made the sky repose in brilliant colors.
  92. He felt he could repose his trust in her completely.
  93. The tranquil setting allowed them to repose in peace.
  94. The chair in the corner was where he liked to repose after dinner.
  95. The night sky seemed to repose with countless stars.
  96. They would often repose by the fire, sharing stories from their youth.
  97. The softness of the bed made it easy to repose and drift off to sleep.
  98. The silence of the forest allowed her to repose her thoughts.
  99. The tranquil atmosphere made it a perfect place to repose.
  100. The ancient tree reposed quietly, a witness to the passage of time.