100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "swoon"


Swoon (verb): To faint or lose consciousness, often due to overwhelming emotion such as love, excitement, or distress. It can also refer to a state of being enraptured or entranced.


  • Faint
  • Collapse
  • Pass out
  • Become ecstatic
  • Be entranced
  • Be enchanted
  • Be infatuated


  • Remain conscious
  • Stay alert
  • Be unaffected
  • Resist


  1. The crowd began to swoon as the celebrity walked onto the stage.
  2. She couldn't help but swoon at the sight of the beautiful sunset.
  3. He would often swoon over romantic poetry.
  4. The fans started to swoon when their favorite band began to play.
  5. She felt herself swoon as he whispered sweet nothings in her ear.
  6. Many people swoon at the thought of a perfect vacation.
  7. It’s not uncommon for young girls to swoon over handsome actors.
  8. I could almost swoon from the delicious smell of baking cookies.
  9. The romantic scene in the movie made her swoon in her seat.
  10. When he proposed, she nearly swooned from joy.
  11. The mere mention of his name made her swoon with delight.
  12. Watching the fireworks, the children began to swoon with excitement.
  13. She felt herself swoon as he leaned closer to kiss her.
  14. The touching story made the audience swoon with emotion.
  15. He could see her about to swoon from the overwhelming surprise party.
  16. The beauty of the artwork made everyone in the gallery swoon.
  17. Fans often swoon when they meet their idols in person.
  18. The romantic gesture made her swoon with happiness.
  19. The heat of the moment caused him to swoon in disbelief.
  20. Just the thought of him could make her swoon.
  21. She would swoon at the sight of a cute puppy.
  22. Many people swoon over the idea of a fairy tale wedding.
  23. He watched her swoon as she read his heartfelt letter.
  24. The concert was so amazing that even the toughest critics began to swoon.
  25. She felt herself swoon when he sang her favorite song.
  26. The breathtaking view from the mountain made her swoon.
  27. The overwhelming joy of the reunion made him swoon.
  28. It was a moment that caused her to swoon in disbelief.
  29. The sweet taste of the dessert made her swoon with pleasure.
  30. People often swoon over the classic beauty of old films.
  31. The passionate kiss made her head spin and nearly swoon.
  32. He tried to maintain his composure, but she made him swoon.
  33. The surprise visit made her swoon with excitement.
  34. The character's charm made readers swoon with admiration.
  35. The sweet serenade caused her to swoon with affection.
  36. The romantic setting made everyone in the room swoon.
  37. He could see the fans swoon as he signed autographs.
  38. The unexpected compliment made her swoon.
  39. The dazzling performance made the audience swoon with delight.
  40. She was known to swoon over anything related to her favorite book series.
  41. The heartfelt speech made the crowd swoon.
  42. The taste of the rich chocolate made her nearly swoon.
  43. Watching the couple dance made her swoon with envy.
  44. The delicate flowers made her swoon with joy.
  45. The sweet melody made the listeners swoon.
  46. She would often swoon at the thought of traveling the world.
  47. His charm seemed to make everyone around him swoon.
  48. The breathtaking performance was enough to make anyone swoon.
  49. She almost swooned when he took her hand.
  50. The romantic plot twist made the audience collectively swoon.
  51. The story had so many heartwarming moments that it made her swoon.
  52. The aroma of fresh coffee made him swoon in the morning.
  53. He couldn’t help but swoon over her beautiful smile.
  54. She felt herself about to swoon from the excitement of the event.
  55. The charming prince made the princess swoon.
  56. The surprise party made her swoon with happiness.
  57. The heartfelt moment caused him to nearly swoon.
  58. She would often swoon when she saw her favorite actor on screen.
  59. The moment he walked in, she felt herself swoon.
  60. The lovely poem made her swoon with emotion.
  61. He watched the children swoon over the magician's tricks.
  62. The beautiful song made her heart swoon.
  63. The classic love story always made her swoon.
  64. The actor's performance was so moving that the audience began to swoon.
  65. The artist's talent made the critics swoon in admiration.
  66. The gentle rain added to the romantic atmosphere, making her swoon.
  67. The unexpected compliment caused her to swoon with joy.
  68. The elegant design made everyone swoon at the fashion show.
  69. The breathtaking scenery made him swoon with awe.
  70. The sweet gesture from her friend made her swoon.
  71. The heartwarming reunion made them all swoon.
  72. The tender moment made her heart swoon.
  73. He tried to resist but couldn't help but swoon at her beauty.
  74. The sweet gesture caught her off guard, making her swoon.
  75. The classic romance film always made her swoon.
  76. The excitement of the surprise made him swoon.
  77. The romantic dinner made them both swoon.
  78. The heartfelt letter caused her to swoon.
  79. The magical moment made everyone in the room swoon.
  80. The beauty of the performance made her nearly swoon.
  81. The sweet sound of laughter made him swoon with happiness.
  82. The enchanting scenery made her swoon.
  83. The surprise gift made her swoon with joy.
  84. The beautiful melody made him swoon with emotion.
  85. The touching reunion made her swoon with happiness.
  86. The unexpected kiss made her nearly swoon.
  87. The charming story made him swoon with admiration.
  88. The romantic picnic made them both swoon.
  89. The heartfelt compliment made her swoon.
  90. The powerful performance made the audience swoon.
  91. The lovely day made her heart swoon.
  92. The sweet fragrance made him swoon.
  93. The touching finale caused the crowd to swoon.
  94. The beauty of the flowers made her swoon.
  95. The surprise announcement made the crowd swoon with excitement.
  96. The exciting news made her swoon with joy.
  97. The heartwarming story made them all swoon.
  98. The spontaneous adventure made her swoon with joy.
  99. The beautiful evening made them swoon with romance.
  100. The kind gesture made her swoon with appreciation.