100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "speed"


The verb speed means to move quickly or to cause something to move quickly. It can also refer to the act of increasing the rate of progress or activity.


  • Hasten
  • Accelerate
  • Rush
  • Swift
  • Quicken
  • Expedite
  • Zoom
  • Fly


  • Slow
  • Delay
  • Decelerate
  • Dally
  • Hinder
  • Linger
  • Stagnate


  1. The car sped down the highway, leaving a trail of dust behind.
  2. She decided to speed up her work to meet the deadline.
  3. The athlete sped towards the finish line, determined to win the race.
  4. To speed the process, he submitted his application early.
  5. The train speeded past the station without stopping.
  6. He speeds through his morning routine to catch the bus.
  7. The company aims to speed up production to meet the growing demand.
  8. She sped over the hills on her bicycle.
  9. The news of the event sped through the community.
  10. To speed up the meeting, they created a strict agenda.
  11. The airplane speeded down the runway before taking off.
  12. The teenager speeds through his homework to play video games.
  13. The river speeds through the valley during the spring thaw.
  14. He speds up his pace as he saw the storm approaching.
  15. They speed walked to the store to avoid the rain.
  16. The dog speeds after the ball thrown by its owner.
  17. The project manager decided to speed things along with extra resources.
  18. She speeded up her reading to finish the novel in one sitting.
  19. The runner speeds past his competitors effortlessly.
  20. He speeds through the traffic light just before it turns red.
  21. The software update will speed up the device's performance.
  22. The kids speeded down the hill on their sleds.
  23. The chef needed to speed up the cooking process for the event.
  24. The cyclist speeds down the road with great enthusiasm.
  25. The information speeded across the internet in seconds.
  26. They decided to speed up the construction to meet the deadline.
  27. The children speeded through their chores to go out and play.
  28. The fireworks speed into the sky, lighting up the night.
  29. She speeds through the airport to catch her flight.
  30. To speed up your metabolism, consider regular exercise.
  31. The team needed to speed up their response to the client’s needs.
  32. He speeded through the book in just a few hours.
  33. The rocket speeds toward the stars with incredible force.
  34. The meeting was speeded up by the efficient moderator.
  35. She speeds through her yoga routine every morning.
  36. The train speeded up as it approached the next station.
  37. To speed up the learning process, she used various study techniques.
  38. The horse speeds across the field during the race.
  39. He speeds through all the red lights on his way home.
  40. The concert speeded up the crowd's excitement.
  41. She needs to speed up her delivery for the project to be successful.
  42. The wind speeds through the trees, rustling the leaves.
  43. The children speeds down the slide at the playground.
  44. The application process can be speeded with the right documents.
  45. They speed toward their goals with determination.
  46. The photographer speed captured the fleeting moment.
  47. He speeds through his workout to get to work on time.
  48. The new policy will speed up the approval process.
  49. The game speeded up as the clock ticked down.
  50. She speeds through her chores so she can relax later.
  51. The horse speeded ahead of the others in the race.
  52. The mechanic worked to speed up the car's performance.
  53. The festival speeded up the tourism in the area.
  54. The student speeds through the exam with confidence.
  55. The windstorm speeded through the town, causing damage.
  56. To speed the task, they divided it among several team members.
  57. He speeds to the finish line, eager to win.
  58. The children speed through the park on their scooters.
  59. The new app is designed to speed up the workflow.
  60. She speeds to finish her project before the weekend.
  61. The train speeded away from the station, leaving passengers behind.
  62. They will need to speed up their efforts to meet the deadline.
  63. The storm speeded through the city, leaving destruction in its wake.
  64. He decided to speed through the traffic to make it home.
  65. The software update promises to speed up processing times.
  66. The crowd speeds toward the concert stage as the show begins.
  67. He speeds through his morning coffee before heading out.
  68. The racecar speeded around the track, impressing the spectators.
  69. To speed the healing process, follow the doctor's advice.
  70. The students speed through their final exams with ease.
  71. The river speeded its flow after the heavy rains.
  72. The new highway will speed up travel times significantly.
  73. She speeded past the other runners in the marathon.
  74. The project’s timeline was speeded up due to funding.
  75. He speeds to complete his assignments ahead of schedule.
  76. The news speeded through social media like wildfire.
  77. They speed their way through the crowd to get to the front.
  78. The car speeded around the corner, narrowly missing the curb.
  79. To speed up the process, use a faster internet connection.
  80. The kids speeded down the hill on their sleds, laughing.
  81. She speeds to finish her work so she can enjoy the weekend.
  82. The jet speeded across the sky, leaving a trail of vapor.
  83. The team worked hard to speed up the project completion.
  84. The meeting was speeded up by the urgent agenda.
  85. He speeds through the traffic, hoping to avoid delays.
  86. The dog speeded after the frisbee thrown by its owner.
  87. The gardener worked to speed up the growth of the plants.
  88. The athlete speeded through the obstacle course with agility.
  89. The new system will speed up customer service responses.
  90. She speeds through her emails every morning.
  91. The river speeded through the gorge, creating rapids.
  92. The coach encouraged the players to speed up their drills.
  93. The children speeded toward the ice cream truck.
  94. The technician worked to speed up the repairs.
  95. He speeds along the path, enjoying the fresh air.
  96. The movie's pacing speeded up during the climax.
  97. The new policies speed up the adoption of green technologies.
  98. She speeded through the presentation, impressing everyone.
  99. The car speeds past the slower vehicles on the road.
  100. To speed up your recovery, make sure to rest adequately.