100 Examples of sentences containing the verb "swoosh"


Swoosh (verb): To move swiftly through the air with a rushing sound, often characterized by a smooth, sweeping motion. It can also refer to the sound produced during such movement.


  • Whoosh
  • Swish
  • Rush
  • Sweep
  • Glide
  • Fly


  • Stagnate
  • Halt
  • Stop
  • Remain
  • Linger


  1. The basketball swoosh through the net as it was perfectly shot.
  2. I could hear the sound of the wind swoosh as the storm approached.
  3. She watched the leaves swoosh around in the autumn breeze.
  4. The arrow swoosh past the target with incredible speed.
  5. As the car sped by, it made a loud swoosh sound.
  6. The dolphin swoosh out of the water, performing an impressive leap.
  7. He felt the air swoosh past him as he rode his bike downhill.
  8. With a flick of her wrist, the paintbrush swoosh across the canvas.
  9. The player made a smooth swoosh as he executed a perfect layup.
  10. The flag swoosh in the wind, displaying its vibrant colors.
  11. I could hear the sound of the curtain swoosh as it was drawn back.
  12. The frisbee swoosh through the air and landed perfectly in my friend's hands.
  13. The rocket swoosh into the sky, leaving a trail of smoke behind.
  14. The sound of the waves swoosh against the rocks was calming.
  15. The skater swoosh past me with incredible speed.
  16. She made a swoosh noise as she swung her arm to hit the ball.
  17. The eagle swoosh down from the sky, capturing its prey.
  18. As the train approached, I could hear its wheels swoosh on the tracks.
  19. The ice skater made a graceful swoosh across the rink.
  20. He could barely hear her voice over the swoosh of the crowd.
  21. The wind swoosh through the trees, creating a haunting melody.
  22. The basketball player's shot was followed by a satisfying swoosh.
  23. The helicopter swoosh overhead, creating a gust of wind around us.
  24. The athlete swoosh past his competitors to win the race.
  25. As she swung her bat, the ball made a loud swoosh sound.
  26. The dog swoosh through the tall grass, chasing after a butterfly.
  27. With a quick movement, the magician made the card swoosh away.
  28. The leaf blower made a strong swoosh sound as it cleared the yard.
  29. The sound of the skateboard wheels swoosh on the pavement was exhilarating.
  30. The rocket's engines swoosh as it prepared for launch.
  31. The water swoosh against the sides of the boat as we rowed.
  32. The player celebrated with a swoosh after scoring the winning goal.
  33. She felt a rush of excitement as the roller coaster swoosh down the tracks.
  34. The cat swoosh through the tall grass, stalking its prey.
  35. I watched the paper airplane swoosh through the air before landing.
  36. The sound of the bell swoosh through the hall, signaling the end of class.
  37. The kite swoosh high in the sky, dancing with the wind.
  38. He made a swoosh with his hand, indicating to the waiter to bring the bill.
  39. The wind swoosh through the open window, filling the room with fresh air.
  40. The sound of her skirt swoosh as she walked caught everyone's attention.
  41. The fish swoosh out of the water, creating ripples in the lake.
  42. She could hear the swoosh of the basketball as it went through the hoop.
  43. The leaves swoosh around her feet as she walked through the park.
  44. He felt the cool air swoosh past him as he jumped off the diving board.
  45. The sprinter swoosh past the finish line, breaking the record.
  46. The sound of the vacuum cleaner made a loud swoosh as it turned on.
  47. The paint swoosh across the wall, transforming the room.
  48. I could see the plane swoosh overhead on its way to the airport.
  49. The skateboarder did a trick and then made a loud swoosh sound.
  50. The sound of the pages turning made a gentle swoosh in the quiet library.
  51. The basketball seemed to swoosh effortlessly into the hoop.
  52. The wind swoosh the flags at the stadium as the game began.
  53. He made a swoosh noise with his mouth to get the dog's attention.
  54. The basketball player's jersey swoosh as he ran down the court.
  55. The bird swoosh overhead, searching for its next meal.
  56. The swimmer made a big splash as he swoosh into the pool.
  57. The sound of the zipper swoosh as she closed her bag.
  58. The water slide's steep drop made me feel like I would swoosh into the water.
  59. The paper swoosh through the air before landing on the desk.
  60. The wind swoosh through the trees, making them sway gently.
  61. The sound of the basketball swoosh was music to his ears.
  62. The rocket's launch produced a powerful swoosh that echoed for miles.
  63. The cat's tail swoosh back and forth as she hunted.
  64. The sound of the basketball net swoosh after a three-pointer was exhilarating.
  65. The skateboard swoosh down the ramp, leaving a trail of dust behind.
  66. She felt the rush of air swoosh past her as she rode the roller coaster.
  67. The whisper of the wind swoosh through the canyon was eerie.
  68. He made a swoosh motion with his hand to signal for a drink.
  69. The sound of the fire swoosh as it crackled in the fireplace.
  70. The car's tires made a loud swoosh as it drove through the puddle.
  71. The athlete's shoes swoosh against the track as he sprinted.
  72. The sound of the ball swoosh was satisfying after a perfect shot.
  73. The wind swoosh around the corner, catching her scarf.
  74. The sound of the speeding bike swoosh past me on the road.
  75. The curtain swoosh closed, blocking out the sunlight.
  76. The sound of the waves swoosh against the shore was soothing.
  77. The bird's wings swoosh as it took off from the ground.
  78. The basketball player celebrated with a swoosh after his victory.
  79. The sound of the door swoosh open startled everyone in the room.
  80. The frisbee swoosh through the air, expertly thrown by my friend.
  81. The plane's engines swoosh as it prepared for takeoff.
  82. The athlete's smooth movements made it appear as if he could swoosh through the air.
  83. The wind swoosh through the canyon, creating a haunting sound.
  84. The sound of the basketball swoosh was a sweet reward for hard work.
  85. The kite swoosh and danced in the wind on a bright sunny day.
  86. The sound of the water swoosh as it flowed over the rocks was beautiful.
  87. The ice skater's graceful swoosh across the ice left everyone in awe.
  88. The sound of the wind swoosh through the trees was calming.
  89. He made a swoosh noise to mimic the sound of a racing car.
  90. The sound of the leaves swoosh underfoot announced her arrival.
  91. The paper airplane swoosh through the classroom before landing.
  92. The sound of the basketball swoosh was the highlight of the game.
  93. The wind swoosh through the open window, refreshing the room.
  94. The athlete's quick swoosh past his competitors shocked everyone.
  95. The sound of the water swoosh in the pool was inviting.
  96. The leaves swoosh as they fell from the trees in autumn.
  97. The runner made a swoosh sound as he crossed the finish line.
  98. The sound of the baseball bat swoosh was heard all around the field.
  99. The sound of the door swoosh open brought everyone’s attention to the entrance.
  100. The sound of the helicopter swoosh overhead was thrilling.