100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "round"


The verb round means to make something circular in shape, to form or shape something into a round form, or to complete an action by bringing it to a conclusion. It can also refer to the act of increasing a number to the nearest whole number or to describe the act of encircling or encompassing.


  • Circle
  • Enclose
  • Curve
  • Complete
  • Finish
  • Encompass
  • Round off
  • Amass
  • Aggregate


  • Square
  • Flatten
  • Disperse
  • Divide
  • Reduce
  • Diminish
  • Lower


  1. The chef will round the edges of the dough before baking.
  2. Please round the numbers to the nearest whole number.
  3. The children rounded the corner and ran towards the playground.
  4. I need to round up all the supplies before the event starts.
  5. The artist decided to round the sculpture to give it a more natural appearance.
  6. They rounded off the discussion with a summary of the key points.
  7. Can you round the table for our dinner guests?
  8. We will round up the team for a final meeting before the project deadline.
  9. The manager asked me to round the figures for the quarterly report.
  10. She used a compass to help round the edges of her drawing.
  11. He tried to round the argument with some compelling evidence.
  12. The road rounds sharply at the next intersection.
  13. Let's round the meeting to an hour so we can stay on schedule.
  14. The dog rounded the ball and brought it back to the owner.
  15. We need to round the data to ensure consistency in our analysis.
  16. The quarterback rounded the defense and scored a touchdown.
  17. The baker will round the loaves of bread before putting them in the oven.
  18. She rounded her voice as she spoke to make it more engaging.
  19. As the sun sets, the shadows round out the landscape beautifully.
  20. It’s time to round up the kids for lunch.
  21. He rounded his shoulders and took a deep breath before speaking.
  22. The teacher asked the students to round their answers to two decimal places.
  23. The team rounded their performance with a stunning final play.
  24. They always round their trips to include a visit to the museum.
  25. It’s important to round off the sharp edges of the metal for safety.
  26. We will round the year with a celebration of our achievements.
  27. He had to round up his thoughts before giving the presentation.
  28. The chef rounded the dish with a sprig of parsley for decoration.
  29. You should round the corners of the paper for a softer look.
  30. The marathon course rounds through the park and back to the finish line.
  31. She decided to round her hair into a bun for the event.
  32. The meeting will round out with a Q&A session.
  33. The artist rounded the figure to bring it to life on canvas.
  34. They rounded the last bend before reaching the finish line.
  35. He had to round the project off with a formal report.
  36. The committee will round up more volunteers for the charity event.
  37. She rounded the cake with icing for a professional finish.
  38. The plan started to round into shape after several discussions.
  39. The film will round off with an inspiring conclusion.
  40. We need to round the budget to avoid any discrepancies.
  41. They rounded their performance into a cohesive act.
  42. The stone was rounded by years of erosion.
  43. The meeting will round up at 5 PM sharp.
  44. He used a file to round the edges of the wood.
  45. The athletes rounded the track, pushing for their best times.
  46. She always tries to round her arguments with solid reasoning.
  47. The teacher instructed the students to round their numbers.
  48. The dog rounded the sheep back towards the pen.
  49. The discussion began to round into focus as more ideas were shared.
  50. They need to round off the rough patches in the project.
  51. The tour will round through several historic sites.
  52. The athlete rounded the final corner and sprinted for the finish.
  53. He decided to round the edges of the table for safety.
  54. The boss asked us to round our goals for the next quarter.
  55. The audience rounded their applause after the performance.
  56. They will round up the final votes by the end of the week.
  57. The landscape rounds out beautifully with the setting sun.
  58. She rounded the conversation with a thoughtful insight.
  59. The businessman had to round his figures for the pitch.
  60. The team rounded their strategy after several brainstorming sessions.
  61. The park rounds the city, offering a natural escape.
  62. We will round off the event with a fireworks display.
  63. The artist rounded the clay into a perfect sphere.
  64. The car rounded the bend with speed.
  65. They need to round their approach to include all stakeholders.
  66. The children rounded up their toys before bedtime.
  67. She rounded her words carefully to avoid misunderstandings.
  68. The project will round off in a few weeks.
  69. The manager will round up the staff for an important meeting.
  70. The mountain rounds off into a gentle slope.
  71. He had to round the rough edges of his presentation.
  72. They rounded their way through the city on their bikes.
  73. The meeting will round up with a summary of decisions made.
  74. The baker will round the dough into individual portions.
  75. They rounded the data for easier interpretation.
  76. The children rounded the game with a final round of applause.
  77. The car rounded the corner just in time.
  78. She rounded the edges of the paper for an elegant finish.
  79. The company will round off the year with a holiday party.
  80. The athlete rounded the track in record time.
  81. He had to round his thoughts before expressing them.
  82. The project is starting to round into a complete vision.
  83. They always round their trips to include sightseeing.
  84. The teacher asked them to round their answers before submitting.
  85. The path rounds through the forest and leads to a lake.
  86. She rounded the flowers in the garden beautifully.
  87. The team will round off their training with a scrimmage.
  88. The doctor advised him to round his diet for better health.
  89. They rounded the final details of the agreement.
  90. The building rounds out the skyline of the city.
  91. She will round the presentation with key takeaways.
  92. The plan is to round up all the participants for feedback.
  93. The artist rounded the edges of the sculpture with care.
  94. The meeting will round up the agenda points for discussion.
  95. They need to round the process for more efficiency.
  96. The car rounded the sharp turn without any issues.
  97. She rounded her voice to ensure clarity in her speech.
  98. The report will round off with a conclusion and recommendations.
  99. The students will round the project before the deadline.
  100. He rounded his stance on the issue after much consideration.