100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "spoil"


The verb spoil means to damage or ruin something, rendering it unusable or less enjoyable. It can also refer to the act of pampering someone excessively, leading to detrimental behavior.


  • Ruin
  • Damage
  • Destroy
  • Rot
  • Decay
  • Mar
  • Harm
  • Degrade
  • Mess up
  • Deteriorate


  • Preserve
  • Protect
  • Improve
  • Enhance
  • Save
  • Mend
  • Repair
  • Benefit
  • Enrich
  • Restore


  1. Don't leave the milk out too long, or it will spoil.
  2. The surprise party was spoiled when she found out about it.
  3. If you spoil your dinner with snacks, you won't be hungry for the main course.
  4. The rain might spoil our picnic plans.
  5. He tends to spoil his children with too many gifts.
  6. The fruit will spoil if not refrigerated.
  7. She was worried that the movie would be spoiled by bad reviews.
  8. Overcooking the vegetables will spoil their taste and texture.
  9. He felt that too much praise could spoil a child's character.
  10. The chemicals in the air can spoil the freshness of the paint.
  11. If you don't use the leftovers soon, they will spoil.
  12. Don't let negative comments spoil your day.
  13. The unexpected news didn't spoil her excitement for the event.
  14. I forgot to put the groceries away, and now the meat has spoiled.
  15. She was afraid that her secret would be spoiled by someone blabbing.
  16. His tendency to spoil every surprise made it hard to plan events.
  17. The harsh weather conditions can easily spoil the crops.
  18. A few mistakes shouldn’t spoil your overall performance.
  19. The toddler’s tantrum spoiled the family outing.
  20. If you spoil your appetite, you won't enjoy dessert later.
  21. The rain could spoil the outdoor concert.
  22. He tried not to spoil his kids by giving them everything they wanted.
  23. The film's ending was spoiled for me by a friend.
  24. Leaving the door open might spoil the air conditioning.
  25. She didn't want to spoil the surprise by being too secretive.
  26. Overwatering the plants will spoil their roots.
  27. The chef warned that leaving the soup on too long would spoil it.
  28. I hope the traffic doesn't spoil our plans for the beach.
  29. His constant interruptions spoiled the flow of the conversation.
  30. The kids were spoiled by their grandparents' indulgence.
  31. Don't let one bad experience spoil your love for the hobby.
  32. The party was almost spoiled by the unexpected rain.
  33. She regretted eating so many sweets because they spoiled her lunch.
  34. The team worked hard to ensure their efforts were not spoiled by mistakes.
  35. His behavior during the trip spoiled the mood for everyone.
  36. The scent of the flowers can easily spoil in the heat.
  37. I don't want to spoil the surprise; just trust me!
  38. She felt guilty for having spoiled her friend's big reveal.
  39. The milk had spoiled, so I had to throw it away.
  40. A little patience can prevent you from spoiling a good opportunity.
  41. The storm spoiled our plans for a weekend getaway.
  42. If you are too lenient, you might spoil your child's discipline.
  43. The actor's reputation was spoiled by a scandal.
  44. His attempts to help only spoiled the project further.
  45. She knew that sharing her ideas might spoil her chance to present first.
  46. A small mistake shouldn’t spoil your confidence before the exam.
  47. The food was left out too long and had spoiled by the time we got to it.
  48. The children were spoiled with too many toys for Christmas.
  49. Don't let the rain spoil your enjoyment of the festival.
  50. The surprise was nearly spoiled by an accidental message.
  51. He tried to spoil the fun by complaining about the noise.
  52. The freshness of the ingredients can easily be spoiled by poor storage.
  53. Her excitement was spoiled when she realized she had forgotten her ticket.
  54. The leftovers had begun to spoil, and I had to throw them out.
  55. Don't spoil the ending; I want to watch the movie first!
  56. He was determined not to spoil the event with his negativity.
  57. She feared that the bad weather would spoil the wedding plans.
  58. Too much sugar can spoil the flavor of a savory dish.
  59. He often spoils himself with extravagant gifts.
  60. The surprise was spoiled when someone let it slip early.
  61. If you leave the door open, the cool air will spoil.
  62. The hot sun can quickly spoil any outdoor plans.
  63. His rudeness spoiled what could have been a great conversation.
  64. The kids were so spoiled that they expected everything to be handed to them.
  65. Don’t let a small issue spoil your day.
  66. The cake was left out too long and had started to spoil.
  67. I didn't mean to spoil the movie for you; I was just excited!
  68. The gardener warned that frost could spoil the blossoms.
  69. She was afraid her comments might spoil the mood at dinner.
  70. The food might spoil if we don't eat it soon.
  71. His critical remarks spoiled her enjoyment of the performance.
  72. The kids had spoiled the surprise party by talking too much.
  73. Leaving it in the sun will spoil the paint job.
  74. His bad attitude spoiled the fun for everyone.
  75. I don't want to spoil your fun, but we need to leave soon.
  76. The excitement of the trip was spoiled by the long delays.
  77. A little rain won’t spoil the picnic; we’ll just move under the trees.
  78. Too many rules can spoil the creativity of children.
  79. The sandwich had spoiled after being left in the car all day.
  80. She made sure not to spoil the surprise by revealing any details.
  81. The unexpected incident nearly spoiled the ceremony.
  82. I tried not to spoil the moment by worrying about the details.
  83. He was spoiled by his parents, who gave him everything he wanted.
  84. Don’t spoil the fun by arguing over trivial matters.
  85. The dish was spoiled because it was left out too long.
  86. She was careful not to spoil the ending of the book for her friend.
  87. His complaints about the service spoiled the dining experience.
  88. The kids can spoil their appetite by snacking too much.
  89. The beautiful view was spoiled by the construction site.
  90. She felt that the negative feedback would spoil her chances.
  91. The fruit was starting to spoil, so I made a smoothie.
  92. He worked hard to ensure that nothing would spoil the celebration.
  93. The news of the cancellation spoiled everyone's excitement.
  94. If you’re not careful, you can easily spoil a good friendship.
  95. The dog was spoiled with treats and toys from the family.
  96. The garden was neglected and had begun to spoil.
  97. She was worried that her enthusiasm would spoil the surprise.
  98. The leftovers were spoiled after being forgotten in the fridge.
  99. The beautiful day was spoiled by the sudden storm.
  100. His tendency to spoil every surprise made planning difficult.