100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "supplicate"


Supplicate is a verb that means to ask for something earnestly or humbly, often in a desperate or sincere manner. It typically involves a plea or a request made to a deity, authority figure, or someone in a position of power.


  • Beg
  • Plead
  • Implore
  • Beseech
  • Entreat
  • Pray
  • Request
  • Petition


  • Refuse
  • Decline
  • Deny
  • Ignore
  • Reject
  • Command
  • Insist


  1. She decided to supplicate the committee for a chance to present her project.
  2. In times of crisis, many people supplicate for guidance from their spiritual leaders.
  3. The child knelt down to supplicate his parents for a new toy.
  4. He supplicated for mercy after realizing the gravity of his mistakes.
  5. The villagers supplicated the gods for rain during the long drought.
  6. As the deadline approached, she began to supplicate her boss for an extension.
  7. The student supplicated the teacher for a second chance on the exam.
  8. They supplicated the council to reconsider their decision about the park.
  9. In her prayers, she often supplicates for the well-being of her family.
  10. The athlete supplicated the referee after receiving a penalty.
  11. During the meeting, he supplicated for support from his colleagues.
  12. The homeless man supplicated for food at the busy intersection.
  13. She supplicated her friend to help her move to a new apartment.
  14. He supplicated for forgiveness after his harsh words.
  15. The young politician supplicated the public for their votes.
  16. They supplicated the judge for leniency during sentencing.
  17. The artist supplicated for funds to complete her latest project.
  18. He supplicated the landlord to lower the rent for the upcoming year.
  19. The scientist supplicated for more funding to continue her research.
  20. She supplicated her mentor for advice on her career path.
  21. The crowd supplicated for an encore after the concert ended.
  22. He supplicated his parents to allow him to go on the trip.
  23. The author supplicated the publisher to consider her manuscript.
  24. They supplicated their leaders to take action on climate change.
  25. The child supplicated to stay up late on his birthday.
  26. She supplicated her partner to understand her feelings.
  27. The employee supplicated for a raise after years of hard work.
  28. He supplicated his friends to join him in the charity run.
  29. The soldier supplicated for a safe return home.
  30. The widow supplicated for help from her community after the loss.
  31. The teacher supplicated the parents to help with the school event.
  32. She supplicated the judge to consider her circumstances.
  33. They supplicated the government for aid after the disaster.
  34. The fan supplicated the band to sign his album.
  35. He supplicated for a chance to prove his worth.
  36. The mentor supplicated his protégé to take the opportunity.
  37. She supplicated her doctor for a second opinion.
  38. The community supplicated for resources to combat the crisis.
  39. He supplicated the audience to give him a moment to gather himself.
  40. The mentor supplicated for patience as she trained her apprentice.
  41. The family supplicated for assistance during the difficult times.
  42. She supplicated the council to support the local arts.
  43. The survivor supplicated for a voice for the voiceless.
  44. He supplicated the universe for clarity in his decisions.
  45. The student supplicated for an opportunity to study abroad.
  46. She supplicated her followers for help with her charity project.
  47. The team supplicated their coach for a different strategy.
  48. He supplicated the audience to hear his story.
  49. The child supplicated for a puppy for his birthday.
  50. The mother supplicated the school for more resources for her child.
  51. The artist supplicated the gallery to display her work.
  52. He supplicated for a miracle to change his fortune.
  53. The workers supplicated management for better conditions.
  54. She supplicated her partner to listen to her concerns.
  55. The athlete supplicated for a chance to compete in the finals.
  56. He supplicated his friends to help him with his move.
  57. The scientist supplicated the board for approval of the experiment.
  58. She supplicated the judge for a compassionate ruling.
  59. The child supplicated for a bedtime story.
  60. The community leader supplicated for unity among residents.
  61. He supplicated the team to hold a meeting to discuss changes.
  62. The volunteer supplicated for more participants in the event.
  63. She supplicated her partner to understand her perspective.
  64. The activist supplicated the government to acknowledge the issue.
  65. He supplicated the organization for a chance to volunteer.
  66. The writer supplicated for feedback on her manuscript.
  67. The couple supplicated their families for support during the wedding planning.
  68. She supplicated the coach for more playing time.
  69. The researcher supplicated the committee for a grant.
  70. The child supplicated for a bicycle for Christmas.
  71. The musician supplicated the crowd for their energy during the show.
  72. He supplicated his colleagues to consider his proposal.
  73. The student supplicated for an extension on the project.
  74. She supplicated her friends to join her in the fundraising event.
  75. The employee supplicated for recognition of his hard work.
  76. The parent supplicated the school for better resources.
  77. The artist supplicated for a chance to showcase her talent.
  78. He supplicated the community for support in his campaign.
  79. The young girl supplicated her mother for a new dress.
  80. The charity supplicated for donations to help the needy.
  81. The witness supplicated the court for protection.
  82. He supplicated the manager for a transfer to another department.
  83. The volunteer supplicated for more help at the shelter.
  84. She supplicated her coach to let her try out for the team.
  85. The group supplicated for understanding during their protests.
  86. He supplicated the officer for leniency during the traffic stop.
  87. The children supplicated their parents for a trip to the amusement park.
  88. The scientist supplicated for collaboration on the research.
  89. She supplicated her friends to support her new venture.
  90. The student supplicated the librarian for access to rare books.
  91. The team supplicated the sponsor for additional funding.
  92. He supplicated his mentor for advice on the next steps.
  93. The community supplicated for respect and recognition.
  94. The teacher supplicated the school board for more resources.
  95. The mother supplicated for understanding during her struggles.
  96. The athlete supplicated for a fair chance in the competition.
  97. The survivor supplicated for acknowledgment of their experience.
  98. He supplicated the crowd for their support during the performance.
  99. The student supplicated the principal for a meeting to discuss issues.
  100. The artist supplicated for a platform to share her work with the world.