100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "strew"
Strew (verb): To scatter or spread things untidily over an area; to throw or let fall things in various directions.
- Scatter
- Disperse
- Sprinkle
- Spread
- Disseminate
- Toss
- Distribute
- Sows
- Gather
- Collect
- Assemble
- Clump
- Concentrate
- The children strew toys all over the floor after playing.
- She decided to strew flowers along the path for the wedding.
- In the morning, the wind strew leaves across the yard.
- The artist strew paint across the canvas in a chaotic manner.
- As he walked, he would strew breadcrumbs to find his way back.
- The gardener strew seeds in the freshly tilled soil.
- The festival organizers strew confetti everywhere to celebrate.
- She strew her notes around her desk while studying.
- The wind strew sand across the beach after the storm.
- He strew his clothes on the bed in a hurry to pack for the trip.
- The children strew their backpacks on the floor when they got home.
- During the parade, they would strew flowers from the floats.
- The author strew metaphors throughout the poem to enhance its meaning.
- The team strew their gear all over the locker room.
- She would often strew breadcrumbs to attract birds in her garden.
- As the celebration began, they strew balloons everywhere.
- The baker strew powdered sugar on top of the pastries.
- He strew his thoughts on paper as he brainstormed ideas.
- The kids strew the puzzle pieces across the table.
- The chef strew herbs over the dish for added flavor.
- The volunteers strew blankets over the sleeping bags at the shelter.
- The festival's participants strew colorful ribbons throughout the venue.
- She would strew her jewelry across the dresser carelessly.
- The wind strew debris from the construction site onto the street.
- The teacher asked the students to strew their suggestions on the board.
- They strew candles across the tables for the dinner party.
- She strew her makeup on the bathroom counter after getting ready.
- The gardener strew mulch around the plants to retain moisture.
- The pet owner would strew pet treats around the yard for fun.
- During the event, they strew flyers all over the community center.
- The kids strew their candy wrappers all over the park.
- He would often strew reminders on sticky notes around the house.
- The artist would strew colorful paints to create a vibrant mural.
- She strew her essays around the room while trying to organize them.
- They strew decorations around the house for the holiday.
- The bird watcher strew seeds to attract various species.
- She would strew her thoughts in her journal each night.
- The director strew clues throughout the film to enhance the mystery.
- He strew his fishing gear across the dock before setting out.
- The florist strew petals on the aisle for the ceremony.
- The children strew colored chalk across the pavement.
- They strew their toys in the backyard for an outdoor playdate.
- The writer strew fictional characters with diverse backgrounds.
- The coach strew motivational quotes in the locker room.
- She would strew her library books around the house while reading.
- The children strew their drawings on the fridge for display.
- The artist strew brushes and paints on the studio floor.
- The family strew their clothes around the campsite.
- The volunteers strew food packages during the charity event.
- At the party, they would strew streamers from the ceiling.
- The storyteller strew tales of adventure throughout the evening.
- The kids strew their art supplies across the table.
- The chef would strew spices to create a unique flavor blend.
- They strew their travel souvenirs on the shelf for decoration.
- The dog owner strew toys in the yard for his pet to find.
- She would strew her thoughts onto social media for feedback.
- The gardener strew fertilizer across the flower beds.
- He strew his ideas on a whiteboard during the meeting.
- The performers strew their costumes around the dressing room.
- The kids strew their lunch leftovers on the picnic blanket.
- The artist strew glitter on the canvas for a dazzling effect.
- She strew her scarves around her closet to find the right one.
- The teacher strew examples around the classroom for inspiration.
- They strew shells along the shoreline for tourists to collect.
- The party planners strew lights around the venue for ambiance.
- The children strew their crayons and markers everywhere.
- The gardener strew wildflower seeds in the meadow.
- He would strew his thoughts in a blog post each week.
- She strew her shoes around the house in a rush to leave.
- The kids strew their drawings on the living room floor.
- The artist strew brush strokes across the canvas with abandon.
- The volunteers strew pamphlets during the outreach program.
- She would strew her collection of postcards around the table.
- The gardener strew compost to enrich the soil in the garden.
- He strew his memories in a scrapbook for safekeeping.
- The children strew their favorite books around the reading corner.
- The baker strew chocolate chips on top of the cookies.
- They strew colorful balloons for the birthday celebration.
- She strew her thoughts on a forum for discussion.
- The volunteers strew care packages to those in need.
- The artist strew colors in a vibrant display of creativity.
- The kids strew their toys in the toy room.
- He strew his workout gear around the gym.
- She would strew herbs in her cooking for added flavor.
- The teacher strew educational materials around the classroom.
- They strew decorations on the tree for the holiday.
- The gardener strew mulch around the plants to suppress weeds.
- The children strew their art projects on the display board.
- The writer strew inspiration in every chapter of her book.
- The volunteers strew kindness throughout the community.
- She strew her thoughts in a diary to reflect later.
- The artist strew inspiration from nature in his work.
- The kids strew their costumes on the floor after the show.
- He strew notes around his workspace for organization.
- The family strew their picnic items across the blanket.
- The party planners strew glitter on the tables for sparkle.
- She would strew her jewelry on the dresser for easy access.
- The gardener strew decorative stones around the flower beds.
- The volunteers strew love and support to the community.
- The artist strew shadows and light in his painting for effect.